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@Takkat ping
I don't get it
@Vogel612: Danke für den Titel "wollen, ob" - wenn du die Revisionen ansiehst, wirst du merken, dass der OP einen Rollback gemacht hat. Da ist mein Finger fast nicht mehr vom close Button gerutscht :/
there's a twitter account?!?!
@Takkat are you awake enough to answer a question?
me sleeps till noon today...
what's that supposed to mean
@Astrum it means: don't ask to ask - just ask ;)
2nd day after switching to MESZ is the worst, always.
you'll get used to it
we switched weeks ago
so anyway
I need a bit of help in translating this sentence...
"you know that it's unreasonable to expect me to speak good German after a couple of months" - Du weißt, dass es unvernünftig ist.... - it doesn't fit any patterns that I'm aware of.
the "to expect" is messing me up
too many verbs
Du kannst doch nicht erwarten, dass ich nach nur wenigen Monaten schon gut Deutsch sprechen kann.
You know --> doch
unreasonable = unvenünftig but --> nicht erwarten können
Sometimes a literal translation is unidiomatic.
how does doch = you know?
You know = Du weißt/Weißt du but it's only used in badly dubbed TV shows or movies
so you're saying to never use it?
However increasingly it finds it's way into contemporary German...
Younger people may say it because they heard it so often on TV. :/
<-- had no TV when he was a kid
why is it bad, though? what's wrong with it? I had no idea it wasn't used
should I also avoid "wissen" in general?
We'd probably use something like "Du weißt schon, dass..." but it's not used in the same meaning as it is in America.
It's more to put emphasis on a fact, with the implication that the other had not put enough effort in.
small mistakes can confuse me
Typo from bad keyboard.
or weak fingers ;)
I'm buying a mechanical keyboard this week, I'm so happy
or lazy mind.
so "doch" kinda means "of course"?
We have a daskeyboard at home and are very happy!
Cherry rules!
doch schaust du das Programm? = you of course saw the program?
das keyboard is expensive. I'll probably buy that for my own personal computer when I leave
"you know that it's unreasonable to expect me to speak good German after a couple of months" --> "Du weißt, dass es unvernünftig ist, von mir zu ewarten, dass ich nach ein paar Monaten gut Deutsch spreche" <-- literal translation. Everybody will understand it but nobody will say that
Thanks, I see. It does seem very clunky
So what I did is I immersed the English sentence in my brain, stirred it, and put out what I'd say in that situation...
Somebody else might say something else.
I'm not sue how long it will take me to get the same feel in German
like: "Kaum habe ich angefangen Deutsch zu lernen, schon bin ich flüssig darin" :D
@Astrum buy a keyboard with a letter "R" on it!
yeah, as you can see, my keyboard is on its last leg
I'm sure I hit the "r" there
sometimes it skips letters and spaces
I got 6,000,000 keystrokes out of it though, I can't complain too much
Hast du die etwa einzeln gezählt?
I have a program that keeps track
holy crap... I actually have 7,781,229 keystrokes...
over the past 1.5 years
do you guys do the "Bob und ich" thing too? or is that only Englisch?
Stell' dir nur den Lärm vor, den Cherry Blue Tasten machen, wenn du alle 7 Millionen Klicks auf einmal machst. :)
Bob und ich? Kenn ich nicht.
no, like this "Bob and I painted a picutre" "Bob und ich ein Gemälde malten"
hey there @Vogel612
that was an awesome salute O7
Hail to the Chief! O7
CapsLock is evil
no caps here...
that one's better @Astrum
just gotta know where your accents are on the Keyboard.
is bevor a syn with ehe?
Who wants to correct my totally-in-need-of-corrections sentence?!
Bevor er hat zu arbeiten anfangen, wir sprachen miteinander um 9 Uhr im Morgen CET.
I need to preface everything I say with that, so at least people know what they're dealing with
Noch vor seiner Arbeit hatten wir uns um 9 Uhr MEZ besprochen.
^^have fun :)
the question must be asked - what was wrong with mine? Grammar? or it just sounded horrible? (a combination of both is also acceptable)
literal correction: Bevor er anfing zu arbeiten, sprachen wir um 9 Uhr MEZ miteinander.
