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01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 14:00

Ketzerei! IRC > alles
5 hours later…
Guten Tag, Guten Morgen
Woher kommst du?
Sie ?
Ich lerne deutsch. Beginner :P
Aus den Usa. Wie lange lernst du schon Deutsch?
15 Tage..
Dieser Chat ist für fortgeschrittenen Studenten.
aww i dont get it
This is for advanced students
oh yeah, but i usually stay here. and watch everyone's communication.
i learn at home with rosetta stone and online books
Stellst du den Deutschen hier Fragen?
I dont ask anything, i say hello and basic sentences and so.
I just want a environment where people speak deutsch. kind of immersion.
Ja, aber was nutzt es, wenn du es nicht sprichst?
du musst es auch sprechen
<--- puts on stereotypical indian accent
@shakthi he right dood
you aint gonna learn it if you aint gonna use it
@DerPolyglott33 yeah, i am just starting to learn. its only been 15 days. I am in level 1 and reading grammar and vocabulary. i wish i learn quicker and talk to you people in deutsch ;)
@NevikRehnel i dont speak sentences. I am not so good at it :(
practise makes perfect
I am in "Sie isst belegte brot und trinkt wasser"
Du gehst zu ICQ u. suchst jmdn, mit dem du auf Deutsch sprechen kannst.
haha ICQ
i thought icq was dead
Es lebt noch
i think i havent used it in.... iunno, 5 years or whatever
@shakthi Wenn du es genau mit Deutschlernen nehmen willst, dann du es machen musst.
@DerPolyglott33 i have to translate this, please talk in english for a while
@NevikRehnel What's ICQ?
Ich lerne schon seit 14 Jahren Deutsch, aber ich mache noch Fehler. Eine tolle Sache, dass ich diese Webseite durch Zufall gefunden habe. Hier kann ich den gebürtigen Deutschen Grammatikfragen stellen. :)
@shakthi pro-tip: open a second browser window with live Google translate to read this chat in both, German and English.
@Takkat haha yeah. thats a value tip. I am using bing and google translators. Bing does a better job with large sentences than google.
yeah. use Bing or any other onlne live translation.
They usually fail anyway.
@shakthi Online-Übersetzung produziert kein gutes Deutsch, leider.
@Takkat lol
I am in ICQ now, Danke alle.
Such dir jmdn dort, mit dem du auf Deutsch sprechen kannst. Sprich kein Englisch! hihi
Ich verde versuchen :)
@shakthi Ich werde ES versuchen.**
Frag mich nicht wieso
haha ja, Danke ihnen :P
vielen dank :)
Kein Ding, Mann
hello world
Moin astrum
deshalb du mir nicht zustimmen wirst - how's this sentence check out? subordinate, of course
my head hurts
Deshalb wirst.....
I thought it creates a subclause
aw dammit
it doesn't
Deshalb is not like 'wenn' that makes the verb go to the end of the sentence
yeah, it doesn't create a subclause, I looked it up
when its used the verb goes second
I see where I went wrong
deshalb wirst du mir nicht zustimmen
You ask Nevik if you're sentence is correct. :)
I just can't remember if "zustimmen" needs genetive or acusative or something
I could, but he's probably busy
let's bug takkat today!
@Takkat halllooooooooo
zustimmen takes the dative
Ich stimme dir zu - i agree with you
Od. Das meine ich auch
@Astrum o/
oh yea, that's right, datative
alsways mix those two cases up because of other languages
Hiya @Takkat
deshalb wirst du mir nicht zustimmen - how's this sentence?
Wir stimmen dem zu.
Wir stimmen auch dir zu!
Zustimmung verhindert Verstimmung.
^^zum Basteln.
is it dass or daß? which one is "correct"?
daß is old fashioned
Das 'ß' wurde in der letzten Rechtschreibreform dort abgeschafft. Nur in alten Büchern findet man noch daß.
Und wenn so alte Leute wie ich schreiben, kann es passieren, daß wir uns vertun.
I see
Uns wurde in der Grundschule das "daß" derart eingebläut, dass wir uns immer noch schwer tun.
Takkat : Er drängt sich durch eine Gruppe von Menschen durch - kann man das "durch" zweimal benutzen?
kann man, oder man sagt hindurch --> hindurchzwängen
aber es ist auch OK, wenn du das zweite durch weglässt.
Kann man das im Sinne von 'he elbows himself...' übersetzen?
Setzt das im Englischen voraus, dass man mit Gewalt drängelt?
