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Q: How to detect the state of "dumb" entertainment equipment?

HelmarScenario After the helpful answers to my last question I got myself a Harmony Hub and it works as I want it to. Basically, it remembers the state of the devices and uses infrared signals to fake the remotes and change to the configured settings when I activate a setup like Watch Fire TV or Watch...

4 hours later…

Site Scope Event

10 hours ago, 2 hours 51 minutes total – 393 messages, 9 users, 66 stars

Bookmarked 1 min ago by Henry WH Hack v2.0

6 hours later…
Anyone want to write a summary of the site scope event?
@Aurora0001 Like?
Well, a list of all the key points raised, etc.
Cloud Computing?
I have no idea why I always say cloud computing.
15 hours ago, by Aurora0001
Is cloud computing on-topic?
Read the points after that for the discussion
Seems like yes, if it has relevance to physical devices
@Aurora0001 Thank You! :)
I am working on a tour video on the site.
So far it's not working out.
Good luck with it!
What are you guys doing to promote le site?
I putted the le in there as a joke^.
I've shared the site on one subreddit, the openHAB forum and the SmartThings forum
What was the results?
Using the site analytics, it seems like they did have some effect
The reddit post got 28 new visitors
SmartThings got 13
openHAB got 11
I only expect around half of those joined though
And even fewer than that participate
So not everyone will participate even if there are a member.
Hence why we have over 600 users, but only 40 'avid users'
Internet of Thingsiot.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for everyday objects embedded with electronics to be sensed, monitored, and controlled remotely.

Currently in private beta.

40 avid, 625 registered
That's bad!
Not unusual
Slightly lower than I would have expected, but not terribly bad
I think about 1/10th being counted as avid is usual
e.g Sitecore = 137/1347
Well we need that number to grow.
Esperanto has a lot more avid users
It's simply a case of getting the word out to relevant communities though @HenryWHHackv2.0
It'll be easier in public beta - you'll just be able to share good questions
K = "OK"
print K
My tour is not going to well so much bad stuff.
What problems are you having?
bad commenting
@Aurora0001 Take a look at this video for an example it's bad:
Ok well it starts off good then went off topic.
It's not bad!
I went off topic
You have far too many chat rooms :P
The video got off topic at 1:43
VTC that video as off topic.
Well I just have to keep on trying.
@Aurora0001 The event is over you change back the room topic now.
Oh yeah
Thanks for reminding me
room topic changed to Chat of Things: General discussion for iot.stackexchange.com [stars]
You're Welcome! :)
[Event Status: Reopened]
[Event Status: Closed]
What other type of event can we host?
By "we" I meant you.
Some sites have a weekly event
Pretty much every question on Stack Overflow is terrible and worth closing
My bounty question got me first a nice question badge and then two down votes - or better a downvote and a retracted up vote
How ungrateful :P
But we got a new user with a new question :)
Not that it's a particularly good question :/
Well, it could be good with a little more info
Hopefully the author responds and addresses the issue
Yay, I successfully faked a smart device for the Alexa discovery :)
My Pi will be a fake home device in no time
@Helmar thanks for preparing the event and handling the incomming ideas this well... and thanks to @all for contributing and discussing (yesterday everybody seemed to have vanished after its finish)
@Helmar congratulations on getting all the AuroraHats!
@Aurora0001 extreme to the max hatter?
@Aurora0001 not exactly some sort of a proof, but yeah ;)
Look, I definitely would not just use this as weak evidence to support my point
sooooo..... scientific IoT in or out?
I think it's probably in
How much reps do I get for doing tag edits?
+2 @HenryWHHackv2.0
Just ping me if you need anything approving
