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It seems like the obvious way to get it
@Mego If you want to set it up for your site in your room ... sobotics.github.io/Badger/runbot The code is here github.com/SOBotics/Badger
@BhargavRao I probably will soon
I think I got the "They Live" idea ...
Review 20 suggested edits with atleast one reject and edit
Could be. I did do 20 today.
3 users got it, All of them match
But I really hope SO doesn't encourage reviewing that way.
Ugh. I only have edit queue access on a small site, that gets about 0.4 suggested edits per day
Testing out that theory BR
Turns out I didn't use my 20 reviews
but the queue's empty
Guess who emptied it? :P
It's not now
Edit queue on Stack Overflow is never empty for long. And it will have plenty of edits that deserve Reject & Edit.
(Just don't forget to Approve the few good ones, while you're at it!)
Q: Make winter bash dropdown act like the other dropdowns

The Guy with The HatThe site selector, inbox, and achievements dropdown are all part of a group; when I open one, I can mouse over another to open it. However, the winter bash dropdown is not included. I cannot switch between the original dropdowns and the winter bash dropdown just by hovering over their respective ...

Is there a hat for Low Quality reviews? The queue is amazingly low today.
@S.L.Barth It's been low since a few days
Ok, there stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/stats
Did 20 for today, lemme see
No hat
That's something to do with bluefeet
I bet
Like Hairboats revenge last year
Maybe comment on something bluefeet has posted
Who got the hat?
When did they get the hat?
Checked it now
I got it
Not the new one
Not finding a Bluefeet reference, but did find a possibly-unrelated Bluetooth reference stackoverflow.com/questions/41215004/…
But I got theylive
@AndrewLi How?
@AndrewLi My method?
@AlexanderO'Mara Reviewed in Suggested edits with at least one reject and edit
Okay, this is unfair for mods. We can't get that.
@AndrewLi Hmm, I did at-least one reject and edit in Suggested Edits.
@JamesENL I thought they wouldn't do "Hairboat" style hats anymore. It caused too much noise.
Hat awarding is slow...
Blue in the feet may have something to do with comments
rmaddy, the one with it, has been commenting a ton
Maybe there are more conditions to "They Live" than Reject & Edit. Maybe the post needs to get an upvote. Or it's for questions that get Reopened after the edit.
I dunno
I marked it as "Experimental" on the google doc
I dunno maybe not?
I didn't track it that closely
Well, in theory I have 11 hats, which means I should have 12, but I'm still stuck at 10 because caching...
You have 12?
I should get 011 though, as I have 11 on SO.
I really want 8234721
Maybe "Blue in the Face" is if Bluefeet responds to you... lemme check her activity.
Kinda mean put such a responsibility on a mod
No luck on editing a question tagged Bluetooth.
Or commenting on Bluefeet's question.
Hm, seems Bluefeet has only made an edit since Winterbash started.
It was this one though:
> Some notes about secret hats:

> A secret hat for correctly guessing a secret hat will no longer be awarded.
> There are no secret hats for pinging SE employees.
Just got 011 hat.
Blue in the face is to comment on all the answers of a post.
To comment on a post and make the OP edit it
That last one makes more sense. The first one would just add noise.
Guess I broke "Just Here For The Hat"
Same here! 20 hats found on SO, collectively.
I've retried the "8,234,721" theory
The Mod queue is climbing up. Ciao ... Afk.
Collectively. 20 have been found on the site, doesn't matter by who.
I've got 12/21
"Just here for the Hat" is my 4th, I'm not even close to 20... not even close to 11.
Guess I better take a break while I'm ahead.
Hmm, Anyone ready for a test?
Test what?
The blue in the face hat
Sure, how do we test?
Add a comment on this answer @AlexanderO'Mara stackoverflow.com/questions/40563600/…
@BhargavRao Done.
Just a sec
Deleted the answer, Now we wait
Hmm, Nope. So that's not correct.
Or it could just take a really long time to award. Winterbash hat awarding seems to be awfully slow this year.
My intricate theory about 8,234,721 will not work!
Anyone know about the elementary hat?
bluefeet on December 19, 2016
Another year is rapidly coming to an end, which means it's time for some fun. Fun with hats! That's right, it's time for our annual event that brings joy to all and creates hat-fanatics everywhere... Winter Bash!
Finally the blog is up
> A secret hat for correctly guessing a secret hat will no longer be awarded.
This is my only documentation that I've created stackoverflow.com/documentation/python/3553/common-pitfalls/…
I think I need to create more
Hi, guys!
Is anybody online? ...
I don't think so
Q: Translation for hats

