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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

why is voting important?
@taylor well, it give people rep for one thing
it also means that the community is involved with the site
well, sorry, it shows that the community is involved
And it also shows what kind of questions we value over other ones
does it have any influence on the future of the site?
I've been voting, I've just never really thought about its importance to the site
maybe its time i finally take a look at the faqs lolz
I'm not sure about the votes themselves, but an active community definitely influences the future of the site
yeah okay
I just think it's kind of sad that there are questions with 80+ views and 3 votes
but isnt a up down voting system a little decisive for the average persons taste
the voting paradigm. isnt just up vote or down vote?
sorry im new to stack exchange
Oh, yes, it's just up or down
I think it could be sort of intimidating at first
Like I said, I used to vote sparingly
But I think if people were to think of it less as them passing some sort of judgement from on high, to see it more as "is this a valid question? Yes? Vote up", we'd get more votes from people
yeah exactly
maybe if you changed the arrow icon to something else
to make it less suggestive as a device for judging a persons post
well in any case, the tool tips helped me when i first discovered what the arrows are for
I think you can tell this system was set up by people who are used to thinking logically
u mean programmers lolz
find the most efficient way of doing something ==> do it that way
well it works if the only other people who use the feature are programmers too
Well, I think us laymen just have a higher learning curve to get used to, haha
the "accept answer" when i have to do it makes me a little uneasy too
if a better answer is provided sometime later than one that you have already accepted
Oh yeah, I feel the same way sometimes
than its like saying your answer is inferior and obsolete now
especially since there can be two answers that are totally great, and they both answer your question, but they bring something new to the table
yeah you bring up another good point there
but the great thing about this system is that just because there is one accepted answer, it doesn't invalidate the other answers, because you can still vote on them.
what invalidates an answer is if it's been downvoted
Q: You don't have to get a green check to be right, or to be helpful

Dave M GThis isn't a question, it's an appeal. Recently, I've noticed there has been a large increase in the number of good answers being put in the comments of questions, because people are overly cautious of putting forward an answer. And this is increasing even in spite of an existing post on meta t...

hhmm i'm guilty of this too
well at least when ive made obvious mistakes and been wrong about some things, i didnt really get negative feedback from ppl
That's good :)
what about up voting your own answers
is that uncouth
you can try it
it won't let you :(
oohh okay lolz
Evening, @Mechanicalsnail :)
yeah your right
i was wondering about that
I was just curious to see if it would let you one day
I wasn't trying to game the system or anything, haha
you cant down vote your own answers either
Oh, well that would make sense
would you say that most people who read the answers on this site know what a phoneme is
I dunno, but I only learned it by coming here
well i have the suspicious that ppl will generally understand what you mean if you say phoneme without explaning it
but dont know what allophones are
I also learned "mora" or whatever that word is
are u studying linguistics?
Just learning the language
sometimes an answer is apparent just by recognizing what linguistic thing the question corresponds to
like the phoneme, its invaluable for simple descriptions of pronunciation
i use it without reservation in my questions, but i worry that that makes it less accessible to the general publich
well, i guess it does
but then again, perhaps multiple answers each addressing different levels of detail is ideal
Yeah, I think so
one person answers with a technical description and some other person answers with a simplified but accurate description
Yeah :)
but only one answer can be accepted lolz
Yes, therein lies the rub
@taylor We should really add common linguistics terms to the FAQ (we could probably link to or incorporate the corresponding parts of Linguistics.SE's FAQ).
@Mechanicalsnail I second that motion
oh ive never look at the linguistics faqs
does it already have explanations of terms
yes good idea
ive tried multiple times to explain the phoneme within one paragraph
but i just cant do it justice
oh, well the phoneme is a useful pedagogical tool
even if it has already been superseded by a some better theories
1 hour later…
@taylor like a thumbs-up "Like" button?
@Mechanicalsnail I started working on a FAQ for linguistics terms here. There are some real stumbling blocks for Japanese though, since alot of linguistics terminology is surprisingly divisive among linguists. I'll try again as soon as work gets slightly more sane again.
@silvermaple Something like that... when you click the "share" button, your userid is incorporated into the link that it gives you. It counts the incoming hits provided by your link and gives you credit (in the form of those badges).
Oh, I see
I don't have twitter, but I have other things
I tend to redirect unanswered (or badly answered) questions on other Japanese forums
Heh... I never actually noticed this: blog.stackoverflow.com/2012/03/…
@jkerian haha, really?
I never read the blog post as to why it changed, it's kind of interesting
I suppose we could replace the up and down arrows with something less judgmental, like a thumbs up and a gavel (respectively)
@taylor Voting helps the site in a few ways: 1. People who get their contributions upvoted tend to be motivated to contribute again. (That doesn't mean you should upvote everything, but if a question is a good question or at least the author has put some thought into it, I generally give it an upvote. If an answer is clear and correct, I generally upvote that too.)
2. Voting grants reputation, reputation gives people privileges to help curate the site. This is a problem on some other sites, not enough people have the rep to close topics or edit tag information, for example.
3. Votes also help show off good content. Someone coming in from Google might not know how StackExchange works, but they'll see a bunch of numbers next to questions and answers, and higher numbers (for most people, I think) imply "better". High question votes help JLU readers spot potentially interesting or useful questions as well.
4. And of course, there's always the dark side of things. Downvotes are useful for helping people spot bad questions ("please translate this twitter feed for me") or incorrect answers. Remember, if someone edits their post to fix it after you downvote, you can change your vote (or at least remove the downvote). So it can be used to encourage people to improve their content if used wisely.
Though many people take downvotes personally, so be careful on how you apply them.
@Troyen I think the important thing to note here is that downvotes are (theoretically) supposed to come after pointing out why the question/answer isn't appropriate for our site
Andrew Stacey on April 22, 2012