All edits are +2 until you get to 500 rep
hmmmm just read your 'event' about scope - definitely not clear
@Doc that tends to be the case in private beta though, it seems
so it seems
The general opinion seemed to be that if the question is primarily about IoT devices, it should be on-topic
tag wiki edits are +2 until you reach 2k
still very dubious
@Doc that's true, but the thing is it's hard to just come up with a fully defined scope without lots of questions to test what works and what doesn't
true, in other news - just got published with a scientific based IoT device
How can I preview tag edits?
There should be a preview box below
The 'usage guidance' do you mean @HenryWHHackv2.0?
Not the full tag wiki?
That doesn't support any markup
So there's no need to have any preview
@Aurora0001 thank you - I designed it, tested it and validated it - and it worked
Damn, Robert overtook me again with suggested edit reviews
Seems he was not completely on vacation after all
well, just letting you know that there is a growing application of IoT in the sciences
Honestly I'd be interested in some questions about scientific applications
Keep in mind that if your question has a lot of knowledge required, you'd be best to go to the experts (e.g. Physics.SE)
i already do (answering questions at this stage)
i am fairly good at physics
I'm certainly not an expert in a lot of more complex topics in physics, although I do enjoy that sort of thing
phD and all
What's your field?
atmospheric radiation
image sensor semiconductors
monitoring and measurement instrumentation
cat herding
So where goes the sensor on the cat?
you don't want to know
anyways -gotta go, its past my bedtime - good chatting with you all :)
See you later @Doc!
I wish I had more posts to edit.
Congrats for Outspoken Aurora
Hey I was just looking at that badge! LOL! :D
Now I know why Aurora held that event ;)
He wanted the stars! ;)
Only 87 people read the tour page :D
@Helmar the attraction of the silver badge was too strong!
And it's a really elusive one
"Post 10 messages in chat starred by 10 different users" I don't understand.
Because many sites don't even have 10 chat regulars, even less have 10 that regularly star stuff
Helmar vs Aurora0001
Hihi, I think Henry just gave it to me too
Outspoken, awarded 53 seconds ago
@Helmar You're Welcome! :)
Is this a star for star thing?^
Sounds like a voting ring!
We need some karate kicks!
Anyways, private beta is killing us
We are down to 60 views
And sharing questions links doesn't work because we are private
I'm starting to fear that they'll just shut the site down now
That's what there did to I2P.SE!
The numbers aren't exactly looking healthy
If they do, it was just timing. December launch and dragging private beta over the holidays.
The true view counter is nearer 50 views/day
Two weeks ago we had all sorts of good metrics to go public
Perhaps part of the challenge is sustaining the site
Rather than launching too early
Private beta is supposed to go one or two weeks, tomorrow I'm getting Enthusiast
They are a minimum of 3 now aren't they?
If it's a minimum of three they knew that that would end up right in the holidays
Yeah, but extending private betas isn't that rare either
I think we've got to consider promoting a little more right now
Where do we get some users?
The Google Home subreddit might be worth a try
Users who don't mind detouring over Area51
Ideally speaking we want people who are familiar with Stack Exchange at the minute
They're more likely to tolerate the extra work of going through Area 51
So we go on a tour through the chat rooms?
Could do, but it might seem spammy
Are there any questions that overlap with no answers yet?
E.g. if we had a cryptography question with no answer, it wouldn't seem so bad to share that in another room
Maybe @Ghanima or @goldilocks can pin something in the Raspberry Pi chat
@Aurora0001 Yeah, that'd be good
Still, we have to tread the fine line between sharing and spam
Q: Is there a fully open source platform for IoT presentation and visualization?

