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01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 14:00

Hubbard covers maxwell's equations at the veeeeery end of the text, and writes them out in the ugliest form I've ever seen
no lie
@Vogel612 here's something even more confusing: archaic english word "physicker"
my eyes bled
notice how there's sick in that..
and how it's one letter away from Physiker :D
mathematicians also talk about Noether's Theorem in a way that is totally beyond my mathematical level right now >=( they think they're so smart
@Astrum big part of science life is believably pretending that you know more than you do
@NevikRehnel I've seen this trend, and I find it rather unbecoming
the thing is that in any kind of leadership position, appearing indecisive is a considerable weakness
so it becomes more common
yeah, it's called the "Fiber-bundle derivation",
Noether's (first) theorem states that any differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law. The theorem was proved by German mathematician Emmy Noether in 1915 and published in 1918. The action of a physical system is the integral over time of a Lagrangian function (which may or may not be an integral over space of a Lagrangian density function), from which the system's behavior can be determined by the principle of least action. Noether's theorem has become a fundamental tool of modern theoretical physics and the calculus of variations. A ge...
@Astrum or do you think i actually know all this stuff about German :D
@NevikRehnel as long as you're right, I don't really give a shit
but how do you know
I don't
exactly :D
maybe there's a secret pact among germans to teach foreign speakers special code words
so we can pick them out
ah well, i gotta revise some stuff.
bye for now :D
see ya @NevikRehnel
there are so few das words
Was sind denn "Das"-Wörter?
Bewerben kann sich dort jeder - why the verb in the front?
46% Feminin 34% Maskulin 20% Neutrum.
@Astrum es wurde zur Hervorhebung an den Anfang gestellt.
so it's stylistic
Guter Stil ist das nicht. Schreiben kann man aber so, wenn man möchte. Ohnehin sind die Regeln weniger streng als man denkt.
Die sehen doch alle gleich aus.
I'm having trouble understand this
die - the? they?
all look the same of course
but I don't understand who "die" is
"Die" ist wohl im vorangegangenen Satz erklärt.
it wasn't!
Dann gehört der Artikel dem Autor um die Ohren geschlagen! ;)
how does one say something like
"my eyes hurt from the computer"?
Mir brennen die Augen --> very colloquial "Die Farben sind so scheußlich, da bekomme ich Augenkrebs von"
@Takkat on today's news: Takkat spricht sich für körperliche Züchtigung bei stilistischen Mängeln aus.
I always thought Mein Herz Brennt meant his heart was burning....
@Astrum take out the t and you're right
but @Takkat said mir brennen die Augen
as it stands, your Hertz is burning, which arguably doesn't make much sense
yeah, fixed it
oh deary me
so many meanings
most of them are metaphorical
@Astrum it just means "to burn"
so how do you say hurt?!
adjective or verb?
as in - my hand hurts from punching bob in the face!"
well technically that adjective would be a participle, haha
wwell, both
ok, so just the verb
@Astrum intransitive hurt (my hand hurts) is "weh tun" (Meine Hand tut weh.) or "schmerzen (Meine Hand schmerzt.)
tu dir weh, it all makes sense now
transitive hurt (I hurt Bob.) is "verletzen" (Ich verletze Bob.) or "weh tun" (Ich tue Bob weh.)
in both cases, "weh tun" is more colloquial than the alternative
what's the German equal to Bob? as in - what's your most common name?
I swear, I know like 100 micheals
well, in HS at least
i dont think we have a typical example name like Bob/Jack/John
what about Günther?
not very common
you've GOT to have one
not really
it's a law of human nature
well im not aware which names are currently the most common
Otto Normalverbraucher
it changes so much
@Takkat Max Mustermann?
Kevin ftw
@Astrum those are all older names that aren't very common in current generations
wolfgang is not rare, but not overly common
wtf, those are the best ones!
by what measure :P
Because of Beethoven and Mozart, of course
Johannes ist in Mode.
to me both günther and heinrich sound rather ridiculous
what about Johann?
there we go
nvm, rate limit hit me again
yeah, but that's what makes them great
Ludwich oder Ludwik?
@Astrum we dont care about that nonsense for naming our kids :P
@NevikRehnel don't be so German
Pupsie ist aber kein so guter Namen.
with all your "efficiency" BAH HUMBUG
@Astrum at least we dont spy on the whole planet :D
Effizienzgesteuertes Dasein ist der Tod aller Kreativität.
if you bred with the Italians, you'd be just right
@NevikRehnel I think we ought to avoid politics, unless you want me to start again
@NevikRehnel wer sagt denn sowas? Natürlich machen wir das auch!
everybody does, but not like the US
@Takkat oh wups
context, mofo, did i read it
------- politics is off topic from now on --------
@Takkat make* or makes*
Oh Gott ich hab überall Sockenfussel
Takkat macht Nägel mit Köpfen
@Astrum wir sind aber schon in 2014
sure, but I assume not too much has changed
oh it has
and it includes the sixties..
at least not much is different in the US
yea.... not
actually, using 40 years for a names ranking is nonsense
Die goldenen 60er Jahre :)
@Astrum in most countries, the top 10 names change significantly about every 5-10 years
maybe it does, but I never really notice a large difference from generations here.
