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3:57 PM
Hello! Is this room active?
I'm wondering if 'sosumi' means anything in Japanese..
It came up in a question on Literature, about calling a Japanese Jew 'sosumi' and I'm trying to find out if it means something in Japanese.
(disclaimer: I do not speak/read Japanese in the slightest)
4:16 PM
@Mithrandir nothing to my knowledge
Sosumi is an alert sound introduced in Apple Inc.'s Macintosh System 7 operating system in 1991, created by Jim Reekes. The name is derived from "so sue me" due to a long running court battle with Apple Corp, the similarly named music company, over the use of music in Apple Inc.'s computer products. == History == Sosumi is a short sample of a xylophone, which gained notoriety in computer folklore as a cheeky response to a long-running Apple Corps v. Apple Computer trademark conflict. The sound has been included in all subsequent versions of Mac OS, including Mac OS X. During the development of...
@Mithrandir I don't think it means anything in Japanese...
So sue me! ohh
English pun?
I first thought it might be a typo or mishearing of sashimi...
> After a brief reflection, he resubmitted the sound's name as sosumi (a homophone of "so sue me"), telling the Legal Department that the name was Japanese and had nothing to do with music.
ダモワリガット ミスターロバット
telling the Legal Department that the name was Japanese って・・・嘘つかはったんかいな
4:27 PM
Austin Powers で Mr. Roboto とかいう日本人社長が出てくるけどその歌が元ネタだったのかな
@broccoliforest あるある。。。XX語の本買って「勉強しよう!」と思ってるだけとか

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