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03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 16:00

4 hours later…
@NevikRehnel rise and shine
is allerdings ever used? It seems to be fairly rare
@Astrum it's not rare
I feel like you have a dozen ways to say "but"
however, so does english
other words notwithstanding
I noticed that after I wrote it
there is nonetheless some variety
I get it
nevertheless, i like to point it out ;)
Et ceterum puto Carthaginem esse delendam.
TIL that Einsteins last words are lost, because the nurse didn't know German
thats how important our language is!
probably was something like "pass the salt" or something
or "nice ass"
my last words will totally be "Run forth and fornicate!"
I've heard that Einstein was black from the waist down...
or at least that's what my Cornell friend told me
he might have just made that up though
he's a strange character
extremely bright, but extremely weird
didnt you know, all germans are black from the waist down
that's why we dont wear shorts
he has the blackest sense of humor I've ever encountered
oh dear...
I've never heard this stereotype
I thought it was so you didn't blind anybody with your pasty white legs!
i personally avoid them
but that's because i feel more comfortable with cloth on my legs
good thing you're not a girl
that's not the only aspect where it's good im not a girl
the beard would be awkward
well, and other things are surely not pleasant, either
damn biology
always ruining the fun
there was this really depressed guy who would write out late passes at my HS
and one time he told me "and then you graduate, and get a job... then you die"
the rumor was that he was gay, and apparently his boyfriend died and he'd been depressed ever since
if that's true, I feel pretty bad for him, we probably shouldn't have given him so much shit
he was at a high school. you dont go to a high school without expecting shit
if you dont expect it, you deserve it
that's true, so I can give myself a pass
Hello @Takkat and @NevikRehnel
moin @Gigili
Why is an answer to that CW question non-CW, @Takkat?
apparently verboten is an English word too....
I could really go for a dark and stormy right now
I was invited to a party in Boston sometime in May, but I'm afraid to go because if the police come, I'll be spending the night in jail. That would look really bad on a Princeton grad application
technically it's underage drinking
and if you're over 18, it becomes a larger offense than if you're under 18
the drinking age is 21
talk about BS
so dont go there
plus, STIs aren't exactly my thing
easy fix
sure, but I'd like to go to see my friends, haven't seen em' since HS
Boston is about 2 hours away, so I guess I could come home after a bit, but still
maybe I could hang out in Harvard Square and try to pretend to be Will Hunting (I hope you get the reference)
it's a movie, it's actually pretty decent
it's about a kid/guy who's a math genius, but hangs out with the wrong crowd.
He works as a janitor at MIT, and the story goes from there
It's a good story! it's about a lot more than that, but I enjoyed it
that where they write a uber-complex problem at a blackboard
and he just solves it overnight?
and no one knows the "culprit"?
@Vogel612 yeah, something regarding Fourier Analysis, but his area of expertise is combinatorics
the professor had won a Fields Medal
I like the scene at the bar, where he just destroys that history student.
yeah, that was good
the scene where the NSA offers him a job is good
and he's just like: no. you suck.
0:09 I was there, just saying....
they put a sidewalk in now though
mitfühlen is empathize or sympathize?
sounds more like sympathize
but I can't be sure
what's the difference
empathize is more like "to pity", where sympathize is "your feelings are my feelings"
sympathize is a stronger word than empathize
"you cry, I cry"
that sort of thing
although people misuse them all the time
perhaps a better way to put it is: Empathize - I understand your pain, Sympathize - I feel your pain
[en- + -pathy (translation of German Einfühlung).] <--- LOL
someone might want to tell them that it's from greek, and also "Einfühlung" doesnt exist in german
I googled it
yeah, no such word
email them
and set them straight
hell no
just like that
not sure if you had spongebob in Germany
if you didn't, I pity you
we did, but i never really watched it
Sponge Bob, Schwammkopf...