(This is by Joseph Wright but he’s having difficulty logging in to the blog so I’m posting it for him.)

Voting is an important part of how StackExchange works. Voting for answers means that good answers are easier to identify, which is vital when you don’t know the best way to do something! Voting for questions is also important, as it helps to sort out the good questions from those that are less clear. When you are searching for help, what you want is to know that you are reading the right questions and getting the right answers. …

And yeah, those are all good reasons >^.^<
@Troyen I kinda wish you were notified when a post that you downvoted was edited
@silvermaple I got some pretty substantial pushback when I posted that chart a few months ago.
@jkerian Is it posted on the site?
not yet
@jkerian Post it on Meta so others can help fill it out?
The problem with FAQ articles like this, is that it's hard to redirect them if they head off in a disorganized direction
It actually was started, just never got very far
We should also give the Japanese translations, since some people like to use those.
The format basically needs to be: {japanese term-kanji w/furigana} - {english linguistics term} - {short example or description}
the trick is not so much in collecting them, as in categorizing them
There is are some huge battles being fought over how to categorize some of this stuff... apparently
Japanese can't even decide how to describe different levels of "formal" speech...
There's at least 3 different categorization methods
1 hour later…
@silvermaple I think that's a little excessive. Sometimes I see questions with no effort, not even an attempt to use proper grammar or punctuation in English. Not being a native speaker is one thing, but it's easy to tell the difference between someone who doesn't know English and someone who just didn't try. And in those cases, I'll downvote without a comment.
After all, the downvote description is "this question doesn't show any effort, is unclear, or not useful", which pretty much explains the downvote and invites less retaliation than posting "-1 because your question sucks"
On the other hand, downvoting an answer doesn't make much sense without explaining why an answer is wrong since the point is to get the right answer, but I don't have often enough knowledge to know right vs wrong on JLU anyway.
Though I can see that being a little spammy after tossing out lots of downvotes over time.
2 hours later…
@silvermaple That's an awfully convoluted path to downvote.. and the chart omits the path to "upvote because someone downvoted".
1 hour later…
@jkerian ありがとうございます、pint (パイント)ですね、どこかで聞いたことがあります。がんばって・・・飲んできます!^o^
6 hours later…
It's about 25:00 where I am. Heading to bed.
@gibbon I pretty strongly disagree with that activity... actually. Your decision to upvote/downvote should be completely independent of the current vote-tally.
@Troyen Oh, I don't suggest that you do every step for every question
But I know for a while there was a rash of random donwvotes that were being passed out to a lot of questions and answers.
By random I mean unexplained and not clear as to why they happened
1 hour later…
はろー エビ1
thats one hell of a flow chart for downvoting
i once notices a user getting several downvotes and nobody commented on why
then i told him/her why i thought they were getting downvoted
and he/she seemed quite appreciative of that
Oh nice :) if you don't know what you're doing wrong, how can you do it better?
that person seemed rather flustered about getting -3
i was wondering though
it seems like one could build up reputation by merely answering alot of questions and getting just one or two upvotes
There are basically three paths to reputation: answering quickly, answering thoroughly, or asking questions
yeah okay answering quickly
thats what i though
Note that answering quickly isn't really a bad thing... and probably helps with pulling in new users more than anything else, even if the answers aren't always the best.
the first answer is likely to be upvoted by the OP because it is the only answer at that time?
oh but u can look at peoples reputation history right
so you could tell if someone was a quantity or quality answerer