Ich habe es nachgeschlagen. Es ist ' sich durchdrängeln'. Kann man " s. durchdrängen" mit "s. durchdrängeln" wechseln?
drängeln ist Umgangssprache.
Ich verstehe.
"Drängel doch nicht so!" ;)
Er drängelt sich durch die Gruppe von Menschen im Park.
ja, aber man würde wahscheinlich "Menschenmenge" und nicht "Gruppe von..." sagen. Gruppe ist viel kleiner.
Er ging im Menschengedränge verloren
@Takkat Axo. Ich habe auch dieses Wort gesehen, aber ich war mir darüber unsicher.
dat (73*) in my title bar
He got lost in the crowd?
You guys have a funny translation for "there's nothing to fear", I'm assuming, right?
I'm sure it's not literal
@Astrum well, that depends, haha
the literal translation (Es gibt nichts zu fürchten.) is acceptable, though might seem awkward/unidiomatic in certain contexts
it's fine in colloquial and general contexts though
That's what I thought, but I know betetr than to go with a literal translation
are you kidding me?
@NevikRehnel Was ist die Richtige?
Well, here's the sentence I have
a little more colloquial would be "Es gibt nichts, wovor man sich fürchten müsste."
Kernenergie hört gut für mich an. Es gibt nichts zu fürchten!
Keine Angst!
Nur keine Panik
Keep Kalm and Kontinue the Kernenergie.
Germans are such... pansies about Kernenergie
(no offense to you Germans in the room)
@Astrum in such a direct context, the general translation would probably be "Dort/Da gibt es nichts zu fürchten."
where the usually local "da/dort" metaphorically refers to the topic of the previous sentence
@Astrum wir sind während des Fallouts von Tschernobyl draußen spazieren gegangen, weil es so ein schöner Tag war...
I've already been told
...erst am Abend wurde gesagt, man soll das Haus nicht verlassen. :(
that was before my time
and mine
@Astrum there is also a difference that you guys have about 50% of your country's area unused where you can dump the nuclear waste and no one gives a shit
we, unfortunately, have neither the space nor the deserts to do so
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen 'einen Spaziergang machen' u. "spazierengehen" ?
Und die Kinder durften nicht im Sandkasten spielen, die Milch und Salat waren verseucht, und so weiter....
@DerPolyglott33 none
What's Germany's plan, anyway? You're just gonna burn coal/oil/gas forever?
Eh, that's a fair point @NevikRehnel
@Astrum there's this thing
people call it renewable energy
Windkraft und Solarenergie sind hier groß im Kommen.
but i understand that america hasnt heard of it
Nevik: Also gibt es keine richtige Übersetzung für " There's nothing to fear" ?
its rather new
You saw the numbers from yesterday! how do you think you can manage that much space and money?
@DerPolyglott33 what Astrum used is fine. as i pointed out, in that context a leading "Da/Dort" would make it nicer
@Astrum 15% efficiency is zilch. that can be increased a lot. also, every house has a roof, no?
@NevikRehnel Danke wieder!
Even if a solar cell could transfer 100% of the energy we get from the sun, we'd still need 1,000,000 km^2 of space
@Astrum plus, the sun doesnt shine at night
and we dont have full moons all the time
@Astrum naturally, solar cant be the sole solution
I know, the number of 4.2 killowatthours per m^2 was an average over the entire day
as Takkat said, wind parks are being pushed as well. both forms of generation have the big problem of substantial output fluctuations, however
@Astrum the problem is that we need most our power when it's dark out
lol, big batteries
so averages are not very useful
really really big batteries
that said, storage technologies are being researched
have been for a while
but that stuff is difficult
o/ @Vogel612
i am typing too fast for this chat
@nevik lemme just read up...
Optimale Energiesparmaßnahmen sind ein weiteres Ziel.
nuclear fusion is the future... in 20 years
@Vogel612 quick, i'm apparently typing faster than one line per 2 seconds
@Astrum i doubt that it'll make a big impact very soon
too much coffee
havent had any coffee today
maybe you need some
I'm interested in going into plasma physics, now it's only a matter of getting into Princeton for grad school....
@Astrum also, we need solutions before "in 20 years", because by then oil is gonna be a real problem
matter - pun intended
budum psh
Ist "Stockton nach San Jose ist an 75 Kilometer" dasselbe wie " Stockton nach San Jose ist ungefähr 75 Kilometer" ?
the joke goes - nuclear fusion is the technology of the future.... and always will be"
an die == ungefähr
@DerPolyglott33 yes, but "an [die]" is rather colloquial
@Astrum lol, yeah
aren't they building a huge fusion research site in France?