Meine Kinder haben es gerne gesehen. Sehr gutes Deutsch in der Synchronfassung übrigens.
no comma, and only two words overall, @Takkat
the humor was actually not good for kids. being so young, it really went over our heads
that's probably the main point of the show
I find it amusing how @Takkat pops up at the most random times
the show makes a couple suicide jokes, even
but as a little kid, you never catch them
@clinch RR = Rechtschreibreform
8:30 in the morning is the time of the day when work only just started to pop in here.
what time do German schools start (HS and primary school)
that depends
We started here at 7:25 for HS
anywhere from 7:30 to 9:00 from what ive heard
lol, I might have actually gotten decent grades, if I started at 9
6 hours of sleep 5 days a week does some serious damage to your motivation
people like blaming the time of day for their school performance
well that's pretty much your own fault
it is, I suppose
go to bed sooner, and stop being a whiny b-(PG13'd)
my middle school started at 720 and my high school started at 9 and honestly it doesn't make a big difference
*high school starts
I'm not convinced that that's the case all the time. For me I think it would make a huge difference
I took all late courses after HS, and it made a huge difference
@Gigili: we merged the TV show question
I've just found you have to be reasonable and understand going to bed at 2 am will work better when you don't have to be awake until 7 versus when you have to be up at 5
I'm a night person, it's honestly not such an easy thing to force myself to bed early
it's mostly a question of discipline and mindset
@NevikRehnel I'm not saying it's impossible for me to get myself on track, it's just more challenging for me than for others. My clock never worked like that
get a new clock :P
but i know what you mean
my schedule is pretty bad right now, actually... but that's the side-effect of taking a semester off
yeah, new brain pls
Moin :)
greetings @OregonGhost
I'd like to throw in 7:30 as today's hotel breakfast time, and just now work begins... Way too early for me ;)
noon is the best time to wake up =D
That was actually an acceptable time when I began at my current company. But for some years now, we have had a core time of 10:00 to 16:00. Can still live with that time ;)
yeah, that's not too bad
can Einfürung be used as "the Intro to a book"?
awkwardly, yes. but usually that would be an "Einleitung"
Would also prefer Einleitung. Einführung is more like an intro to a topic.
all female words, I call sexism
@Takkat Finde den Fehler: "TV-Stations with German shows" [...] "CSI, Dr. House, Game of Thrones, Criminal Minds, ..." ;)
German-language Shows? :p
Ja, ich weiß, manchmal bin ich sehr pingelig ^^
Im Zusammenhang mit einer Seite zum Lernen einer Sprache gerade in diesem Fall durchaus verzeihlich ^^
Anyways. Fands nur eben ganz lustig.
Bin wieder afk ^^
Ach hallo noch
und ciao
Moin und tschüss^^
Ach @Em1 noch, von wegen man kann ein Auto nicht mögen, das man sich gerade angeschaut hat. Also bei mir war's Liebe auf den ersten Blick ;)
Q: The difference between "spüren" and "fühlen"

MattyBealesCould somebody please explain to me, the difference between the verbs "spüren" and "fühlen"? I know they both mean to feel, but do they both have different connotations? My initial feeling was that one is more physical and the other more emotional/mental/non-physical... however I am unable to say...

Spüren is preferable to fühlen in the correct context?
spüren is more of a physical feeling
so in cases of a physical sensation, you should use spüren?
however, fühlen is usually a valid synonym even if spüren fits
so it really doesn't matter?
@Astrum i cant think of an example where spüren is exclusive/much preferable
ok, gotcha
of course i could just be wrong, haha
you seem to be right most of the time, so I'll take your word for it... but I'm watching you eye squint
what happens if I double up on the asterisks
the important thing is to note when i say "i know" and "i cant think of"
try it
*hi there
Bob Bobinson
now let's triple it
I mean
*pushing my luck*
3 is the limit
does this support latex, or is that only some chats?