Or take it on a question by question basis
yeah... and long-term, the question is likely to get more answers (particularly if the original answer is a bit on the short side)
yeah that too
@jkerian I never said I approved of it. But it happens.
@gibbon The chart was an idealization, though :)
anyone here?
would it be morally reprehensible to ping each person who's sitting in here but MIA?
takes risk
i am here
oh hi
are you qualified to answer questions??
oh, i think "i am here" is a tautology lolz
i have a phd in question answering science
here's what i was wondering
the subject marker particle
why does this sentence need it: この いぬは わたしの です。
but this one doesn't:わたしの いぬ です。
what's the rule? what's the difference?
its a difference in phrase structure
go on...
I am also here
you are also welcome to answer my question!
uhm i never studied japanese grammar
@Aerovistae The second sentence omits something along the lines of これは ..
the first sentence means "This dog is mine."
ah, i do not know that word yet
which one?
これ - this
haha, no, "dog"
It means "this".. Is what I meant.
so does the omission これは also occur with a change in phrase structure?
it looks like it does
not quite
いぬ and わたし switched places
you're right, the second sentence does omit これは
so in a perfect world it should have been " わたしの いぬ これは です。"?
or do i have in the totally wrong order
no, wrong order
i really appreciate you writing that with kanji
いぬ is the predicate
I didn't know those kanji yet but i understand
oh, sorry for removing it then :P
that's the first time I've been able to read a kanji/kana sentence
very cool.
it's so much easier with kanji
nice! I remember that feeling
i think at some point it would be really really helpful to me if i could find something that wrote out things in both all kana and then with kana and kanji
anything come to mind?
but, the predicate always precedes the です
of course
@Aerovistae every textbook ever comes to mind. :)
For learning, that is.
well, in awhile
im still working through RTK atm
200 down, 1800 to go....
remembering the kanji....helpful book for learning basic meanings
the kanji for dream is my favorite so far
dream and winter
that's a good one
i really need to get whatever it is that lets you type in kanji/kana
do you use windows?
ive been copying/pasting what you've been saying to participate with this, lol
normally yes, but right now a mac
oh wow u gotta get an ime
it's easy in windows
just using it will help you learn
it's built in
yeah, windows is awesome, i know
but im stuck on this mac for the time being
i should just bite the bullet and google "typing in japanese on a mac"
I'm sure it's just as easy in Mac. I'm just not sure how to do it
but it just seems like such a chore
lol that was how I found out
you're welcome :P
its easier to do on mac then on windows
or it was when i did it about two years ago
i haven't been able to find a modern book on japanese grammar
what are ainu
What do you mean, @taylor?
i knew
nvm wiki'd it
thanks very much @phoenixheart6 I'm working on it now
no problem
a grammar reference of japanese for people doing linguist stuff
japanese uses traditional chinese, right?
not simplified chinese?
don't do Chinese at all
well obviously there's about a trillion books on grammar
Oh linguist stuff.. I know none of that.
but they aren't ever detailed enough for linguistic applications
so i dunno
@Aerovistae Hanzi was simplified in China long after they were adopted as Kanji in Japan.
so how come i can recognize so many of the chinese characters now?
all the ones i've learned so far, i see a lot of them, unchanged
most of them are unchanged, but a lot of them have a different meaning between languages
so even if you recognize it from Chinese, don't assume it has the same meaning
historically japanese borrowed the chinese characters
@Aerovistae In general, you probably don't want to ping people unless you are signing off soon. Just type, we'll see it next time we log in. (quite a number of us idle in here with the sound notifications turned on as well)
ie, don't ping people unless you're leaving them a message
if anyone was ever thinking about buying the IPA handbook, don't
its a waste of money
