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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body (55): Translating European name into Kanji by Vil on japanese.SE
4 hours later…
Is the site getting increasingly flooded by poorly worded (usually elementary level) questions by new users, or am I just too jaded?
7 hours later…
Current newest question: https://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/84303/what-%e6%b0%b4%e3%82%92%e9%a3%b2%e3%81%be%e3%81%9b%e3%81%9f%e6%96%b9%e3%81%8c%e3%81%84%e3%81%84%e3%82%93%e3%81%98%e3%82%83%e3%81%aa%e3%81%84%e3%81%8b-means
2nd newest question: https://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/84296/what-is-the-meaning-of-these-two-donna-bangumi-ga-suki-and-donna-bangumi-o-miru
@Will My impression is that the level of elementary questions is quite stable
Random processes will of course produce time periods, where the number of questions is above average
But I also think that there are less and less new "canonical" questions, because most of them have been asked before
and people probably end up finding old questions, so it might become more and more likely that "localized" questions make it past the "Submit" button, whereas more general questions don't...
3 hours later…
@Earthliŋ Yeah I have seen some very thorough canonical answers posted years ago and they serve to answer a lot of new questions. On the other hand though, I also find some old questions lacking in research or seriousness, but they apparently were well-received back then.
It just seems like the bar was very low back in the day and many low-quality questions easily garnered 20+, 30+, or even more upvotes
In the early days of a SE site there is a lot of room for "building content", even with mediocre questions. Keeping the community alive and buzzing with interesting questions after all the obvious questions have been answered is more difficult I think
Like playing Monopoly — in the beginning it's fun for everyone
Anyway, I think we're doing quite well — there are still many interesting questions, but at this stage it's certainly quite different than the first months or years of a site
@Earthliŋ Haha that's an interesting way of looking at it.
In June it's the 10-year anniversary of the site
Yeah I agree. I am very glad that some people have been reliably providing very high quality answers.
Btw, since the chat room is busy today, there's something that's been bothering me for a while.
I've been thinking of posting on Meta, but haven't gotten around to it
Also I wasn't sure if meta is the way to go about it
A: How should I select what first-person pronoun to use?

nevan kingAre you a man? Are you a manly man? Use ore (俺). Are you a girly man? Use boku (僕). Are you being formal, unwilling to commit to 俺 or 僕, or just starting to learn Japanese? Use watashi (私). Are you a girl? Are you a girly girl? Use atashi (あたし). (This rule isn't as fixed as the male rule). Are ...

How do people feel about this answer? To be honest, I find it offensive
It is inaccurate and highly essentializing at best
It is very cisgender normative and hetero-centered
Negatively stereotypes a lot of gender roles
I agree — in 2011 sensitivity towards gender issues was not what it is today
And it is basically wrong. I know people who struggle with their gender identity and who have to struggle with stereotypes like this on a daily basis
So do you think it'd be better if I started a meta discussion?
hm... I think the gender discussion has become quite heated across the whole SE network
Yeah, that's also why I wasn't sure I wanted to start another debate here. But I do hope to see this answer removed...
I'm quite glad that at a community we have not had too much controversy on these issues
although I feel that most of us here support the cause
not sure what would be the best course of action
there is no "disputed" post notice
if this answer was posted now, it would probably be downvoted and heavily commented, and then amended by the post owner
Yeah, that's true.
I guess if the answer was flagged "rude or abusive", the moderators would discuss this and try to tone down the answer, since the user doesn't seem to be active now
but you could also edit the question to remove offensive parts — or first leave a comment and see if the post owner responds
If someone could read and post a summary of the paper I linked in the comments for japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/80220/…のほうがよく聞く that’d be awesome lol...
6 hours later…
@DariusJahandarie Would it get graded?

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