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@Takkat when talking about time, is there a way to say "the better part of.."?
as in "I've been living in London for the better part of a year"
it seems like it's hard to make work with the "ich lebe heir seit..."
@Astrum man würde z.B. sagen: die meiste Zeit - überwiegend
can you give an example?
Die überwiegende Zeit des Jahres lebte ich in Paris.
Die meiste Zeit im letzen Jahr verbrachte ich in Mailand
oh, one of those adjectival constructions..
aber better part of könnte auch mit gut die Hälfte übersetzt werden.
Gut die Häfte eines Jahres lebe ich auf Mallorca.
Meine bessere Hälfte ist immer dabei. <-- das ist etwas anderes. ;)
"my better half"?
interesting how that means the same thing in English
Beide Sprachen sind eng verwandt.
that's true, although it often doesn't feel so
the deeper you dig into it the more it becomes obvious.
English - the easier version of German
"Epic Greek"
Englisch und Deutsch sind so nahe beieinander. Viel näher als die romanischen Sprachen.
Austro-Bavarian is a different language?
I thought that was just a dialect
Bairisch ist eine Variante.
Man kann auch Dialekt sagen... Hubert meint aber dann wieder, es sei eine "Sprachvarietät" ;)
Österreichisch ist aber keine eigene Sprache, so gern das manche sähen.
of all German dialects in Germany, which is the hardest to understand for foreigners?
(in your opinion)
Once they speak 100% dialect all of them are.
Not even Germans get it.
I once was in a Bavarian pub and could not understand a single word of what they said there.
I can't even imagine that happening in English...
English probably has not so many variations but there still are considerable differences... think of Southerner vs. Scotch vs. West Midlands vs. Cockney.
They are different.
scotch is hard
youtube.com/watch?v=Lktt_DlpsJA I can't understand anything from here....
they claim it's similar to English
@Astrum well, Gaelic is different.
sure, but people have told me (he was Irish so...) that it's pretty similar to English
maybe he was just screwing with me
he was... :)
never trust an Irishman...
just like if somebody told you Swiss German is like German.
too much beer
after too much beer all languages become very similar.
I suppose that's true
do you know of any good audio sources for German? I'm bored of listening to DW stuff
@Astrum youtube FTW
but they talk too fast
DW has stuff for learners, so it's slow - even though I still need to rewind many times
well - I never needed a slow speaking German ressource. So I couldn't tell.
good speed, vocab isn't too hard
V i e l . z u . l a n g s a m
don't rub it in
you don't have any sound right now, right?

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