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8:35 AM
Today one of the students in my japanese class here in Japan asked the teacher, what is the kanji for こんでいる? and she answered (wrote in the whiteboard) 混んでいる
When I asked her if it wasn't 込んでいる instead, she said "no" and re-afirmed it is 混んでいる。The 例文 was 「この店がこんでいる。」
But wherever I look for on the internet, it is saying that 込んでいる is the right answer for this case, I wonder if is there something I am missing?
2 hours later…
10:42 AM
@FelipeOliveira Most dictionaries will list it as 込む because that's the traditional answer, but I think it's usually 混む in popular usage today, and many dictionaries now list 混む as an alternative. A few more progressive dictionaries like 明鏡 and 集英社 put that meaning under 混む instead, reflecting modern usage. Also, こむ wasn't given as a reading for 混 on the original 常用漢字表; it was only added in the 2010 revision.
11:09 AM
Ohh that is super interesting @snailcar ! Do you think I should adopt 混んでいる when using the word then? Or is it a preference thing? Like when using the kanji or hiragana for 下さい
11:48 AM
@FelipeOliveira Well, I don't want to tell you what to do, but I think I'd probably write it the way your teacher suggests.
3:09 PM
@snailcar Thanks a lot!! It is very much appreciated!
3:46 PM
By the way, that data might look different if it were up-to-date with writing from 2020. Most of the subcorpora in BCCWJ go to 2005, with a few reaching as late as 2008, but all of them predate the change to the 常用漢字表 in 2010.
People already tended to use 混 before then, but some editors or publishers may have avoided it.
11:12 PM
Huh, I never knew that BCCWJ was so old / never updated
Are there any more recent corpora?

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