9 Uhr == a.m. otherwise it was 21 Uhr.
oder: 9 Uhr früh vs. 9 Uhr abends
it's strange how in english "he began working" and "he had begun working" are pretty much interchangeable.
oder aber, bevor er angefangen hat, zu Arbeiten, sprachen wir um 9 Uhr MEZ miteinander.
why does "miteinander" go to the back?
MEZ impliziert m.E. die 24h Notation.
@Takkat bin ich bei dir.
wie schön!!! :)
@Astrum it's kind of like a split verb...
miteinander sprechen
miteinander is Adverb of whatever
and as this is a sublause, it goes to the end.
miteinander ist ein schönes Wort!
Nehmt einander mit!
mit Einander --> m. E.
@Vogel612 that's new to me, I'll have to remember this
you can treat something like that like a separable verb
@Astrum don't m.E. == meines Erachtens
@Takkat ich war mich auch nicht ganz sicher, ob morgens jetzt klein muss....
Wenn morgens der Postbote kommt, haben wir schon des Morgens die Ware.
^^glaube ich... aber diese Regeln sind mir ein Graus
ich hab jetzt coole Einhorn-Animationen!
<-- fühlt sich wie eine Einhorn-Animation
warum das denn?
Charlie the unicorn...
<-- will meine Schmusedecke!!!
@Astrum Ha! Hier schon eine Frage zum Gebrauch von "wissen": german.stackexchange.com/questions/11212/…
woher ist das eigentlich?
selbstgebaut, was sonst.
"Hilfe wir wachsen" - 8m ago - 9000 views
@Astrum lol
dammit, I can't upvote still
I can't trust anything I see on the internet today
oh how I hate April 1st
6k votes, 0 answers..... gotta love it ;)
Statt dessen wollen die Minister der Ukraine nicht-militärische Hilfe zusagen - what's with "nicht-militärische"?
same as always @Astrum...
non-military help
oh, I didn't know you used "nicht" for non
and it's again a combined adjective like the one @ScottW explained to you ;)
yeah, I was just unsure about the "nicht" part
Der Begriff Smog setzt sich aus den englischen Wörtern für Rauch (Smoke) und Nebel (Fog) zusammen. - and that's new information to me as a native speaker
I knew it...
I've learned a butt-ton of things about English from German...
our grammar lessons must have been really bad in elementary school
HÄ? gramatick und ottokravie? brauch kein Mensch!
cries now
falsche zahl...
kakk - mich fertipt: ottogravieh
es ist doch so "einfach"
slowly backs
thinks to himself: "I should quit and never ever come back"
@Vogel612 Ja, sandeln macht mir immer noch Spaß!
I wish I could partake in your humor, but it's lost ot me
you need to read out loud to understand.
<-- does this with his children's essays
I have no idea what ottogravieh is supposed to be
that's why it made me cringe.
I thought it looked something like "otto gravy"
@Vogel612 Fehler: Orthographie/Orthografie aber immer groß.
@Astrum Ja genau wie zunander Ottokonale Linien
cringes again
<-- has to deal a lot with this kind of errors
holds his stomach, yearning for air
schreibt man etwa heut Linjen?
@Takkat please, please, please, please, PLEASE don't do that.
it physically HURTS
have fun with @Takkat , @Vogel612 you're being left alone with him now
to bed I go
gute Nacht @Astrum
although one very quick and easy question
thou shalt have good sleep ;)
how do you "make" a bed in German?
Betten machen - na klar!
it's literal?!
man kann aber auch ein Bett bauen... nur macht man das nicht so häufig
I hate making the bed =/
Wie man sich bettet so liegt man.
wer hätts gedacht ;)
ok, I'm going now
und wie man in den Wald ruft, so kommt's auch wieder raus
see ya later!
wow he learned it.
1 hour later…
Q: Let's get critical: Apr 2014 Site Self-Evaluation

CommunityWe all love German Language Stack Exchange, but there is a whole world of people out there who need answers to their questions and don't even know that this site exists. When they arrive from Google, what will their first impression be? Let's try to look at this site through the eyes of someone w...

3 hours later…
Q: Unter einem anderen Pfad speichern

brighty"Save under a different path" Ist das die richtige Übersetzung ins Englische? Müsste es nicht eher "Save to a certain path" heißen?

@Takkat proofreading??
@Vogel612 Translation to English - und ohne, dass man hierzu spezielle Deutschkenntnisse bräuchte... das kann kaum on topic sein...

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