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03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 16:00

and in Minecraft, you need to type /tell [playername]
@Vogel612 for realz???!?!?!?one
which is super annoying
@Astrum /t or /w doesnt work?
@NevikRehnel man kann aber auch bestimmte messages als reply angeben..
@Vogel612 ja aber dafür gibts keinen shortcut
Hover to see linked questions
ja schon..
und die msg numbers werden ja nicht angezeigt
aber man kann ja immer @Nevik machen
@NevikRehnel sadly not. I think in the last patch clicking their name in chat would work, but not anymore
aber das highlighted dann die letzte nachricht
nicht die gewollte
stimmt natürlich auch wieder..
@Astrum i cant believe the developers would want to type out that command all the time
I don't know, I'll check into it another time when I'm playing
who wants to hear a funny joke?
> You can also do [tab complete] with commands: Type / and the first letter of the command.
what does "tab complete" do?
same as everywhere else, it completes a started word (in minecraft chat, commands or player names)
you can also use /r to reply
oh wow, thanks
/seen is also useful
this list also points out that @playername should work
I'll give them a test tomorrow
it's time for a really corny physics joke....
developers would never want to type out /tell all the time when testing the game :P
there's always a shortcut for whispering
Heisenberg was an awful lover. Whenever he had the right position he never had the right speed, whenever he had the energy he never had the time.
that's actually really funny, IMO
it would be funnier if he were unsure of the right speed
that damn communitor messes everything up
The tachyon leaves. The bartender says, 'We don't serve your kind here.' A tachyon walks into a bar.
that is the greatest joke
> A branch, a tag, and a reflog walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What is this, some sort of rebase?"
oh boy, I wish I could say I get it
programmer jokes
specifically, Git jokes
> I kissed a git, and I liked it. I hope my repo don't mind it.
what is a "git"?
it doesn't really help me, I know very little about programming
it's kind of my weak spot...
it keeps track of file revisions
it's like an application-independent undo function
very roughly speaking
I've been meaning to try and get familiar with python, I just need to finish some other stuff first
python is fun
it's so good-natured
I'm only looking to have a basic idea of how to use it
so I can hopefully join some research projects
I'd kill to have a publication before I apply to grad school
QFT is so sexy
publications are meh
probably wont benefit me much in my field
project and work experience probably counts more
I don't know too much about CS, or how the field works, but for anybody that wants to go into academia (in the natural sciences, at least), publications are worth their weight in gold
yeah, which is what i dont want to do :P
industry ftw
1. Letters of Rec 2. Publications 3. grades 4. Statement of Purpose
I'd kinda be bummed if I ended up in industry
but only 20% of physics PhDs get to work in academia, so who knows what will happen
academia in germany includes a teaching obligation
which is like yeaahhhhhh no
in the US, profs aren't known for their teaching abilities...
I'd like to work in a national lab
they are nowhere
but theyre publicly funded
so theyre required to teach the "public"
I wouldn't mind teaching, you could get your grad students to do all the work
>mfw PowerPoint can't properly embed PDFs
welcome to 1999
hang on... you use PP 1999?!?!
yes, because there was a PP 99
<--- goes get out his sarcasm sign
@Astrum it was an exaggeration, because it's incredible that PP 2010 cannot embed PDFs
"other people's formats? who are we, the open source community?" -- microsoft
it cannot open SVG either
oh, I see
because, psh, who would use vector graphics, right?
raster graphics are THE BOMB!
with their bad compression and limited scalability
<-- goes get his irony/sarcasm/nihilism sign
> nihilism sign
you mean the imaginary one?
the very one
.... I thought everything is raster?
<-- goes to get his "facepalm" sign
in fact, fonts have been vector graphics forever
if youve ever heard of postscript, that is vector-based as well
as is PDF
so... that means if you zoomed in on them....?
and for vector graphics, SVG is the de-facto standard open format
@Astrum it means they're losslessly scalable
I never noticed that before... I'm gonna test it out
@Nevik there are still so damn many games, that use rasterized graphics as scalable textures and effects..
if you zoom it in your browser, the browser probably has a zoom limit of about 1600%; if you want more, use an image viewer ;)
wow, I understand everything now!
@Vogel612 because engines prefer them
@Vogel612 the problem is that current graphics cards are optimized for raster graphics operations
because we've been doing that since literally forever
yea, but it still always (PG-13'd)s me up when the range indicator to whatever is so uber-pixelated...
vector pipelines are slowly coming along
why can @Vogel612 say [buttcheeks], but I can't?!
because i didn't notice, haha
@Vogel612 no hard swearing please :P PG13 and all that
@Astrum WHERE... gotta PG-13 it.
@Vogel612 I didn't see anything ;)
<-- raises hand to (PG13)slap Astrum for making him worry
my philosophy is that R language questions should be allowed, but I don't own the site sooooo
man, this lame joke from HIMYM is stuck in my head
whatever, but I'm not happy about it -_-
@NevikRehnel never watched that show
@Astrum that might be something to discuss on German Language Meta
@Nevik you mean the story about 5 free slaps whenever ?
@Vogel612 no, the general/major joke
i just read "general setup"
and saluted to "GENERAL SETUP!"
that's generally not a good idea
whoops I did it again. major mistake..
@NevikRehnel maybe, but I probably shouldn't be the one to bring it up. It just seems weid, because "adult" language just happens. Watching American movies, you'd miss a lot if you didn't know any bad language...
@Astrum well if you wont, no one will :D
I always have to be the bad guy, I see how it is!
Mr. giggles already dislikes me for some reason, no clue what got up his ass
and now everybody gets to come down on me after I post
WHAAAA PG-13 sensor alert
ass is PG-13 though
it is?? dammit.
@Vogel612 not a four letter word
those are the dangerous ones
<-- grabbing something to eat
it makes as much sense as the RR \o/
I don't get the PG-13 thing. Ask any Kita child about their swearwords and they'll come up with worse things than you'll get here.
alrighty fellas
@OregonGhost indeed
@OregonGhost I have a supporter!
@Astrum we never said we thought the rule was a good idea
This is the German chat anyway, let's use German rules. And here is no PG-13 :p
it's in the network ToS, so there's not much you can do about it
@OregonGhost Frag ein jedes deutsches Schulkind und es wird noch wesentlich schlimmer!
(not that I'd use bad language anyway unless in person - but auto-censoring is bad, like clbuttical (; )
@Takkat Das ist wahr.
@OregonGhost there is no auto-censoring in place
(if you mean automatic censoring; if you mean "auto" as in "self", then i think that's appropriate here :P)
Frage in den Raum: versteht hier eigentlich jemand nicht so gut Deutsch?
*zirp zirp *
huh? Are you asking if somebody here understands German poorly? Cuz... that'd be me! =D
I really ought to go to sleep
this is waaaaaaay too late for me
at least I got some work done though...
Chopper Read - a great Australian vocabulary
1 hour later…
Q: Should chat discussions preferably be in German?

