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I have the question ready to ask, it needs you to become a CW question @Takkat
@Gigili that feels like discrimination :P
Hello @NevikRehnel
Well then, I should get going, I have an exam and I don't have much time to study!
@NevikRehnel what does "Schoß" really mean? I've heard it mean like... a million different things
it just means lap, @Astrum
even as a "classy" slang for um.... female parts O.o
@Gigili byebye :D
it also mentioned something about a coat
yeah, I thought that was pretty weird
can you show me?
sure, one sec
using "lap" for the pubic area is a normal euphemism though
i dont see any coat :P
"skirt" "shirttail"
Rock is a skirt, so Schoß must mean something different
that's quite different from a coat :P
the skirt meaning is local to austria, and might be rare even now. schoß for shirttail is very rare/unusual
yeah, I suppose, I'm pretty sure one of the dictionaries had a picture of a guy in a coat though....
so youre probably not gonna run into either of those meanings, unless you translate poetry or old texts
@Astrum these are the relevant meanings: dict.leo.org/ende/…
alright, I see
the more meanings a dictionary has about one word, the more distrustful you should be. they usually have rather specific contexts in such a case
aside from propositions...
the entry for "bei" is just evil
well they have their contexts as well, but dictionaries are usually not good at showing them
wiktionary gives examples, sometimes
but still not so easy to understand what all the words actually mean
without knowing when they are applicable and appropriate, knowing words is pointless :P
could you correct something for me, really quickly?
let me finish up what I'm doing first though
knabbern - the k is silent, or voiced?
Q: Resources for learning German

GigiliSince they have same questions on different language learning SE websites(resources for learning Russian), I'd like to write one for German language since it's a great idea to have all kinds of resources in one place. This is a specifically created Community Wiki which gathers resources for lear...

There you go @Takkat
@NevikRehnel As in Pferd where P is pronounced?
knabbern could be rendered as chnubbun in english
er wait
hm maybe cnubbun
it's a normal k sound like in chemistry, not a tsh sound like in china
Er wait... What kind of sentence is that
Er wartet
Ich hoffe, dass das Leben geht dir gut (erm, denke, dass dieser Satz keinen Sinn macht).

Ich habe die Nachrichten zu lesen besucht. es scheint mir, dass sie ist immer noch leicht zu schwer. Ich "stellte" ein neu Ziel. Wenn ich die Nachrichten am drei Monaten lesen kann, dann werde ich glücklich sein.

