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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

is there some inside joke here I'm missing?
AskUbuntu general room stuff.
Attention, privates! Commander on deck.
we like giving each other hell over there.
:) I know how regulars chat.
@ByteCommander well Commander I am a Maverick.
(well, the canid invasion is beginning)
Strangely my dictionary translates "maverick" as "calf without mother"...
get the name straight. It's Ask Ubuntu. Note the space.
We're just too used to camel case, I think :P
@ByteCommander goes his own way, loner, doesn't follow the herd.
@Seth I just call it AU.
and i call it AskUbuntu :D
Anyone calling it the Orange Hell?
@KazWolfe ಠ_ಠ
I like "AskUbuntu" from my C+ programming days... besides we say "AU" an not "A.U." :)
@Seth yes, mod?
@ByteCommander LinuxMint Forums
@KazWolfe sed 's/d/m/'
[Room hostile takeover complete]
@KazWolfe LinuxMint forums is actually one of our top referrers
@Seth spoilers! i was waiting for 25k to discover that.
So.... this is the room Kaz has been coming to in order to conspire and collude with others to give each other hats using secret voting strategies!!!!
haha you were supposed to deny it!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix something like that.
I clicked the link in the upper right and saw how I can get a cord-cutting hat when I start voting again at 5 pm.
@KazWolfe that's not part of the 25k tools
@KazWolfe do you know how you got the trendsetter?
@David i want to say wear a different hat a few days in a row.
@Seth i thought referrers are there, as per Google Analytics?
have been doing
@KazWolfe I lie. Missed a tab.
changed hats three days in a row, all upside-down
@Seth so i know things better than you? :D :P
@KazWolfe (and you dont even have access to them!)
@David magic!
Q: How can I save my hats?

Alexander O'MaraThe Winter Bash hats look too good to let disappear into the hat box at the end of the bash! Sure it's possible to screenshot them, but is it possible to download a copy of them, to have in all their vector goodness?

