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2 hours later…
@Takkat und du bist noch AFK, ich denke?
I need your help with some translation stuff
sad panda smiley
@Gigili Guten Morgen!
Oh! Morgen
was musst du denn übersetzen?
A very laaaaarge document
Will you help me?
@Gigili thing is - I am at work here... so my time is somewhat limited... you need to share it with my work. :)
I can wait until you get home
that might work... is it very urgent?
Could we have a private conversation?
private as in 100% private is not compatible with SE policy (not even mod's rooms are secure, really)
my e-mail can be found via my AU profile -> launchpad.
oh - you need a launchpad account to view it.
You have my email address, right?
Send me an email
"Note that the German word Hunger is a noun. Just as you'd not say I am hunger in English, you most likely would not say I am hunger in German." -- Dustin
"But I am hunger! Your wife said I am more hung than any of your friends..." XD
but you also wouldn't say I have hunger in English sooooo
@Twinkles I think you've reached your daily pun-limit
Well, that was quick :)
Good morning everyone.
Morning @All
Vogel612, moin
Q: Past-tense Translations - figuring rules

Korgan RiveraI'm trying to figure out a couple of grammatical rules, and the easiest way for me to do that would be if I had translations of the following sentences. He had wanted a cat. I think "er hatte eine Katze wollte." rule: perfect tense. He had wanted to speak. I think "er hatte spreche...

Das sieht nach einer Frage aus, an der sich wieder mal alle aufhängen können...
6 hours later…
Warum nicht mal gugeln, fotoschoppen oder brausen?
Q: Webwörter neu erfinden - Für google, duckduckgo, photoshop

javafanPlease provide the equivalent german words for the following terms. google (verb) photoshopped (verb and abjective) duck it (from duckduckgo.com - brand new) Is there any urban dictionary (apart from dict.cc) for the german language? If this doesn't exist, why not create one? I mean, report...

Das wäre doch mal eine Rechtschreibreform!
Oder, da es ja mittlerweile das Eszett auch als Großbuchstabe gibt:
Das große ß – – (auch: versales ß, großes SZ, großes Eszett) ist die Großbuchstabenform des Kleinbuchstabens ß (Eszett). Sie ist nicht Bestandteil der amtlich verbindlichen deutschen Rechtschreibung. Über eine Aufnahme dieses Buchstabens in das deutsche Alphabet wird seit Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts diskutiert. Anfang 2008 wurde das große ß als neues Zeichen in den internationalen Standard Unicode für Computerzeichensätze aufgenommen, am 24. Juni 2008 trat die entsprechende Ergänzung der Norm ISO/IEC 10646 in Kraft. Problemstellung Das ß kommt in keiner historischen oder gegenw...
...könnte man es ja eigentlich prima für englische Lehnwörter verwenden.
ẞofteis, ẞervice, ẞoftwähr
Wer traut sich?
'Tschuldigung: ẞervice ↠ ẞerwiß
Ich weiß noch, damals in der Siebzigern, als es es in Deutschland populär wurde, haben alle wie selbstverständlich Softeis mit weichem S ausgesprochen.
nun ja, hier im Süden bestimmt nicht :P
ich glaube, die Schwaben kennen gar kein stimmhaftes 'S'
4 hours later…
Hum, hallo @Takkat
was gibt's neues?
@Gigili just came here unwrapping the book you sent me...
I am sorry that it takes your valuable time
The text is pretty hard as it is full of technical terms I don't even know of in German...
sad panda smiley
Pandas never smile ;)
I don't need an exact word by word translation
just whatever comes to your mind by reading the %$#^% document
lol - I tell you: it's incredibly boring and absolutely non inspiring...
So... should I feel hopeful or not?
@Takkat Huh! I expected as much
don't hope too much - I never had much to do with stock markets, so I understand only half of what they are talking about.
@Gigili I'll give it a very loose shot.
@Takkat What if you try a bit ... harder? I need only nine or so pages!
It's a legal text, so the actual meaning may not be so ovbious... I mean - there are lawyers actually being paid for an accurate translation of such stuff... And they are being paid well. ;)
I've heard you're a very kind moderator
Oh yeah?
Please check your email
That's misinformation - I am kind of a moderator ;)
I wish there was someone else in chat who could help you
Someone like @Oregonghost, for example
oh - my computer said I have mail ;)
my motto: no fee no obligations ;) hehe
Now now, you're teasing
no no I'm translating extremely boring stuff ;)
and I am thanking you for that
2 hours later…
Hallo, Em1

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