i bought it to so i could look at the "official" recommendation for japanese transcription
only to realize that the Internation Phonetic Associate doesn't recommend anything
they just maintain a character alphabet
in remaining neutral to any language or phonological theory, their "illustrations of the alphabet for common languages" are deliberately vague
oh i love this trackpad writing thing
this is exciting
random characters.
i dont suppose that means anything
night-day, lol?
according to Rikaichan, it means "evening sun"
Evening sun? :p
you could devise separate and contradictory transcription systems that are still consistent with the principles of the IPA
hmm well i guess that can be a good or bad thing
"truth lies in the union of opposites"
oh shoot i still keep forgetting rikaichan
this is hard to get used to.
it really is
it got me through my study abroad program
ive never used rikaichan
get it!
very helpful.
ahh too lazy lolz
i dont look at japanese websites anyways
it's like drowning and suddenly finding an underwater city. with air. lots of air.
acutally when im on my computer, i still use my electronic dictionary
alright, possibly not the best analogy, but it's really nice.
like bioshock?
rikaichan is a lot like bioshock.
yes i see the comparison now
I thought the underwater city analogy was quite perfect, actually
that's how it feels using it for the first time, at least
is there a rikaichan for pdf viewers
@taylor like.. this site?
thats what i need
well 日本語 sites
I think there's quite a lot of odd rikaichan ports.. Wouldn't be surprised if there was one for pdf as well.
not that I know of...
but when I'm really desperate...
well something like a rikaichan
I copy and paste the text, and email it to myself
that way the text ends up in the browser
hahaha thats so much work
I know. Like I said, desperate times lol
not a bad work around though
if you write this in a text file:
right click, open in firefox
i think that would work too
can't believe I didn't think of that
Probably wouldn't even need the markup actually..
yeah prolly not
hahaha nobody on SE doesn't know at least a little web dev or programming.
well...maybe the guys on philosophy.se
they should start making internet/programming classes mandatory in highschool
i agree thoroughly
it was in my school
well aren't you special
well maybe not mandatory
you are special.
well not programming, but typing lol
and using Microsoft Office and what not
that was an elective for me
that should be mandatory, in my opinion
"Secretarial Practices 101"
yea, pretty much
programming, on the other hand...not so much
unless it's a tech school
never done any?
or you just mean for other people
no, I'm a computer engineer :P
I mean it shouldn't be mandatory at the high school level
but should be offered as an elective, in my opinion
are they teaching java in highschool programming classes
i never took highschool programming
absolutely should be
@taylor many schools do
my school did
stupidly i never took it
thought id never program...
three years later...comp sci major...
Difference it would have made: none.
Come on, it's high school..
Might even have turned you off programming.
well when i first started i loved it
so i mightve gotten into it sooner and thus come in as a comp sci major
instead of a biomedical engineer who changed to comp sci after 2.5 years and had to cram the whole major into 3 semesters
were you really at that big a disadvantage when you entered comp sci though?
no, i was ahead of a lot of people, but there were also a lot of people way ahead of me
i mean there's people here writing whole operating systems from scratch
as freshmen...
i know one kid building and programming a 3D scanner
I've experienced that too. In fact, the guy who got really famous for hacking the iPhone was in my comp. sci. class lol
oh wow
get eclipsed.
yea, the first day of class he hacked everyone in the class's accounts
within the first 10 minutes of class, no less
that's kind of awesome...
how did you know he did that?
did he say so, or change something to show what had happened?
Because he was critiquing everyone's passwords lol
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

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