SeanJI have decided to use the AWS IoT communications platform in order to talk with our sensors. However, when it comes to visualization, I was hoping it wouldn't be necessary to reinvent the wheel. As you can see in the above picture, the IoT framework connects to an application server. My previ...

Probably nowhere else will work
Software Recs maybe, but I doubt they're active
Recs has 54% answer rate
Serverfault chat is practically dead
This chat is relatively active in SE terms
Also, looking at the traffic stats, almost no-one ever looks at meta
I know
Apparently there were 2 visitors yesterday to the meta site...
@Aurora0001 Yeah unlike the Sitecore.SE chat room.


General discussion for sitecore.stackexchange.com
I just tested it. It's six steps for a non-SE user to get to a question he has the link to.
Well, actually, given the link only you can't sign up at all
can you?
You can't
No, you have to click on the Area51 link, then on Visit Site
Then you can sign up
Or login
So, even though SE stress the importance of sharing, they make it as hard as possible
1. Click on link. / 2. Click on Area51 / 3. Click on Visit site. / 4. Sign Up or In. / [5. Confirm E-Mail] / [6. Confirm Account Creation] / 7. Re-Enter link to question
It's seven even
I guess 4-6 can be skipped for SE users
Not sure about 7 though
The typical lifecycle is more like this:
1. Get link to site
2. Can't sign up
3. Give up
Most likely
Dammit, closed the 10 minute mail tab and now I cannot call for deletion of this guy: iot.stackexchange.com/users/639/sockpuppet
Ah, you did the same as me :P
I can't delete Aurora0002 either
@Aurora0001 @Helmar When you guys become mods then you can! :)
I think.
Not Sure
Yeah, mods can destroy accounts
But still, I might not get the mod position anyway :P
Don't abusive your powers!
I'm still confused as to where that mysterious downvote on my nomination came from
Why do you guys need a sockpuppet?
It doesn't really bother me, but I do wish I could know what I've done to upset someone
Don't try to decipher down votes on SE sites. Especially not on meta
@HenryWHHackv2.0 I made Aurora0002 so I could test whether you can create an account without committing
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Just wanted to see how fabulous the path to a linked question is for someone not already logged into an SE account
Because there would be no point sharing a link that didn't work for other people
@Aurora0001 You can
I know that now :P
@Helmar wise words, I suppose. I even got a downvote on SO for an accepted answer, somehow
No comments or other answers
But mine was downvoted for some reason
About 3 months after I posted it, mind you
So I have the 'privilege' of a -1 accepted answer now
No badge for that, you need zero scores for tenacious ;)
I posted in Serverfault chat about the web visualization, any other questions we might interest other SE chats in?
Not sure
This might be on-topic for Web Apps, but their chat is dead:
Q: How do I generate a Time-based One-time Password with IFTTT?

Aurora0001I recently registered with IFTTT, which seems like a fantastic service to chain events together in order to create a smart home. I've just found the Maker channel which allows you to make simple HTTP requests (e.g. GET and POST), and I'm hoping to use this to securely send a message to a Raspber...

Other than that it might be worth just sharing canonical questions which need a better answer @Helmar
Stuff like this:
Q: Securing small home automation setup

AndyI have a small home automation lab (that I keep saying I'll expand, but haven't). In this set up, I have a control system to control lights (utilizing the x10 protocol), blinds, a Nest thermostat and two web cams. With the recent record setting DDoS attacks utilizing unsecured IoT devices, I'd l...

The answers perhaps need reviewing by some people with more expertise
That could be a good one for the SecuritySE, yeah
I'll stick a bounty on it
I'm also thinking about blatantly asking the community building SE what they would suggest for our site
@Helmar I can do that, but is it true that anyone can sign up via the Area 51 -> visit page link? This would be easier than doing email invites.
@Helmar That could work, especially if you word it in a way that's more about 'how can you drive traffic to an early SE beta'
On the other hand, they've got 23 visitors a day on the main site
@goldilocks Yeah, I tried it
19 mins ago, by Helmar
1. Click on link. / 2. Click on Area51 / 3. Click on Visit site. / 4. Sign Up or In. / [5. Confirm E-Mail] / [6. Confirm Account Creation] / 7. Re-Enter link to question
Cheers, good.
@Helmar, that security question now has a bounty
I guess 4-5 don't apply for people who are already signed in with an SE account
Security.SE chat doesn't seem too deserted
Ask Ubuntu Chat?
Eh, community building SE has zero questions per day
23 visitors, I'm not sure asking there will get me any results about how to promote an SE site properly
Q: Securing small home automation setup

AndyI have a small home automation lab (that I keep saying I'll expand, but haven't). In this set up, I have a control system to control lights (utilizing the x10 protocol), blinds, a Nest thermostat and two web cams. With the recent record setting DDoS attacks utilizing unsecured IoT devices, I'd l...

@Helmar perhaps we should try to bounty stuff more frequently
Like an IoT.SE version of this:
Q: Enhance moderation ability by encouraging excellent content

Madara UchihaI have a proposal, I've been upholding it for quite a while now, and I'd like to share my efforts with the rest of the high (30k+) reputation users. I found a way to both encourage great content and potentially enhance the number of users contributing to the moderation effort we have. Some of th...

