Winter is finally upon us! With winter comes a delightful break from the year-round torment of bugs flying your face.
Winter is cold - as a result, you can peacefully breathe the winter air without having to worry about inhaling swarms of bugs. Then the thought occurred to me:
Could there be a ...
well, not like I'd ever post anything on that site, but it wouldn't hurt to coincidentally make an account there at this particular time for no particular reason...
except that this is not only a weekend, but also Near Year's eve, and SE probably has the lowest traffic today out of any day of the year. (aside from maybe Christmas)
@AndrewLi I wouldn't think so, that would make to too easy.
AKA: The Regifting of the White Elephants
Note - I'm not sure this is on-topic or not on meta, but it seems to be as good a place as any. Comment if you disagree.
I have a few challenges that I have posted to the sandbox and then more-or-less forgotten. Some of these challenges are OK; some n...
Winter Bash 2016 has started, and is in full swing. I love hats as much as the next person, but can't help notice some "soul-selling" for them (which I am also guilty for). By "soul-selling" I mean things such as votes not based on content ("This is Fine" for example, and for badges and thus, hat...
Winter Bash 2016 has started, and is in full swing. I love hats as much as the next person, but can't help notice some "soul-selling" for them (which I am also guilty for). By "soul-selling" I mean things such as votes not based on content ("This is Fine" for example, and for badges and thus, hat...
I read through this post which states that the bug has been fixed, but I didn't receive my Running Ragged hat. Here's the reputation from PPCG, SU, and Meta.SE:
Everything added up gives +152 for PPCG, +150 for SU, and +402 for Meta.SE over the span of 12 days (21st to 1st UTC). Why wasn't I...
@AndrewLi I don't think that's an accurate duplicate. The main issue is int literals vs. long literals. The OP didn't expect an overflow, since they stored the result in a long variable.
Some hats are asymmetric, as are some avatars. Rotation helps some, but really, we need the option of flipping the hat as well.
Just look at my avatar with the Sherlock Holmes hat. I want the looking glass over my eye!
(Actually, there's also the issues of hats assuming the avater is a face loo...
The following is the procedure needed in order to win the coveted Maverick hat during Winter Bash 2016/17
Find a question that is scored -3.
Answer it.
Wait until your answer is scored +5 and the question is scored +3.
What happens in a bounty scenario? Let's...
More efficient way to clean a column of strings and add a new column
Was a -3 question in which I answered and has subsequently become a 3+ question along with my answer becoming 5+.
Are there other criteria that aren't listed? Is it possible the periodic criteria checker has skipped it for so...
I am hoping for two upvotes on each of two answers in Travel. It looks like just two people peaked into the You are here (travel) chat. (And neither in a mood to upvote my answers.)
All competition there is welcome. I only wrote the answer to get the hat, still as good as I can write it but a better candidate will give me more hat chance.
You are sure to get something out of it. Bonuses are high as several of these questions have been bonused before and did not get good answers.
I have 30, I will not get 2 or 3, as I am not going to do anything with docs, nor with the 'whatever'story.
Tumbleweed will be impossible on travel, maverick will be very hard.
I am shared #17 overal.
Travel is my best site, I think the Workspace does better overal, but the people there do not like my straightforward Dutch advice. -3 on my answer there.