Leider ist der Komentar von User X zu meiner Kilometerfrage nun gelöscht. Hier für alle. Ist so ein Kommentar ein lieber Umgang mit anderen?
Zitat Komentar User x: Dass Du es von einem seriösen Wissenschaftler noch nie gehört hast kann auch daran liegen, dass Du generell mit solchen keinen Umgang pflegst, und wenn doch, dass diese nicht über Geschwindigkeit sprechen. Selbst wenn sie davon sprechen könnten sie immer noch einem Irrtum unterliegen, und zwar dem gleichen wie Du und mein Physiklehrer, der bereits vor 30 Jahren diese Kritik äußerte.
Wahrscheinlich ging sie damals durch die überregionale Presse und ist deswegen so populär. Professionelle Physiker würden übrigens generell m/s für Geschwindigkeiten verwenden. -- Zitat Ende
Die einzig richtige Erwiederung darauf: Erfreulicherweise kann jeder selber festlegen, welchen Umgang er pflegt und welchen Umgang ich pflege geht Dich schlicht und einfach nichts an. Eines auf jeden Fall ist sicher: Du wirst niemals zu den Leuten zählen, mit denen ich näheren Umgang pflegen will oder werde ...
Du als "professioneller" Physiker weißt natürlich ganz genau was echte Physiker reden? Unglaublich ...
Betet den Provokateur und notorischen Rausredversucher an, ich mache das nicht mit. Wahrscheiblich ist er irgend eine graue Maus zu Hause, der hier meint die Sau raus zu lassen. Und nab nimmt es hier kommentarlos hin.
I have no idea what that says, but please don't go around flagging 9 hour old messages.
It alerts every 10k user and mod on the site. It's really annoying responding to things which aren't a problem.
@Wipqozn Well, they should be flagged, however old they are, if they're really really offensive. But if they're just slightly troublesome, or likely to start an argument, they shouldn't be flagged if they're old, as they obviously haven't started an argument.
But I think it's the policy of this site that most conversations take place in Germans, so I'll shut up now.
I wouldn't even say anything, but it's a common problem. People will flag messages that are a few days old which contain a curse word. It's just a complete waste of peoples time to deal with it. I always make a point to look through the context before acting on a flag, and when I jump over only to realize it's something from 24 hours ago it's a real pain.
@userunknown You can always ignore the user with the ignore user button.
And dealing with offenses is fine, I'm referring to flagging messages from a few hours ago. When I first mentioned this I didn't realize that it was still in the active chat log, because we've had users actually take the time to go through a chat transcript from 2 days ago and flag something.
This user is stalking me for a while, and I don't want to tolerate his action, collecting friends in his holy war against me. I like to know what he is doing against me.
Also, there are two types of chat flags. 10k+ flags + mod flags. Mods flags can only be seen by mods, and are the type of flag you should use when you need a mod to help with something. 10k flags are really only useful for getting messages deleted.
So if a user is harassing you or something a mod flag is what you want to use.
Anyways, don't want to really get into a huge argument over this. To be honest I never would have said anything if I noticed the messages was still in the active chat log. I just thought this was a situation where someone actually went through yesterdays chat log and flagged something maliciously.
@userunknown Click the arrow on the left side of the message, that pops up with a bit of info (history, permalink, et cetera). That contains an option for "flag for moderator" at the bottom.
I believe that lets you type out a custom message as well.
@userunknown Nope. That's the regular chat flag. It alerts all 10k+ users and mods.
10k+ network wide mind you. So if you have 7k on one site, and 3k on another you'll see those flags.
The regular flag is really meant to dealing with isolated incidents, and the moderator flag is meant for larger issues (like continued harassment by a user).
So maybe I should raise an issue in general meta, because from the UI, there is no indication not to use one of them or when to use which. I don't know how to remember which one to use the next time.
Just ask yourself if it's something you want deleted. If all you want is a post deleted, then just use the normal flag. That's all 10k+ users can do. If you want anything more than that, like a mod to deal with a user who keeps harassing you and suspending them then you should use the mod flag.
In anycase, it's really not that big of a deal if you misflag something every now and again. I just thought this was a case of someone going through the chat log and flagging something to be malicious. That happens more often than you think.
I think I once responded to a flag from a month old message.
@userunknown huh? You should. If you click the drop-down arrow on the left side of a message it has a "flag spam/offensive" and "flag for moderator attention"
@userunknown Except in those situations it's never anything offensive. It'll be some one using a mild curse word, not directed at anyone. It's just users being vindictive.
@userunknown There isn't a way to flag for mod directly. Mod flags are intended to be rare, so they don't show them there.
At least I assume that's why they don't show them.
Also, @userunknown, if this is an issue with a user on the German site you may just want to talk to your mods directly. Flag for mod attention will alert every mod, but you probably want a german mod. They won't even see the flag if another mod responds to it first.
The only way to make a flag only seen by local mods is to flag a post with a"flag for moderator attention" flag.
so if you want to draw their attention to the behaviour of a specific user just flag any of his post on the site for moderator attention, and leave some details on what the problem is.
@Kurt: Ich habe lediglich als Möglichkeit darüber spekuliert, dass Du keine Wissenschaftler kennst, oder diese nicht über Geschwindigkeiten reden - auch dann hättest Du nie den Begriff "Stundenkilometer" gehört, aber es wäre ohne Belang, denn dann hättest Du auch alternative Bezeichnungen nicht gehört.
@Kurt: Außerdem heiße ich nicht 'User X'. Sonst fange ich hier auch an Wortspielchen mit Deinem Namen zu exerzieren.