alexolutWhere does the translation for hats in the Winter Bash page? I can't find them in transifex. I see the link in the bottom of the page: view hat descriptions in English / translate hat descriptions but I can't understand where they come from.

Q: No hats in the user list in chat rooms

alexolutI see hats in the main message window and near the input text field. But no hats in the user list (right top corner) in the chat:

I got "Don't want to Taco about it" on SO, after some reviewing in H&I.
Maybe it's for editing and commenting?
Somebody else also commented on the post. Did not ping me though, addressed the OP. So it could be "edit a post that gets more attention after the edit".
Hi, guys!
I just earned the hat "Just Here For The Hat". I don't even know how I earned it.
:) hello everybody :)
@LloydDominic Quite simple. You get it as soon as you have at least 1 hat, on a site where 20 different hats have been awarded.
Oh, okay!
@S.L.Barth Thanks!
Now, I know.
You're welcome!
Just a question: Is Winter Bash new to Stack Exchange, or it started a couple of years ago? ...
@LloydDominic Several years old. Off the top of my head, it started in 2012 on Arqade.
@S.L.Barth Oh, okay thanks! :)
Didn't know that it started many years ago; maybe I was not active on SE during Dec - Jan. ...
@fredley Why the gallery room? Wouldn't it be useful to have a room where people can go in, do the onebox, and get the hat (assuming that's the correct method for the hat)?
@Mego It's a trash room, I don't think that posting that meme is the way to get the hat
we'll see if it unlocks, if so maybe we can unlock it
In that case, why not just use the regular Trash room?
@Mego Because amusingly-named trash rooms are better?
I didnt seem to get the hat from posting "this is fine", so dont think that works. Unless its just taking a while
@Stewartside :(
but it's been about 10 minutes with nothing
It could take a while. It took about 15 minutes for me to get cutting the cord
Ill keep an eye on it
tbh im still waiting on No longer grinchy too
re-opened a post 15 mins ago
Yeah, chat systems are somewhat distinct from main SE, so I don't know how often it would do checks for chhats
ahhhhhh just got no longer grinchy
was pretty much spot on 15 minuteas
It might do hat checks at :00, :15, :30, and :45, like how the RSS feeds are updated
I think the system must run an update every 15 minutes then unless its on low load so can run more through the hour
@mego yeah
No new hats for me yet
@Mego Yeah, it's probably a cron doing DE queries (or internal equivalent) to determine who gets hats
They Live doesn't seem to be awarded for one Reject & Edit and review at least 20 in total
Hi, guys!
@Panda How long did you wait?
30 min?
Then not sure.
Or perhaps "Do all the 4 options available in the suggested edits queue"
@BhargavRao Yea, might be. But I've reached the limit for today
Tomorrow's a better day to test :)
@BhargavRao Yup ;)
Any idea on how to get Don’t Wanna Taco ‘Bout It?
It probably has to do with editing
@BalarkaSen Yeah
Confirmed "They Live". You need to use all the options in the suggested edit queue.
Hi, guys! How many hats do you have now?
And also confirmed that mods can't earn that.
Oh, okay!
@BhargavRao Interesting; don't see what that has to do with the name though (which I suppose is a reference to the John Carpenter movie)
@BhargavRao solution = turn in your diamond
@bluefeet How bout no? :P
Also g'morning @Bluefeet. Hope you had a nice sleep :)
@BhargavRao but of course
@BhargavRao Thanks
Also be prepared for massive ping wars now.
pinging for what?
@BhargavRao you mean one low quality, one close vote, one late answer, etc. etc.?
Hey, Everyone will ping you asking whether their guesses are correct. That's what happened to Pops last time.
@Hugo No, Approve, Reject, Improve, Reject and Edit, Skip.
Well considering there are no hats for guessing secret hats, then I'd hope that would minimize pings
Do audits count?
@Panda It's a beautiful hat
it was modeled after my father
@bluefeet Looks cool
I'm 50% sure that it's awarded when a user edits their post after your comment.
@bluefeet Yes/No ----^ ?
I really want to know how to get the Blue in the Face hat. It would go fantastically with my avatar.
@BhargavRao which hat?
Blue in the Face
Nope that's incorrect
Clearly we have to pester bluefeet about secret hats until he's blue in the face to get the hat
Hmm, Is it the right direction of thought, atleast?
@Mego Nope, that'd activate a my banning beak :P
I got all excited because I got a new hat notification, and then realized it was another 925 :(
Lol :)
@Mego At least you earned a sliver badge
I've gotten 2 since WB started :P
Now I just need to get one on PPCG so that I can further my lead
@Mego Lol, good luck! :)
still trying to figure out some of these secret badges :(
Q: What's Up, Doc? awarded on Meta Stack Exchange?

