In the meantime, we had been self-studying linear algebra, since our prof kinda wanted to do all of this, and doing linear algebra in class (which he didn't like teaching) would take up too much time
Second quarter professor is going to pick up from where Soug left off
Gonna start with differential forms and Stokes's theorem
Then, it's hard to say
Last year, he "reviewed" topics from 207
By talking about some stuff from linear algebra that they didn't know yet
But yeah, if I get an A in this class second and third quarter I'll hopefully be able to do grad analysis next year, along with algebra, and then grad algebra fourth year
Also gonna work in topology, possibly our intro to manifolds class as well
Grad algebra is first quarter representation theory, second quarter is commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, third quarter is "Topics in Algebra"
Grad analysis is first quarter measure theory, integration, L^p, differentiation, basic functional, and further topics
The guy used a book by Richard Bass, Real Analysis for Graduate Students, did chapters 1-19
Second quarter is functional analysis, I know when the professor I just had teaches that class he tends to use Brezis
The outline says weak convergence, compact operators, spectral theory, Sobolev spaces, and "some applications"
Third quarter is complex analysis
Basic complex analysis, Cauchy theorem in the homological formulation, residues, meromorphic functions, Mittag-Leffler theorem, Gamma and Zeta functions, analytic continuation, mondromy theorem, the concept of a Riemann surface, meromorphic differentials, divisors, Riemann-Roch theorem, compact Riemann surfaces, uniformization theorem, Green functions, hyperbolic surfaces, covering spaces, quotients.
So it's a good sequence, I'd say
The grad topology/geometry (which I'll take if I can, but I might not be able to) does algebraic topology, then differential topology, then differential geometry
So I'm pretty excited
If I have space, I'm crossing my fingers to do grad model theory
However, I am working through allufi at the moment I would like to finish it completely by June 2017. My supervisor told me my master thesis will be something related to algebraic geometry, but we will extend it to something that need algebraic geometry in my PHD.
Hopefully by september 2017 I will have nice ground to start studying algebraic geometry. Hopefully Allufi chapter 0 will provide me with enough basic ground.
@Daminark I am planning this year by july 2017 to finish Allufi chapter 0, Ted's book, John lee topological manifolds,john lee smooth manifold, abbot, and some book in functional analysis.
I have finished abbot and I have finished first 3 chapters of john lee smooth manifolds. Finished first two chapters of Ted's. I finished first two chapters of allufi.
I still have many work to do though.
I am planning to take my second functional analysis class in winter 2018. I am pretty excited for it.
So if they let me in I'm definitely doing that, next year would look like Q1: Analysis, Algebra, Civ Q2: Analysis, Algebra, Civ Q3: Analysis, Combinatorics, Quantum?
Along with possibly some CS, maybe topology and/or manifolds