TakkatAs of today the topic of our main chat room is worded as follows: General discussion for german.stackexchange.com. You may speak both German and English here. So everybody speaking German or English is welcome to talk and discuss matters on the German language or on issues with our site. We...

Opinions are welcome :)
ich habe gedacht, dass es normalerweise immer auf Deutsch hier ist
fast immer sowieso
immer wenn du da bist..
ansonsten herrscht hier meistens da Englische ;)
Wenn neue Leute hier hereinschauen sind sie vielleicht auch enttäuscht, wenn es "nur" englischsprachigen Smalltalk gibt.
Ohne jetzt gerade auf die Frage antworten zu wollen. Ich finde es schon sinnvoll, dass man hier mehr deutsch redet und lieber Lernenden bei Nachfragen auf Englisch antwortet, wenn diese es fordern.
Es war auch nicht immer alles auf Englisch, sondern nur, wenn es jemandem geholfen hat bzw. sein Deutsch nicht ausreichend war. Also damals jedenfalls, in den guten alten Zeiten ;)
@Oregon du hörst dich an wie ein Opa.. na ob der Satz jetzt stimmte (?)
hach - die guten alten Zeiten :)
aber Leute bleiben manchmal wenn es 'smalltalk' auf Englisch oder Deutsch gibt
und nicht 16 hours later...
oder 3 Days later
ja klar
ich habe das Gefühl, dass es in letzter Zeit auch am Wochenende hier voll ist..
oder 3 weeks later
Haaach die guten Alten Zeiten ;)
@drch Smalltalk auf Deutsch finde ich eine prima Idee!
ja es ist ein neue Begriff für die Deutsche =]
^^sterbende Wörter :"(
die deutsche Weise ist besser. Niemand hier im Email beginnt mit 'How was your weekend? Hope you're well....' usw
hier ist es direkt auf den Punkt
hier im Email??
hier in Deutschland
dann eher: Niemand hier beginnt eine Email mit [...]
oder noch besser: Kein Deutscher
ah danke ;)
@Takkat würdest du vielleicht die Meta-Frage von oben statt der CommunityEvaluation featuren?
Ich pinne das mal hier - es betriff ja nur den Chat...
2 hours later…
@NevikRehnel „derselbe“, „dieselbe“, usw. wurde schon immer zusammen geschrieben, das hat nichts mit der Rechtschreibreform zu tun
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 16:00

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