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@Chocolate やばい〜 何これ?((((;゚Д゚)))))))
5 hours later…
If you look at it in context, that — snailboat ♦ 8 hours ago
3 hours later…
Q: 「が」 meaning “or”

GlutexoI found this sentence in a game manual: 16回に1度、グリーンがブルーのかわりに出現。 Unfortunately I don’t understand why there is 「が」 used between the two color names. The sentence clearly means that this red candy appears every 16th time instead of a green or a blue one. Because of that I’d expect 「か」 instead. ...

If anyone has feedback on what we should do with this question, please feel free to ping me.
I closed it as a typo question, but we could reopen it if people think it should be open.
There is currently one comment which has been flagged as a comment-answer:
I think it's a typo of 「か」... A Green or Blue Candy will be replaced by a Red Candy on a random basis (1/16, or 6.25%) romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=16290.0 とか Green/Blue Candy. (1 in 16 chance that it will be a Red Candy instead.) gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/563392-bubble-bobble/42043259 とか書いてあるし・・・ — Chocolate 4 hours ago
I haven't deleted it, because I don't think there's a problem with answering off-topic questions in comments, and it seemed to be helpful. But if we want to reopen the question and consider it on-topic, then I think it should probably be deleted.
What should we do?
bubble bobble :D
I loved that game when I was little :-)
the music was genius
2 hours later…
@snailboat I think the question is whether it is a typo or not, and answering the question with a close vote seems a little silly/rude, so personally I’d keep it open.
1 hour later…
It doesn't seem at all rude to me. We close typo questions because we don't think they'll be of use to future users of the site, and I think that applies here. That said, I'm happy to reopen it and leave it to community votes, so the community can choose to keep it open.
I went ahead and removed the flagged comment and reopened it.
are onyomi readings understood by Chinese people?
Generally no. But after learning a large enough list, one could conceivably guess what the possible words are in Chinese by listening to the onyomi pronunciations.
@snailboat I think having your question closed implies it was a bad question / that you shouldn’t have submitted it. Even if that’s not what we want to convey with close votes I think it does get conveyed. I agree this question likely won’t be of use to future visitors, but so are many other questions that we don’t close...
I think the reason we actually close typo questions is because the typo invalidates the question, such that it’s not really answerable. This one remains answerable in the form of “yes this is a typo and this is why”.
Instead of a question being marked duplicate, can the content from a previously answered question be provided as an answer to the duplicated one?
That way, the question is open, and a discussion can take place.
the question/answer format of the main site does not support discussions well
Nice to see my question being talked about in the chat…
I understand.
If an answer from a previous question answers another question exactly, then one of them will be closed as a duplicate.
Usually the question that's asked later gets closed as the duplicate, but sometimes the newer question gets other high quality answers, or if the newer question was asked in a better way, then the older question may get closed instead.
I think the duplicate category should be eliminated and all questions should receive an answer. I search questions prior to submission.
simply post the discussion content as an answer in most cases.
Except that this is not a discussion forum. This is a question and answer forum
If the answer field is used for discussions, it will be rightly removed as "not an answer"
but the discussions do contain answers. I just want the discussion content posted as an answer
the answers posted in the discussion that refer back to a previously submitted question.
Post duplicated content to a duplicated question.
is this 「ものか」simillar to 「なんて」after verbs? or maybe 「わけない」?
Eg: 「僕はそんなことを話すなんて!」、「僕はそんなことを話せるわけないよ!」
@Flaw I have received an appropriate answer to my questions.
Note that the words are not interchangeable. As for what appears in anime and manga, you are going to encounter colloquialisms and slang. Occasionally you will have dialect show up, but that isn't necessarily slang (though it can be a lot of the time).
@ajsmart I have amended my question to reflect written not spoken.
Dialect is a set of words and phrases used in specific geographical areas. Okinawa is particularly famous for its dialect because a native from Tokyo may even have difficulty understanding what is said.
Both slang and dialect occur in written form.
I need chat practice
@JACK Wish I could, but now is not a good time for me to do that.
2 hours later…
「車に乗ろうとしている」The verb seems to be 乗る, but what form is this? Is this a て-form, or is it rather として ("as")?
2 hours later…
As I got in the car?
@digorydoo @JACK different gramar Jack, please both of you read guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/… "To attempt to do something"
basically it means "I'm trying to drive the car".
@FelipeOliveira, I read it as getting in.
you're thinking of として "as"
but this grammar is ようとする "To try something"
you are very helpful
to do something
車を乗る > To drive a car.
車を乗ろう > Let's drive a car.
車を乗ろうとする > Try to drive a car.
i thought noru was getting in
taxi noriba
ohhh you're right, it's getting in
i mistake the verbs
i think so
車を乗る > to get in a car.
車を乗ろう >Let's get in a car.
車を乗ろうとする > Try to get in a car.
sorry for that
thats fine
we sometimes use ride/drive interchangeably in my native language, that must be why lol
i agree
2 hours later…
@FelipeOliveira It doesn't mean 'drive' specifically but I think it might be used once in a while when you'd say drive in English.
When I think of drive I think of 運転(する)
What do you think of this example from the GG? 「10年前に買った車にまだ乗っている。」 'I'm still driving/using the car I bought ten years ago.'
Or this example from O-Lex: 「学校の運動場へ車を乗り入れないでください」 'Please don't drive into the school playground.'
The Genius J-E provides this note: 「運転手として車に乗る場合はdrive (a car)と言う」
@snailboat that's awesome, those examples really sound like “drive”. I think the distinction between drive/ride/use a car gets blurry in many languages.
I particularly, automatically and logically (for me at least) thought of 車を乗ろう as “let’s drive a car”. Now, if it was タクシーを乗ろう I would probably translate as “let’s get a taxi” or something along the lines
“Let’s go by car” would be reasonable depending of the context
@FelipeOliveira I'm not sure I would completely agree with "lets drive a car." Though depending on the context that might fit. In this case I get the feeling that it is more of a "lets take a car" type context, though I could be wrong.
I think of taking the train as another example. Is is technically 電車に乗る, but it cannot be taken that you are actually driving the train. Rather you are riding it.
Also, I have found that if I call a friend in Japan that is driving they will describe their current activity as 「運転中」
@FelipeOliveira "Let's drive a car" seems a little weird in English, since driving isn't usually a group activity. You usually only have one driver, and everyone else is a passenger.

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