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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@KazWolfe hey, wanna test it now?
yeah, sure, what do you want/need me to do
just standard QOL edits?
ye, pretty much. the 2 input/output headers replaced with 1 "test case <n>" at the beginning
input 1


output 1

test case 1:


cool, improved (and thus auto-approved the whole edit), then edited my edit
now just fire a second edit in ninja mode, we'll see what happens.
already done!
we'll see if I get it
@KazWolfe just improve an edit then ninja-edit your improvement?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ that's what i did (roughly) before getting the hat.
my full history is in the doc.
we'll see if I get it
no hat :/
it's been 11 min
well that was really the only anomalous thing i did.
I just got a secret hat, 6
any ideas about that?
here's everything i did (again) pre TL:
@rumtscho no, we have no leads on 6 yet
we have ideas but nothing solid.
I just mod-turned Penny1950's answer to two comments on the question
could this be the trigger somehow?
it's definitely not a mod hat.
deleting an answer after leaving a comment? Or would that be too easy?
no, wait, I did not leave a comment on the answer, only on the question
I think it's leaving a bunch of comments within a short time
@rumtscho. How many comments on questions have you posted today? Have they prompted any edits? I got mine on my sixth comment, following an edit.
i.e. 6 within 5 minutes or sometnig
that was my first comment today
maybe the converted ones count for the hat but not for the activity tab? Then I have 3 in a very short period of time
maybe more than 1 comment in less than 6 minutes?
i don't think the DB would count converted comments as posted by you.
@rumtscho probably more than that, idk
I think converted would count though
at least they seem to
but maybe it's wrong, idk
I don't have more comments today
and those from yesterday are more than 24 hours ago, so probably not the same day in another timezone
maybe only 2 comments are needed, but in extremely short time?
so that for you, it was 2 out of the 5 you posted, which happened to be within seconds
and for me, it was the two converted
can we sort users by hats?
if yes, we can go check the activity of those who got the hat
oh, wait, it has to be on the day they got it, so we'd need the info which user got it, and when
I don't remember my comments being closely grouped. they were over a period of an hour or so, I think.
ps: still need some more clicks for an amped up hat. can anyone else oblige?
what clicks do you need?
just seeing the question, or upvotes, or what_
@rumtscho. please just visit the link
ah, now I get it:)
@rumtscho. thanks. 4/5 now, I think
I need 11 upvotes on superuser.com/questions/930498/… for a gold badge
@DavidPostill. upvoted. would you mind returning the favour by visiting this question?
@DavidPostill i thought we weren't farming here?
@ekhumoro Already done before. Thx.
@KazWolfe I made a statement. I was careful not to ask for votes :)
noted :D
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