@KazWolfe I'm at that old folks part of my residency where you start to lose track of things :(
you guys have a theory on the they live hat? seams pretty common.
wait I just got trendsetter o_O
earned on AU. Did you figure that one out yet?
@AlexanderO'Mara Sweet! I have saved all the hats in the past years, but this year you did the work for me.
@David i'm trying to test the "one of every action", but the queue is empty ;-;
@David No problem!
@KazWolfe I doubt any hats are triggered by reviewing.
@KazWolfe I'm going to have to agree with this.
I just got it and haven't taken an action onsite in over 2 hours. The only thing I've done is browse and change my hat.
@David huh. not sure but still something worth looking at.
hmm, ok. I will know at UTC day change in a few hours if this works.
Well, I used all my close votes, delete votes, comment votes and whatnot on one day and didn't get a hat for it. Seems like mass-reviewing and moderating is not rewarding.
You know what kind of hat I would really appreciate for next year?
Something steampunk-style, like that:
@ByteCommander a wolf hat? because i would wear the hell out of it.
@ByteCommander neat idea. whats the trigger?
@David something completely random, unrelated, and arbitrary to annoy everyone in this room.
That one looks also cool:
or something really really obscure.
Maybe edit a post at exactly the same hour and minute of the day as it has originally been posted?
That would be really hard to find out or get though.
so, perfect!
So maybe only the minute, ignoring the hour.
or in the anachronistic theme, answer a question bumped by community, edit it, and get +3 on the answer. And then just to annoy everyone in this room, the question must also get an upvote post-edit.
@Seth cool what did you do?
Another suggestion: the original Doctor Who fez
@ByteCommander already happened.
Must have been before 2015, I guess.
@ByteCommander 2013 I think
Well, I joined 2015, so that was before my time.
8 mins ago, by Seth
I just got it and haven't taken an action onsite in over 2 hours. The only thing I've done is browse and change my hat.
Looks like wear 3 hats over 3 days
@Seth what if you ware more then 3 hats?
@Seth interesting. changing my hat :)
I'll see soon
@David no idea
"it a secret"
@David It's fine - I wore way more than 3 hats while getting mine
i think it's "change your hat at least once every day for three days"
Three consecutive days is the key, I think
@KazWolfe sounds about right
@Mego yes
so in an hour and a half I should have mine
Oooh... Interesting.
Well, then good bye Hatter hat. Let's see what I pick instead...
Three consecutive UTC days probably. But do they have to be three different hats? Or can you just keep changing two hats if you only have two?
Added to doc.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Yeah, 3 consecutive UTC days. I got it shortly after UTC midnight on the third UTC day, after the hat change.
Not sure if it needs to be 3 different hats, but I used 3 different ones
Well my hat change I just made is it irrelevant or does it count for today, which changes at 5pm (UTC midnight), at which point do I change again?... hmmm so many complications!
Let's just try to be creative...
blue in the face, upside down
Huuuge eyes for my wolf...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix if you only have two you're a real slacker :P
@Seth really. you get quite a few from just existing or voting.
The community bot has 11
@Seth 18 hats, my look-up-challenged mod friend :)
which does pose an interesting test case for the trend setter.
But I'll get a gold medal soon for 600 up-votes and will get a hat for that... at 5 pm I'll use my mobile to up-vote 7 questions and get a hat for that... and if you can tell me a good question to ask on mobile I'll get a hat for that too :)
@David How so?
@KazWolfe community has the trendsetter on two sites, I will change her hat on blender over the next 3 days and see if she gets it here too.
Is the trigger for the 6 known by now?
@David wait, mods can set hats for users (or just Community)?
@rekire That wing door flapping looks soooo cute! xD
Wait... I was in Uinx & Linux site when I changed my hat 1/2 hour ago... Do i have to be in "AskUbuntu" / "Ask Ubuntu" when I change my hat?
The 8,2and so on is deleted 10 comments with at least one (likely 5) upvoted.
@Willeke I'm testing my idea now. but because we have a working theory for 8mil, and bluefeet's hint said they can work together I have an idea.
@KazWolfe Ah, so there is something modish you dont know. Yes we can.
May be day of the week, I got mine a few days back and several of us here did get it on that method
@David my knowledge is limited to the Help Center.
Last I asked about what secret things mods could do, I was told to stand on a section of floor marked "Not a trapdoor"
I don't want to have to escape the alligator pit again.
@KazWolfe lol, your best bet is read through the meta. SE is very open about what happens.
For the trendsetter I can assure that it does not matter how often you change your hats, is just have to be done three days in a row. (I changed 20 or more times,) and all on the same site.
I am now testing if you use the 'only on this site' version.
A: What does the site look like to a moderator?

OliIf we told you, we'd have to kill you. No, it's not drastically different. There are just a few mod links in different places that pop up dialogues to allow us do things like merging, locking (etc) that aren't in the standard close/delete menus. I'd show you these but they're really very dull. E...

AU mods aren't.
@Alex wait, how do you have those hats?
the one in the top-right is mmmm bacon
did you trick the site into enabling them or something?
@KazWolfe yes i did it )
@David ooh, I forgot we could do that.
@KazWolfe joke) I watched the video on youtube and there was a frame with all hats)
Strange. All the mod sites 404 instead of 403/401.
So the only one that hasn't been seen is the derby hat
Specifically, that looks like Alex from A Clockwork Orange
Alex is a fictional character in Anthony Burgess' novel A Clockwork Orange and Stanley Kubrick's film A Clockwork Orange, in which he is played by Malcolm McDowell. In the film, his surname is DeLarge, a reference to Alex calling himself Alexander the Large in the novel. In the film, however, two newspaper articles print his name as "Alex Burgess". In addition to the book and film, Alex was portrayed by Vanessa Claire Smith in the ARK Theatre Company's multi-media adaptation of A Clockwork Orange, directed by Brad Mays. == Character overview == Alex is the narrator, protagonist and antihero in...
so. 41 hats?
who has 41 hats?
it seems like there are 41 hats total
@KazWolfe if believe the video Yes. I think we can ask the moderators)
That link on the upper right doesn't have the Trend-setter hat I noticed... and I don't think there are 41 hats listed there.
@AlexanderO'Mara only 6 more hats to go!
@Alex your random parenthesis annoy me.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it does have trendsetter?
I did a Ctrl+F and searched... I'll try it again.
@KazWolfe ist smile :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix wait which link?
10 mins ago, by Alex
it can be new hats http://image.prntscr.com/image/8a2014492b874de7a37fc7f933c8bc92.png
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ The blue link in the upper right of this screen
it's a secret hat
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Secret hats aren't listed on the main winter bash page until you've unlocked them
I have that hat, so it shows up for me
so i think we know about 40 of these hats.
yeah, all but 1
the clockwork orange one
We need more suggested edits over at AU. :/
I made a suggested edit on U&L this morning... got 2 whole points!
Then someone downvoted an answer of mine on AU and lost 5 points...LOL
rn I'm just hunting meta.se for more questions to answer, working on my running ragged hat
Do we get "This Is Fine" if the bounty expires with no award?
I just posted a question from my phone and answered it. That should earn me two hats, I just need the upvotes needed to make it a 'nice question.
or if it's auto-awarded?
Most likely I will never ask from the phone voluntarily, I hated the experience.
@KazWolfe no afaik
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ damn
auto-award works
that's confirmed
but you might be chosen by auto-award ;P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ i've made sure i won't be.
oh, the hat king is here
/me is bowing.
nah, not you
all hail alex o'mara, king of teh hatz
35 now. o.o
he can hit 36 rn if he wants.
pretty sure we cracked the 8m hat.
oh, yeah we did
didn't know he doesn't ahve that though
Q: How is this still a thing? (Hat for accepted answer with no votes)

