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@snailplane 私も今、もう一度見ています!^^
4 hours later…
Any physicists here?
Imagine two cups moving towards each other. Principle of relativity says that we won't know which is moving and which is stationary right?
If either one comes to a stop, we can conclude from the perspective of one cup, that the other cup has decelerated.
But now repeat this experiment with water in the cups.
The one that spills water upon stopping is the one that was moving
This seems to contradict the principle of relativity that it's the same for all reference frames, because only one of the two cups spilled water.
@Flaw Each cup is stationary in its own reference frame. Relativity says it's the same in all inertial reference frame; stuff will be different in accelerating reference frames.
Comes to a stop relative to what?
relative to the perspective I'm adopting
does this mean we need to know if a frame is nonaccelerating?
@Flaw What do you mean?
Because without that information, I seem to be missing a "truth"
If it is not known that a frame is nonaccelerating, can we still make meaningful conclusions?
@Flaw If you know what the frame of reference is, then you can just transform it into an inertial frame. If you don't know what it is, then stuff could be jumping around randomly.
I can simply say that I want a frame to be inertial?
Even though it may be accelerating in some way, I can set it to be zero?
And adjust everyone else accordingly I guess
3 hours later…
There was also a v popular soap opera on NHK this year, somewhat inspired by Always with the same female as lead called 梅ちゃん先生。Some would say it was cliched etc but it is also v interesting if you are familiar with Japanese society and post war history.
if you look on the internet, the program has a website and u-tube certainly has a few episiodes/clips
4 hours later…
japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/9830/… ここの、tbxi さんの、例文の日本語を、直そうと思うんですが、英語の意味がわからないので、できません。I thought I would correct the Japanese example sentences in tbxi-san's answer, but I don't know how, because I don't understand the English translations there.
2 hours later…
I don't understand his second or third sentences.
His first sentence is "I was the one who dropped 200 JPY."
(I could tease meaning out of those two sentences, but they're a little strange.)
I think "It was me who dropped 200 JPY" can be like...
/ (その)200円は、わたしが落としました. etc...
I don't understand the 2nd and 3rd sentences either.
6 hours later…
@snailplane 飛行機~?旅行かな~

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