Even with that bounty I'm at a net positive with rep today
Obviously I can't give away 500 each time, but perhaps +50 every week or two is achievable
Yeah, I'm at -7 now, that's certainly not killing me
Perhaps if we give away +50 away every two weeks (alternating) so that there's one +50 bounty a week, that could be nice
Hopefully the extra rep will encourage people to stick around and do the moderation tasks
I think the main problem is that we have no good advertising possibilities as long as we are in private beta.
I need 4 more reps to get on the top beta users list on area51.SE.
Do 2 edits then
I guess every user gets an email when we go public. That'd be 600 users that potentially come back
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Or get 1 question upvote
@Helmar interesting - does anyone know if they do send a beta email out?
And we can share good questions which are accessible via one click then
One click, versus seven steps
Or an inbox notification would also be good
@Aurora0001 but we're lacking content not moderation tbh
Certainly, we need fresh content, the moderation is no problem currently
Well, it also helps to encourage creating good content, hopefully
But as I keep saying, the biggest issue is views, views, views!
bounties at least attract content (hopefully good)
@Aurora0001 I am viewing, viewing, viewing!
If we get more views, most of the other problems will start to solve themselves, in theory
@Ghanima Alright then
Unique views, Unique views, Unique views!
55 mins ago, by Helmar
Maybe @Ghanima or @goldilocks can pin something in the Raspberry Pi chat
what are you thinking of? I have shared this site during proposal and when it got beta
the thing is, chat over there is not that lively
ok, nevermind, @goldilocks posted something
It was just an idea, and I have no idea how that chat ticks, so I thought you guys know that way better as if I go there and just post stuff.
Q: Best practices to promote a private beta SE site

HelmarI'm one of the more avid users of the emerging Internet of Things Stackexchange1. With the holidays our private beta has gotten a bit long and we are struggling a bit to re-engage with the pre-holidays user base and getting new users to join and ask questions. What are best practices to foster c...

@Helmar, I suggested an edit for your community building post already approved
Anyways, I'm not putting too much hopes in that question considering their stats
They do have a couple of dedicated regulars though
Still, if they'll run that site, we should be safe :P
We have about 25% of the number of questions they have already
In about 3% of the time
Yeah and we get a mathematical exception when trying to describe our questions per day as product of theirs :D
in Sandbox, 1 min ago, by Henry WH Hack v2.0
Internet of Thingsiot.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for everyday objects embedded with electronics to be sensed, monitored, and controlled remotely.

Currently in private beta.

@Helmar what are your thoughts on this question?
Q: Smart device directly to Amazon AWS IoT without any intermediate connect device like RaspberryPi, etc

MadhuIt may be noob question. I thought if i have a smart device like wifiLED, i could directly connect to Amazon AWS IoT as a Thing, but by following their documentation, we should have to have connect device like Intel Edison, RaspberryPi,etc. Is there any smart device where it can run Amazon AWS I...

Is it worth trying to salvage and bring to our site?
Or should we just leave it
I've tried to find stuff that would actually be good to migrate, but there isn't any, really.
The tag on SO is really terrible
I commented with some questions and dropped a link at the end
Anyways, I think that the general IoT tag is really bad over there
Maybe the aws-iot tag is not as bad
[aws-iot] isn't great either
Seems smart-device is even worse
is not terrible
Also keep an eye on , and
Those links all go here ;)
Can't help that :P
Just highlight "iot.stackexchange" in the URL and replace with "stackoverflow"
Q: Amazon Echo to Raspberry Pi

AnandHow can we direct a Amazon Echo intent to a private/internal https endpoint? Like a raspberry pi running nodeJS. Using an "Echo Proxy" still requires to have the service accessible from internet (More on Echo Proxy: https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonecho/comments/3blkax/alexa_api_proxy_java/ ) Usi...

Just no responses at all
But the solution is quite interesting
It's quite old though
Yeah I know
Ghanima seems to be a review queue ninja today
Looks like he is
Damn, this chat is active :D
Plus room owners can see deleted messages anyway
'bout time to un-RO the Madnificent
Don't you dare
We can communicate completely in deleted messages
Hm, the consumer tagline is voted better than the power user one
Not sure I like that
The second one just got buried, that's the trouble
Too many suggestions
yep, that is it
Well there were a few people there yesterday and still it only got two votes, that's not that many
too many
Can you guys track tag badges instead of showing the next privilege?
I can't track anything at all
It's just blank, because there are no more privileges for me
Ok, bug report incoming
privs and badges are different things
You can usually click the cog beside the privilege tracker and switch
and that's doing that
Q: Can't switch to tracking tag badge process

HelmarOn other sites I can choose to track tag badges instead of showing my next privileges. However the little cog to reach that setting is missing on IoT. Is this a private beta thing or a bug?

oh, now I get it
you people could wory about stuff ;)
I assume someone forgot to turn on a switch
16 meta questions and only 7 on the inquisitive counter—I'm really bad at timing
Q: Can't switch to tracking tag badge progress

HelmarOn other sites I can choose to track tag badges instead of showing my next privileges. However the little cog to reach that setting is missing on IoT. Is this a private beta thing or a bug?

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