janosThere was a hat last year awarded to answers that were accepted but did not receive any votes for 12 hours (Naruto). The only legitimate situation that comes to my mind for OP to not upvote the accepted answer is when OP is a new user and doesn't have the upvote privilege yet (less than 15 rep). ...

what if the clockwork orange hat was "find all the secret hats without ever entering this room"
I love all the public secrets in this room!
We are Snowden.
or... "get suspended"
who was testing the trendsetter swap? you have 34 minutes until confirm! :D
Ah, I just checked, the Egoist needs three upvotes Q and A. Maybe my competition did downvote. (He is still one on the leaderboard and I will get two hats if this Q and A give me egoist and lounging around for it both.
@Willeke was this today?
He is downvoting often, most of his cast votes are down, he does claim something wrong with me as I mostly vote up.
on travel?
Just now, posted a few minutes ago, got a downvote within the minute. Yes, travel.
those are very random downvotes.
lounging around is 10 upvotes i believe?
Not sure, I will work on the question till the upvotes come in. Or just do without that hat.
Thanks for looking
yeah, Lounging Around requires you get 10 upgoats on the question.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Only 5 for me. 4 time delayed, and one near-impossible (Maverick).
Unless of-course more secret hats appear.
I do not expect to make any dent on the overal leaderboard but I would like to be at or near the top in travel.
One user did have a headstart but is not getting more than the date restricted once recently. Several others and I are near him now, might overtake him if we are lucky with one or two more secret ones.
@KazWolfe I was testing the trend-setter swap... Thanks for 30 minute warning... FTR I didn't ping you, simply replied to your message for trace-back purposes.
@AlexanderO'Mara there's another secret hat
1 hour ago, by Alex
it can be new hats http://image.prntscr.com/image/8a2014492b874de7a37fc7f933c8bc92.png
leaked from the winterbash intro vid
@Alex only the bottom one is a yet to be determined hat.
it's spelled "hat" but nice try
@iKlsR what brings you to these parts?
@David (ノ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ︵┻┻
O please...
@iKlsR ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
@David y so mean David
@KazWolfe (ノ͡° -°)ノ︵┻┻
@iKlsR ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
table flip right?
@KazWolfe (ノ͡ಠ _ ಠ)ノ︵┻┻
@iKlsR ಥ_ಥ
@KazWolfe s( ^ ‿ ^)-b
@iKlsR ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)
i need a small loan
@iKlsR how much?
@iKlsR Here's $1bn
I just noticed I'm in the video!
@David about tree fiddy
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
@KazWolfe s m o l
new SE rule: @iKlsR and @KazWolfe may not be in the same room.
ok, I'm lost (but that is normal with @iKlsR)
@KazWolfe I am a mod, I can enforce that :)
@iKlsR ˢᵐᵒᶫ﹖
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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