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3:44 PM
Black Gearhulk revealed: channelfireball.com/articles/kaladesh-preview-noxious-gearhulk 5/4 menace with murder
And some life gain
And the murder is optional
This is almost standard playable
Well, it might be standard playable
Did you think the other gearhulks are standard playable?
I haven't seen any of them
I can't figure out what format LSV is talking about when he says that it will see plenty of play
but I think he means standard, and I think he is overrating the card
3:49 PM
Possibly standard and edh
White: http://mythicspoiler.com/kld/cards/cataclysmicgearhulk.jpg
Blue: http://www.hareruyamtg.com/article/en/category/detail/13
Green: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tn3zWhrMWM - 4/4 Trample for 3GG, Distribute 4 +1/+1 counters
My roommate was describing Torrential Gearhulk to me yesterday, and he accidentally said "Instant or Sorcery". My jaw dropped and then I said ".... I CAN CAST TIME WARP WITH FLASH?!"
Boy was I disappointed when I actually read the card
The reasoning I've seen for not including Sorceries is Saheeli's Artistry
Infinite chain otherwise?
It doesn't chain infinitely
Saheeli's Artistry would go to exile after you cast it with Gearhulk
3:59 PM
Oh, right. But two more Gearhulks would be terrifying (with accompanying ETB)
If you play Modern and someone at your local store decides to play this guy in a deck alongside Snapcaster, remember Ash Zealot as a sideboard option.
Any thoughts on the other two? My inner Johnny likes the green on a lot.
er, make that inner Timmy
4:20 PM
I don't know about the Gearhulks, but I'm kinda tempted to try Aetherflux Reservoir in my Modern UR Storm deck.
@JonTheMon A common idea I've seen is that the red one is a Threaten type effect
Oh, hadn't heard that yet. I've heard some speculation that it's a burn spell + fatty.
I mean, they're all [effect] + fatty. And having it burn on ETB might be too similar to Skysovereign, Consul Flagship
Probably have haste as well.
But yeah, burn everything might be too close to the white one, and the flagship does have burn already

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