Hier in Amerika haben wir schlecht Wetter. Ich hoffe, dass mein Internet wird den Sturm überleben. Ohne es, kann ich nicht sein! @NevikRehnel so... how bad did I mess up?
somewhat :P
let's take it apart. what did you want to say with the first sentence?
oh well, I tried at least that counts for something
"if hope that everything is going well with you (I think that this seteence makes no sense)
So, I kinda knew this one was pretty bad
we would probably just say "Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut." in german (i hope you are well)
I was kinda going after the "how's life treating you" feel, maybe there's not really a translation though
i cant think of another phrase that's commonly used in regular written language. anything more elaborate seems to be associated with higher language registers, like official letters or poetry
yeah that doesn't translate so well
alright, so how about "denke, dass dieser Satz keinen Sinn macht"?
that one's correct :D
well you're missing a subject ("ich") but other than that
and the next part
colloquially, the reader can augment that
but I thought that was legal!
oh, o
we generally dont, even colloquially, leave out the subject pronoun as much as in english. but no one will kill you for it in a non-formal setting ;)
okay, next sentence. you probably meant "tried to read the paper"?
well, news in general
but yeah
ah okay, then Nachrichten is fine. news paper = Zeitung.
however, try = "versuchen"
"besuchen" = to visit :D
ah, dammit
that was just a word mess up
how's the rest of that sentence?
happens :) the rest of it is fine
in the next sentence you messed up the word order a bit
which part?
you can say either
"Es scheint mir, sie ist immer noch etwas zu schwer." or
"Es scheint mir, dass sie immer noch etwas zu schwer ist."
in a "dass" subclause, the verb moves to the end
"Ich denke, dass du bist verrückt" should be "ich denke, dass du verrückt bist"?
I never knew that
ok thanks
and how about the last two sentences or so?
in that sentence also, "leicht zu schwer" is technically correct, by stylistically awkward because "leicht" can also mean simple.
"etwas zu schwer" is more common
or "ein bisschen zu schwer" (ein bisschen = a bit)
I was gonna put etwas, but decided against it, because I thought it was a bit weird XD
that kinda clears it up
okay the next sentence i dont get at all
oh now i see
"I set a new goal"
you set a new goal?
ha, literal translation to the rescue
in German, setting a goal is "ein Ziel setzen"
I thought putting "stellte" in quation marks would help, if I used the wrong phrase
and you forgot to decline the adjective "neu" :)
so give it another shot
ich setze ein neue Zeil?
neues*, Ziel is neuter
alright, I see
oh i see you might have thought of the definite article
I pasted that phrase into my notepad, so I can remember
adjectives decline differently for definite and indefinite articles
"das neue Ziel" but "ein neues Ziel" (in this case, both forms are the same for nominative and accusative)
I hope you guys aren't too anal about these little mistakes
your meaning is understandable, but i think you do wanna learn it ;)
lol, I'm having a difficult time even putting sentences together right now
anything beyond simple ones make me stop and think
i think you're making progress. and at least you're trying
I tried to get outside of my comfort zone for this one
alright, next sentence
thanks, I think I'm making slow progress too, just slower than I would like
you probably meant "if i can read the news in three months..." ?
then you messed up the preposition , it's "in drei Monaten"
am = ?
am is used for specific days, "am Montag" or "am 3. Dezember"
ok, so I see,
as weeks, months or years are more time spans than points in time, we use "in" for them; additionally, in this case you explicitly state a time span starting now
in is like English in this case
Wenn ich die Nachrichten am drei Monaten lesen kann, dann werde ich glücklich sein. - I wasn't sure how to say "I'll be happy"
I'm assuming there's some fixed way of saything this
we also use relative points in time without preposition, like in english. e.g. "I'm going there next week" = "Ich werde nächste Woche dort hingehen."
glücklich sein is actually applicable in this case
so replace the "am" with "in" and you're good :)
I'm surprised
but that's nice to hear
Hier in Amerika haben wir schlecht Wetter. Ich hoffe, dass mein Internet wird den Sturm überleben. Ohne es, kann ich nicht sein!
do I always have to use "dass" for a sub clause?
the next sentence is fine colloquially, but for standard german you forgot declining "schlecht" again (Wetter is neuter, and without article is the same form as with indefinite article)
you dont always have to use "dass", but it's one of the most common forms of subclauses
I'm not sure I understand
it's the equivalent of the english "that" subclause, but you can leave out the "that" more often in english (this is also related to the face that we tend to have longer sentences in german than in english)
"wir haben schlecht Wetter" is fine colloquially, but correctly it'd be "wir haben schlechtes Wetter"
stupid markup parser...
and the final sentence is fine except for the word order in the subclause, which you know by now ;)
Ich hoffe, dass mein Internet den Sturm überleben wird .
so aside from a couple little mistakes, and one big one, I think I didn't do so bad
So yeah, I've been trying to read Deutsche Welle
Listened to a video, I understood maybe 10 seconds out of 60
practise makes perfect! also, news might be a little difficult to start with
"real" german sentences are much less obvious, grammar wise
yeah, but where else can I go?
most german tv stations have some of their programming online, including non-news stuff
lemme see if i can find something
typically I'll read maybe a paragraph or two, and pick up 4-5 new words, and then try to watch the video
what's the difference between "gewöhnlich" and "alltäglich"?
alltäglich means "everyday" as in "everyday traffic" or the likes; gewöhnlich just means "usual, common, normal, not special"
the former has a slight reference to something being related to a normal daily routine, while the latter is independent of times and habits like that
so, you couldn't say "sie ist eine tägliches Mädchen" but you can say "sie ist eine gewöhnliches Mädchen"?
why do I feel that you use a lot of verbs, is english the same way?
maybe it is....
@Astrum hmmm, if you want you can try Wissen macht Ah, a knowledge/science show aimed at mostly at kids
it thus uses easier sentences and they don't talk too fast
I'll check it out right now
and if you already know some of the stuff they're talking about, that might help you too :D
I hope there's some stuff written down
or is it all spoken?
there might, i only checked if they have the episodes on the website
reminds me about a chapter I need to study on fixed-axis rotation, gah
there are a lot of episodes, so you can just check out another if you dont like that one :P
that's always weird to me. you guys have africans too
when we think of German, I'm sure nobody expects to see black people
or Turks O.o
hahahah, I feel like I'm in primary school again =D
they we have no small amount of foreigners and their descendants :P
just like any place
I won't lie, although I consider myself fairly liberal on most things, I'm not so sure having an influx of uneducated, poor people is a good thing... but that's a hot topic in the US, and probably in Germany as well
surveillance is currently a bigger topic here
from what i can gather
i dont follow the news and stuff
well, I can understand that
something that's given me problems
how do you say "Have fun!"?
like, for example
"I've gotta go to work... "alright, have fun!"
have fun is a fixed phrase, we say "Viel Spaß!"
<-- tries not to make a doge meme reference
not familar....
thats why im not making it :P
Flügel can mean grand piano?
Teufels Küche - wtf is this?
devil's kitchen?
oh you might mean the phrase "in Teufels Küche kommen"?
Wie kommt man in Teufels Küche?
Warum heißt es "Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn"?
Warum freut man sich wie ein Schneekönig?
Was ist eine Konfirmandenblase?