PandaIn the Winter Bash 2016 promo YouTube video, What's Up, Doc? seems to be awarded on Meta SE. As stated in the FAQ page, this hat is unique on Stack Overflow: Do any sites have custom hats? There are two hats (The NeverEnding Story and What's Up, Doc?), that can only be earned on Stack...

@bluefeet It seems we have to make you angry to get that hat. :D
There we go, it's gone.
@BhargavRao hasn't seemed to have worked for me :(
@Stewartside It worked for 6 others after 30 mins of waiting.
ahhh right, ill hold on then :)
But yeah, Bluefeet told that it's not perfect. But given that others have got it, I think it must be a superset of it.
Summary of known criteria for secret badges

- Closing, editing, then reopen voting a question

They Live
- Review (at least 20?) suggested edits, using all 5 options

*any others?*
They Live is wrong
@LloydDominic You may find this documentary interesting youtube.com/watch?v=CDi_nj1-G6U
@Panda Well it's wrong
@bluefeet Thanks :(
@bluefeet Does have anything to do with reviews?
@bluefeet Thought so, not worked for me
but got dont taco bout it just now too...
13 mins ago, by Bhargav Rao
But yeah, Bluefeet told that it's not perfect. But given that others have got it, I think it must be a superset of it.
@Stewartside Any idea how you received?
@Panda Nope, though feel it may have something to do with the chat, since I havent answered anything or commented on any posts in the last hour
@Stewartside Oh, thanks :)
possibly send 5 messages and in 2 chats or more
Lemme try it :P
since ive only been in here and another board and now sent > 5 messages
Well I should get it then
It can be sending messages when more than 10 people are live. Just a wild guess.
@TAsk I doubt so
5+ in each?
@TAsk I don't think so
Maybe 5+ in each
I haven't gotten it and have only posted in this chat, and a tiny bit in blender chat.
Will try posting more
It got to have something do with chat, since it's related to "Don’t Wanna Talk ‘Bout It"
Morning peeps o/
howdy doody doo
I thought maybe the taco was remove a message but I removed one and didn't get one, so...
For They Live (Movie) Wiki ... who discovers the ruling class are in fact aliens concealing their appearance and manipulating people to spend money, breed, and accept the status quo with subliminal messages in mass media....
I think we confirmed the way to get they live
I'm 3 votes short of a gold badge. Looks like I'll get one \o/
I'm about 200 votes short. I will get one in a week or so
@TAsk hmm
Wait. Elementary is figuring out which hat won't be awarded?
Don't think so
@AndrewLi Did we ?
Almost certain that blue in the face is with comments
@AndrewLi ok
Everyone who has got it has been commenting a ton
The infamous comic
Anything like low-quality posts, one that got a postive score afterwards?
Hello o/
@TuxCopter hi
No advancements on 8234721?
It may be 6 of the same review task in a row
Nope because someone who got it did not review

 This room is not fine

For posting the line 'this is fine'
It has to do with 6 :(
Now people can try all they want :P
Wait a second
It may be just to do 6 of the same task?
well we had some activity over night (my time zone)
Hello o/

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