@NevikRehnel Also ist" ungefähr" Hochdeutsch?
@Astrum the currently biggest problem is that existing power transmission and distribution networks (aka power lines and transformer substations) cant handle the kind of decentralized and fluctuation power generation that renewables are introducing
@DerPolyglott33 yup
@NevikRehnel Danke sehr!
@Astrum note "huge" and "research" being key
afaik, no fusion plant has approach usefulness so far
I honestly don't think renewable sources will be much better in 50 years, we'll see eventually
esp. because they're a fickle thing to run, and possibly quite dangerous when they fail
@Astrum considering the advances in the renewable technologies, i expect further big changes in the next one or two decades
I think the main problem is money
the power network thing is a huge problem though, as it requires massive infrastructure changes
and who gonna pay for that
Well we have too much money either way... paying for greece, spain, italy, portugal and ireland..
but hey who cares about german debt..
@Vogel612 only that "we" arent probably gonna be paying for the power lines renewal
I think solar is pretty useless, those numbers from the other day were depressing
@Astrum looking at solar alone is pointless anyway
well @Astrum that's mainly due to the efficiency problems and the cost for solar panels (in CO2 respect)
and the fact that silicon is so hard to come by
water and wind win the race
I've never actually checked out generation from wind energy and water
water is also great storage
even if those storages are really expensive to build, and only work if you have some sizeable hills around
water is pretty static energy.. look at china ;)
again it's not like "we" are gonna pay for that.. is it??
@Vogel612 indeed. showing what is possible when money and effort are no object
build biggest dam ever? dam(n) right!
pun strongly intended huh??
what gave it away :P
the brackets.. (if they are really called brackets in english)
can't differ between the english names for (){}[]...
all brackets..
afaik: brackets: [], parentheses: (), curly braces {}
rund, geschweift und eckig..
alles einfach Klammern...
those big curly brackets are impossible for me to draw
und um der Verwirrung keinen abzutun wird Parenthese komplett anders verwendet als im Deutschen :D
@Astrum they're so easy, but i see most people struggling with them
@Astrum you mean those, who are to sum up multiple lines like in many ppt presentations?
@Astrum to cheat: draw square bracket, add tick in the middle
@NevikRehnel my artistic skill would be represented by {0} - the empty set
@Astrum that's funny because {0} isnt empty
it's not, but we call it the empty set!
well, you're wrong
{{0,0,0}, {drawing, shapes, filling}}
the empty set is {} or \emptyset
{0} is the set that contains 0
really? I've been calling it an empty set all this time O.o
type [] emptyset = {};
well it's obvisouly not empty if you draw something into it
@Vogel612 no :P
I see, yeah, my bad
I like representing the set of zero with \mathbf 0
that's.... weird
but okay
Hubbard does it all the time in his multivariate analysis text
@Astrum also shouldnt that be \mathbb
bold fonts are generally used for vectors (a notation which i absolutely hate)
bb does what again?
I can never remember
bb is the one you use for the number sets
R, Q, Z
erm, I honestly can't remember
I really am glad I don't understand a friggin word..
's that latech?
ah, \mathbf does bold, that would be the zero vector, and
\mathbb does the blackboard font
you already found it haha
Hubbard uses weird notation though
Skills[] myskills = {{guessing, 9001}, {deduction, 8500}, {reasoning, 8000}, {anything else, 0}}
his name is hubbard, what do you expect
@Vogel612 i see what you did with guessing
@Nevik guess what... i guessed you would.
partial derivative is given by D_i f(\vec{a})
instead of \partial _i f(\vec{a})
@Astrum lazy typist im sure
I hate when books deviate from standard practice, makes things hard
it's like when physics books call it "Hermantian" and math uses "Self-adjoint"
that's the result of science not having laws :D
well that one's clear enough because both terms are usually explained when introduced
also i think you mean Hermitian
(french name)
yeah, spelling is not my area
Glad i understand neither..
@Vogel612 linear algebra can be a bit... boring at times
two physics students and a lost IT-Trainee...
@Vogel612 we aint doctors
neither of us are physicist* XD
better ???
but yes, neither of us is actually a physics student
maybe I can earn that title in..... 10 years
@Astrum that would have been physicists or not??
it was just my minor subject during my bachelor's degree
@Vogel612 yes
01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 14:00

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