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There's at least one part of this movie I don't understand, so I'll have to browse through the existing questions here and on Movies SE tomorrow, because perhaps someone else doesn't understand it either.
36+6 questions
The part I don't understand is why they had to connect something to something with that thick cable and switch to transfer the information within the planet, when in the end Jyn just took the floppy disk directly to the transmission antenna.
that wasn't about transferring the information, that was about getting a message through the shield so the fleet above would know they had to destroy the shield somehow
Hmm... I guess that makes sense.
Have Disney announced the next interquel film for 2018-12 yet by the way?
that's also why it didn't matter the shuttle blew up after he got the message through, it was completely unnecessary to transferring the plans once the shield was down
I haven't heard anything solid on the next anthology film
I guess they can still announce it in the summer of 2017.
yeah, at least for now I'm more interested in what's going to happen in Ep VIII
The next film is the han solo one i think and they cast him already
@Himarm What do you mean "they cast him already"? They'll still be casting him as Harrison Ford in episode 8, that seems obvious.
The han solo solo film is a prequell itt comes out in 2018-ish
so they had to cast a new young han solo
@Himarm Oh. So that's the 2018 film then. Ok. I knew there had to be one, I just wasn't sure how much details we knew about it.
I mean, 2017 will have episode 8, but surely Disney needs something for 2018 too, and they can't have episode 2019 that early. The franchise needs to be milked.
And apparently that film is planned to be released as early as 2018-05, despite that episode 8 is scheduled for 2017-12.
(Cross-posting from Darths & Droids forums.)
They showed a place named "the ring of Kafrene" without further explanation of what that means. It's totally another "forest moon of Endor": people will now speculate what "Kafrene" is the name of. Is it the name of the ring itself? The name of the place the ring surrounds and protects? The name of the star? The name of the lord who wears the ring? The name of the person who made the ring? The name of the demon that powers the ring? The question will be resolved more quickly these days though, since they've probably already clarified this in some
I found that hilarious.
Another funny one was Lord Vader's lair on Mustafar. Lord Vader has a role to play, so it makes sense for her to have a fitting volcano lair just like that of the very conventional Lord Milligan. But this film has taken the volcano part a bit too far: they have a very unrealistic long glowing lava waterfall coming down the side of an impossibly steep mountain that looks just as if it was built in Dwarf Fortress or Minecraft.
Wait, I copy-pasted blindly so missed the links.
Volcano lair of Lord Milligan => galactanet.com/comic/view.php?strip=211
@CBredlow This episode of Rebels shows them acquiring the Hammerheads
I thought it was a nice tie in
Whoa... galactanet.com/comic/view.php?strip=224 has a typo, "diety" instead of "deity". I never noticed that.

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