I understand the words, but not the meaning
all of those are phrases or parts of sayings
I've got no idea what this is
I'm particularly interested in "Himmel, Arsh und zwirn"
it's a curse that doesnt use the name of the lord or jesus
basically a "don't abuse the name or your lord" kind of evasion thing
this is so corny, I hope nobody actually says this O.o
at least i think that's probably what it was created for
i dont think ive ever met anyone in real life who said it
and who's the snow king?
it's usually use as an exclamation or interjection in that specific form and order, though. so it's easy to recognize as a curse or curse-like expression
i dont know who the snow king is, but "sich freuen wie ein Schneekönig" means to be disproportionately happy about something
it might also include a certain measure of Schadenfreude
oh, my favorite German word =D
the term is probably derived from a fairy tale or the like
many of such phrases are
one of the things that you dont have a word for in english :P
I know, that's why I like it so much
and I sometimes have Schadenfreude
note the Übersetzungen (trnslations) section
yeah, neber heard those phrases in my life
ive heard "pleased as punch" before
you must listen to a lot of English, because in the entire 19 years I've been hearing English, not once have I heard it
it has been a while and i dont know where or in what situation, haha
it might have been one of my english teachers, or somewhere on the web
life must be hard when you don't know English
something like 50% of the internet is written in it
german websites are the next most frequent after english though
so it's not that bad ;)
"cosine ist regelmäßig" does that make sense?
In einer knappen halben Stunde beantworten Shary und Ralph mehr Fragen als sich andere an einem ganzen Schultag stellen - can I ask why we need "sich"?where's the reflexive verb?
it's "sich Fragen stellen" in this case. while "jdm. Fragen stellen" means to ask someone [else] questions, "sich Fragen stellen" means to wonder about things
literally, ask oneself questions
why does his German sound... so bad?
he might have had a bottle of wine or three before that haha
His German sounds so lazy and... not very sexy
well he also has a regional accent
where was he from?
that's how most german sounds :P
I forgot
i dont honestly know.
but your news reporters speak sexy German! I wanna speak like them!
well news reporters are trained to speak standard german and pronounce very clearly
so you cant really use them as a model :P
My German friend speaks very similar ot them
maybe he's just doing that for me, though...
could be
i speak much more standard german when im talking to someone who does as well, or doesnt know german too well
He lives in Baden Wurttemberg
btw planck's german might also sound non-sexy cause he's old :P
that could be the case, everything becomes unsexy when you're old =(
I couldn't find a peice where Einstein was talking in German
only in English
and his English was... pretty lame
he's austrian, of course his english is lame
have you heard schwarenegger :P
I think I can learn to speak better German than he could English. If only I could figure this "physics" thing out...
Einstein wasn't Austrian =O
you're thinking of Schrödinger or Boltzmann
hm, indeed. he was born not that far from here
he did live in austria for a while though
I wanted to visit Beethoven's apartment in Vienna
part of the reason I want to learn German is to be able to read all of these major scientific works in the original.
ha, that's quite an ambition
well, not ALL of them, but some of the ones that are relevant to my field
and plus, there's ton of work in physics coming from Germany, even today. It's the second most used language in science
so, I think it's beneficial to know it to some degree of fluency.
everyone i know publishes in english though
at least if it's stuff of general relevance and not particularly aimed at a german audience
but it looks good on an application to Princeton or MIT grad school =D
that's true
part of the reason I'd like to spend time at a German or Austrian university. Eh, we'll see
anyway, i gotta work on my thesis. approaching the end, finally
see you later @Astrum
see ya, I was just about to say I had to leave too
funny timing
alright, thanks for the help
good luck
@Astrum "Mit ihrem Kopf in seinem Schoß, lies er vor Glück das Lenkrad los."
@Gigili Good question - made it CW on your request. Are there any answers to existing questions we could take to fill the TOC?
Oh and then there are some broken links in the question body - need to be filled.
Moin @Takkat, frohes Neues ;)
Moin @OregonGhost auch von mir ein gutes Neues :)
Und moin @Gigili :)
Guten Morgen, du auch!
Three "Old Hats" in one room \o/
@Takkat Ich sehe keine toten Links
> [Both free and commercial resources are allowed][3], but make sure to include a note if they are. Remember the [rules about self-promotion][4]. Include also if registration is required.
> [post a meta question][2],
Those broken links!
I'm on it
They need a link - the Meta should be easiest ;)
Well, I can remove the links for now, we can add them up later
I can't be bothered to find related meta posts
They should be links to meta.so
I believe we don't have such rules (yet)
2 hours later…
@Gigili: any reason you removed the links I added to your question?
Also, I am a bit concerned about possibly resulting very big list answers such as german.stackexchange.com/a/9536/23 - should we just link to the master question on books: german.stackexchange.com/questions/620/…?
4 hours later…
@Takkat Oh, did I?
@Gigili you did - i already restored them ;)
I didn't notice you edited the question, it was open in my browser
@Takkat Sorry!
yeah edits on CW questions are rather unnoticeable...
1 hour later…
needs more Git

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