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ケンタロウさんは、ELL と Math と Philosophy のアカウントを (5年~6年前から使っていたものでしたが) 数か月前に削除しましたよね。いずれも数回、長期サスペンドされた後でした。
そのあと、今から4~5か月前に、 ELL と Math のアカウントを新しく再登録しましたね。
今は、Hisotry のアカウントが、一年のサスペンド中ですが、もうすぐサスペンドが終わります。
なので、日本語と History のアカウントも、サスペンドが終わったらアカウント削除しちゃうんじゃないかな、って言ってたんです。
@Chocolate From what I remember, Kentaro deleted his ELL account because of a dispute related to a post that spilled over to meta. It wasn't all Kentaro's fault
A user said some things that annoyed Kentaro.
Those things shouldn't have been said to anyone. Kentaro just didn't take it really well.
2 hours later…
最近また久しぶりに、あらゆる質問や回答にほぼ無差別ダウンボートしている人がいるようです。で voter ranking 見たらその Kentaro さんが急に1位にいますね…。

なお今の時点で彼の全期間の votes が 184 up / 129 down です(凄いダウンボート率…)。モデレータでなくてもこれとか本人の reps ちゃんと監視してれば状況証拠で相当なことは分かるのですが、まあ必要に応じて対処のほうをお願いします…。
Actually, this morning when I woke up to 3 downvotes on this site, and then I saw that meta post and another meta post on ELL, I realized what'd happened. Also some not-so-nice comments were left under some questions.
@naruto I don't know if it is a good thing that I think I know who そちら is. As a newly active member here, I don't know what happened in the past. I hope whatever happened will be put behind them. My biggest hope is for the site to prosper. Good questions and good answers and more native speakers and more linguists がどんどん来てくれますように!
@EddieKal そうですね、過去のことをひきずらないのはとても大事だと思います。…が、一応当事者なので注視だけはします
@naruto Agreed. Same goes for other SE sites. After a while on SE, I can't stomach sites like Quora that are fraught with plain wrong answers and misleading information
4 hours later…
japanese.stackexchange.com/q/84383/16104 I still didn’t accept this answer because given the History of the user who answered It, I’m not sure if I can trust it or not. I wonder if I should put a bounty on it, and how much would be acceptable.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@EddieKal Not to mention that Quora also has a bunch of strings attached when you create an account. It's just not a good experience generally.
For those interested, my wife had our second son this past week! Both mother and baby are home safe.
@ajsmart おめでとうございます!
Thank you!
1 hour later…
@naruto わざわざ答えてくださいありがとうございます!
@ajsmart congratulations! 🎉
@ajsmart Congratulations!
@ajsmart Congratulations!
3 hours later…
@ajsmart おめでとうございます!
@ajsmart, a belated congratulations!
@EddieKal, @naruto, @Chocolate, thank you for explaining the context and background. That's unfortunate. Given the apparent facts, I'm saddened but not in disagreement with the decision to block.
I'm also active over at Wiktionary, and the wiki format means there is more history and more discussions visible when things like this happen. Thankfully, such events are rare both there and here.
Separately, agreed re: 知恵袋, Quora, etc. Sometimes the ベストアンサー is ... just wrong, and it seems like there's no way of rectifying those. Ah, well -- that's partly why I'm here and not there. :)
@EiríkrÚtlendi "partly"? Not entirely? What's the whole story? :)
2 hours later…
Btw, I thought the product of yesterday's downvoting spree would've been reversed. But the three downvotes on my answers are still there. I know it could be someone other than Kentaro or even different people that cast the downvotes that were minutes apart. And just to make it clear I don't really mind them, because I myself acknowledge the flaws in my answers. And I am actually still hoping to improve one of them.
But just in case it was the same user that also downvoted a bunch of other posts, I am curious why some of the votes seem to have been reversed but not all. I remember seeing three questions downvoted yesterday with comments from Kentaro. Later when the comments were removed, the downvotes also disappeared with them.
It's been over 24 hours し

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