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really? I was looking forward to taking it here in Japan but I'm not sure if they're gonna cancel it or not as well
6 hours later…
We currently have two tags related to the concept of colour: [color] (5 questions) and [colours] (14 questions)
so there should be some tag merging waiting to be done
We usually use plural for tags, like [verbs], [nouns], etc. but here the tag should not be about different colours, but about the concept of colour, so I think my preferred tag would actually be [colour]
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
(Of course we can make tag synonyms, the question is just which of [color] [colour] [colors] [colours] to keep as the main tag.)
I like [colour]
3 hours later…
anybody else? =)
4 hours later…
Color is the more common spelling on our site, with 176 results versus only 46 for colour.
73 versus 20 for the plural version.
@snailcar I expected also the AE spelling to be more prominent, but I was surprised to see that [colours] was more often used than [color]. Any thoughts on singular vs. plural?
@Earthliŋ People just use whichever tag comes up first, most likely. The person who made the tag originally chose colours, and people stuck with it until someone typed in color and didn't see a tag, so they made a new one.
So even though people type color more often than colour on our site, they ended up using the colours tag because it was the only one that existed. And really, I don't think it's super important which spelling we use for the tag.
I'm in favor of plural, though.
So [colors] with three synonyms? (I think I changed my mind and think plural makes more sense...)
I think that'd be fine. Mind you, I don't think the specific choice is super important. I just think merging the tags and having the synonyms in place is a good idea.
OK, done =)
For tag issues, it seems to be the better strategy to take the initiative and actually do something (merging, renaming, etc.), rather than trying to start a discussion on meta, which will likely not be a discussion at all. So if anyone wants to talk about it again, we can discuss here in chat or on meta =)

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