(fun fact: in Japan this is so prevalent that you can estimate someone's age to within about 3 years just by knowing their first name and the culture/statistics)
are they that unoriginal?
I'm gonna name my children - divide by zero
what is unoriginal about coming up with entirely new names every three years
@Astrum if anyone is unoriginal, it's that country where naming trends dont change between generations
I never said we were original
but what am i talking about, it's also the country that named all of its towns for towns existing somewhere else
that's da truth
"why come up with names when we can name this town like the town we come from!"
I have a secret
the town I live in
is actually called Berlin
it's almost as good as London, Canada
dead serious
We have a New London
and Greenwich
there's probably a bunch of those all over the US
and like... every othe town
oh well.. fun fact no. 2: The official language of the United States could have been German (was one vote difference)
but we have no official language @Vogel612
@Astrum im pretty sure you do
if we do, everybody pretends we don't. I hear this complaint very often from people
let me google
well there are so many hispanics and asians invading there.....
oh, you dont, on a federal level
LOL, 'murica
they're so organized, the cant even agree on a language
"let's make a country but let's act as if every state is their own country!"
that's always a talking point during elections
state's rights....
that politics ban lasted all of... 1 minute
honestly, by any definition you're not a country
youre about 50 countries
next fun fact: in Las Vegas it is illegal to drive by car.
@Vogel612 source?
how is that so @Vogel612
@Nevik why are we not 16 then?
@Vogel612 because we have MUCH more federal regulations than america
I've been to vegas, there were a lot of cars
@Vogel612 and an official language :D
@Astrum what ban? ;)
take a look, I marked it @Takkat
ja, es reißt meine schöne Linie entzwei.
everybody loves to take pot shots at the US (me included), it's just too hard to not do it
history shows that "countries" that huge dont work (for long)
confer: every empire ever, USA, EU
Russia has existed in many forms for the last like, 1000 years
@Astrum and look what it is today
I don't disagree, but I don't think the US will ever break up, excluding WWIII
it'll just turn to crap
as it already is
well yes, because companies make a huge profit off america
why destroy a market if you can use it
and really, if the US goes down, everybody goes down (economically), more so than any other country
excluding the EU as a country
EU is not a country... and they all feed on us germans
My Italian relatives have another view point...
@Astrum oh well.. italians. look at their politics ;)
If you want to get them on a roll, ask them how they feel about their government. They'll put on a show
ok, is the EU as dysfunctional as you guys are making it sound, because it sounds like you've got a lot of problems you need to work out O.o
Wie sagt man ' I am doing a master's degree in Math' ?
alright fellas, I'm goin to bed
see ya later!
@DerPolyglott33 "Ich mache gerade meinen Magister/Master in Mathematik" <-- colloquial, but it appears the English was colloquial too, was it?
Gut's Nächtle @Astrum
Kann man ' Ich erleidige meinen Magister in Mathe' sagen oder?
coll. - "Ich bin an meiner Magisterarbeit in Mathe" - erledigen passt gar nicht.
"Ich schreibe an meiner Magisterarbeit"
Ich schreibe an meiner Magisterarbeit in Mathe?
klingt gut!
Du hast mir das Leben gerettet
Oha - man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben.
Er mangelt an Respekt vor seinen Eltern - he lacks respect for his parents?
Ihm mangelt...
Es mangelt ihm an...
Der Respekt mangelt, nicht der Sohn. - eigentlich aber Es mangelt an Respekt
das böse unpersönliche Es
Es gibt einen Mangel an Sauerstoff. Es mangelt an Sauerstoff. Es herrscht Sauerstoffmangel.
Unter der Herrschaft des Mangels: Dem Überfluss den Kampf angesagt
Ein Überflussmangel sozusagen.
Mangelhaft, setzen!
Die Buchung für das Die Hosen-Konzert ist voll - Sagt man das so?
Die [Toten] Hosen sind ausgebucht
Für das Konzert der "Hosen" gibt es keine Karten mehr.
Die Buchung der Hosen-Konzert ist ausgebucht - sagt man das so?
nein - "ausgebucht sein" impliziert die Buchung.
ich schreibe alles, worüber ich auf deutsch nachdenken kann. - sagt man das so?
Die Grammatik ist (bis auf "auf Deutsch") richtig, aber man kann den Satz nicht gut verstehen...
"Ich schreibe alles auf, was mir auf Deutsch in den Sinn kommt"
Takkat's sentence augmentation skillz are over 9000
I write everything what i can think of in German?
Hä? Satzverlängerung?
@DerPolyglott33 es ist ambivalent, man könnte auch sagen "Ich schreibe alle meine Gedanken auf Deutsch auf" - der obige 1. Satz ist wohl das, was du meinst, oder?
@Takkat wo ziehst du "Verlängerung" her?
es gibt keine "Satzvergrößerung" oder "Satzvermehrung" :P
Sätze werden nur immer länger und länger...
@Takkat meines Wissens heißt augmentation "Ergänzung"
@NevikRehnel link or it's a lie ;)
ive been lied to
brb gotta kill english teacher
@NevikRehnel man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben ;)
1 hour later…
@Nevik #getyofaxstraightbeforehashtaggingyopostswithgetyofaxstraight
@Vogel612 i hear you brother
01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 14:00

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