probably only some
considering the limitations of the parser used
it works
it doesnt for me
oh, hang on a sec, you need this link
i just see the dollary source
this is what everybody uses on the math and physics SE chat
moar JS
dont need that right now i dont think
$$\sum ^{\infty} _{n=1} n = -\frac{1}{12}$$
@Em1 die Antwort kommt aus einem Merge einer Frage, in der nach eingedeutschten amerikanischen Serien gefragt wurde. Ich meine aber, dass ein Titel "German shows" besser ist, da Synchronfassungen manchmal sehr unidiomatisch sind und man in dieser Antwort wirklich den Schwerpunkt auf die deutschen Sendungen legen sollte. Vielleicht mage @npst seine Antwort noch redigieren...
$$\nabla \cdot \mathbf E = 4\pi \rho$$
ok, I'm happy now
@NevikRehnel is it ok to say vista in German? I'm not sure if it's a loan word
@Astrum you mean in the sense of grand view/background ?
no i dont think so
wiktionary gives Aussicht
and Ausblick
both are correct
er... @NevikRehnel I have another question.... "Es war Wunderbar, gebraucht zu werden" why are we using "werden" and not "sein"? Is this not present tense?
@Astrum: Weil man gebraucht wird und nicht gebraucht ist - letzteres ist nicht so ein tolles Gefühl ;)
I'm not sure I follow. why is "to be needed" bad ?
@Astrum the first is "to be needed", the latter is "to be used"
not sure why though
that doesn't make sense to me
there is not as big a distinction between the progressive passive (Vorgangspassiv) and the state passive (Zustandspassiv) in english
this can lead to some serious misunderstandings
I should probably understand this
as the names same, a Vorgangspassiv ("<Verb im Passiv> werden") describes a process, while a Zustandspassiv ("<Verb im Passiv> sein") describes a state
for literal translations, a process/progressive passive form would be translated with "to become <participle>", while a state passive would be "to be <participle>"
I see
@OregonGhost Troll nicht :D
Würde ich nie machen ;)
@Astrum i dont think there are many situations where the same word can be used with both passive forms and cause misunderstandings in the process
@NevikRehnel aside from this case with gebraucht
"gebraucht sein" literally means "(to be) used", which is bad when applied to people, but neutral when applied to things (used car = "gebrauchtes Auto")
@Astrum indeed
it's funny that we don't care how our cars feel about being used =[
but I understand
as you might have noticed from these examples, the state passive usually coincides with the present perfect of verbs whose present perfect is formed as <inflected form of sein > + <participle>
because I was just looking at some words, and it seems that it's just the same as "the haus is built" vs" the haus was built"
@Astrum that's a good example of where you'd use the present progressive in english
whatever that is, bro, whatever that is
"das Haus wird gebaut" = the house is being built
"das Haus ist gebaut" = the house is/was built (i.e. it's done)
oh, I see what you did there
so, how do express "the house will be built (construction no yet started)?
awkwardly, you could also say "the house is becoming built" in english, thereby expressing the progress from "not built" to "built"
ekk, that sounds weird
yes, but it's more literal of the werden
as we dont have a progressive verb form in german
@Astrum "Das Haus wird gebaut werden" :P
@Astrum that would be "das Haus wird gebaut werden"
one werden for the passive, one for the future tense
so it's like weather
The way you say "es wird werden"
"Es wird sonnig." vs. "Es wird von der Sonne beschienen werden." :P
@Nevik Es ist nicht so toll von Leuten als Problemlösungswerkzeug gebraucht zu werden. Danach fühlt man sich immer so benutzt ;)
@Vogel612 mhm
@Astrum damn straight
Family Guy is the greatest
the bestest, guuuurl
Es ist eine Seele die zu mir spricht = it's the soul that speaks to me?
Hey guurl ... smileyface....
@Astrum protip: edit function :>
i'M LAZY....
caps lock
@Astrum and yes, that's correct (except for the missing comma after Seele)
@Astrum Pro Protip.. just use arrow up
@Vogel612 i was just gonna mention that :D
@Vogel612 danke schön
it still bothers me there is no similar shortcut for replying to messages
Minecraft doesn't have anything like that either, and it drives me nuts
w8 what?? you want to edit chat messages in MINECRAFT??
he's saying for the @ function
und ja ich weiß, dass satzzeichen keine Rudeltiere sind..
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 16:00

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