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Trivia question: If the International date line at the furthest meridian (180) from UTC is UTC+12, can anyone name a country/island/region with timezone UTC+14? (no cheating)
A: Which place(s) are the first to cross into New Year?

GillesYou can see this in the Wikipedia list or on any map with the International Date Line. The first places to see a new day are: The Line Islands, more precisely the part that belongs to Kiribati (formerly known as the Gilbert Islands). The Line Islands are in the UTC+14 timezone, and the rest of ...

I updated my answer for the latest changes
You get a star ... but I was hoping people would answer without consulting Wikipedia
UTC+14. Now tell me that isn't interesting?
2 hours later…
Happy new year indeed.
Happy New year from Eastern Standard
5 hours later…
Nice to see the site is crazy with activity ;)
@anonymous2 is only 3 votes off the Civic Duty badge
@Ghanima, is it OK to edit your post this much? raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/posts/59692/revisions
It's basically a new question now
Hi @HenryWHHackv2.0
Hi! :)
@Aurora0001 Are we in the public beta?
Nope, they'll tell us on meta whether we make the cut or not
Whether they launch the site or shut it down
So let's keep asking questions to keep the site going until we get to public beta
Once we reach public beta, the site is pretty much guaranteed to stay open infinitely
SE has been promising a site for 5 years:
Stack Overflow (in Turkish)

Proposed Q&A site for professional and enthusiast programmers in Turkish. Profesyonel ve meraklısı programcılar için önerilen Türkçe soru-cevap sitesi.

Currently in commitment.

The oldest proposal is 6.2 years old:
Board and Card Gamesboardgames.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for people who like playing board games, designing board games or modifying the rules of existing board games. Card games, too, because some games really can be classified as both.

Currently in public beta.

Coming up next:

Proposed Q&A site for scholars and enthusiasts of literature.

Currently in commitment.

Some of the other proposals are really weird
Who needs a Q&A for Vegetarianism?
This one also seems a bit pointless

Proposed Q&A site for a place for aspiring youtubers to discuss video editing, how to grow a youtube community from the beginning, how to interact with your YouTube community and to maintain viewers interest.

Currently in definition.

Have you proposed a site before?
No, I've never really had any site ideas that would be worth pursuing
@Aurora0001 CC^
@Aurora0001 Oh I did
4 Times
make that 5
What sites did you propose then?
First was: Ask Twitch
Which was point less.
Next I reproposed Ask Twitch
Then two other sites
And now I have this:

Proposed Q&A site for weapon experts and enthusiasts to ask Questions and get Answers about any old and new types of weapons such as spears,bow and arrows,battle knifes and swords,guns,bombs and missiles,tanks,military aircrafts,military ships and etc

Currently in definition.

Looks like it's not doing too badly
I also did this one: LOL! :D
Internet of Thingsiot.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for everyday objects embedded with electronics to be sensed, monitored, and controlled remotely.

Currently in private beta.

Well, you committed to it, which is just as important!
@Aurora0001 I followed,committed,joined and participated a little
I have the: Precognitive badge.
Not very hard to get but historical.
I'm the second user to get it apparently
To be fair I didn't think I did follow before the commitment phase
I have a good chance of getting the beta badge.
Check here:
Does it say unfollow?
If it says unfollow that means you followed it.
Yeah, it does
You followed it.
Why is there a lot of zeros?^
Presumably SE start the week from Sunday
And no-one has earned any rep today
Wait no
It's a bug
Bug probably
The bug is also there on meta
Apparently no-one has voted this week
But what about the month tab?
Blank for me
Also, @HenryWHHackv2.0: the rep counters are working: iot.stackexchange.com/users?tab=Reputation&filter=week
I can see that.
It was just the case that no-one bothered voting on anything
so no-one gets any rep
Maybe there needed to do some calculations.
No, it's literally just that there hasn't been any rep change since the start of the week (which I assume is Sunday, 00:00 GMT)
Two of my post got upvoted at the same time
I voted up a few, including @HenryWHHackv2.0. I also saw some of tabs being updated like the month an week tab. It is a delayed background process.
No need to ask on meta.
Yeah, it does seem to be a little slow. The trouble is a lot of the users who joined at first aren't voting any more, so there isn't much rep being given.
I'm back! :)
Hmm, the rep script does seem to be very delayed
I just accepted an answer, but it hasn't given me the rep yet
So I assume the script that runs on the server is running more slowly than usual
@Aurora0001 Did you see the video?
I had a look, yeah
What do you think?
Looks good!
How old are?
I am almost at 200 reps yes!
Just do some suggested edits and accept some answers @HenryWHHackv2.0
You get +2 for both of those activities
Tag wikis are easy to do and you'll get good rep for that
Just ping me if you want anything reviewing
Happy New Year, guys :)
HI! :)
@Aurora0001 it's the OP, so I guess it's ok. If it invalidates any answers that would be not very nice to those who gave them
What to put in a tag edit?
Q: Essential questions #2: The IoT Tag Taxonomy

HelmarAccording to The Real Essential Questions of Every Beta one of the essential questions is to establish a good base for a taxonomy by using sensible tags. To help us keep the the taxonomy clean I'll aggregate some in this post and provide a blueprint suggestion for tag wikis in an answer. If this...

I never did a tag edit before.
@Helmar Thank You! :)
It's really weird to have the '16 markers on questions that are barely a week old :D
@Aurora0001 Yes, siree!
@Ghanima well, it pretty much did invalidate it
Next aim: Electorate. ;) Jk, btw.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Thanks!
@HenryWHHackv2.0, I know the blueprint is ugly, but it's supposed to be like that so you can copy-paste it
@anonymous2 I am still on 4
poor me
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Get busy, man! :)
@anonymous2 congratulations!
@Aurora0001 yes, but otoh it's not really an answer where somebody put some real effort in
it's a one-liner
@Aurora0001 At least I tried something. LOL! :D
@Ghanima it's not a good answer, but it seems a bit odd to completely invalidate it without the OP even leaving a comment
To be honest it's probably wrong as well
you can always drop that answer a comment if you like
you know, community moderation and all
Well, there's no point countering an answer saying 'this is probably right' with 'this is probably wrong'
roll-backs of question edits made by the OP themselves are not common at RPi, though I'd have to check MSE for a general policy
As usual, SE policy is slightly contradictory
I am going to write an IOT.SE public beta speech.
Let's hope you get to use it!
Ok maybe not but I will.
6 people now registered for the site scope event!
I have a start for the speech.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Want to share?
Or is it a surprise
A little wake up call:
THIS IS NOT THE SPEECH: The speech is still in private beta.
Everyone get working don't be lazy and start participating now: Vote,ask a question or post an answer,do edits,do tag edit,flag,vote to close bad post,participate on our meta,do something start participating now!
Yeah, that's very important
Would you guys say developing/coding an Alexa skill would be on-topic?
Depends where the focus is
If it's mainly debugging, no
If it's more about the Alexa APIs, then yeah, I think so
I am going with Aurora0001^
Is Alexa open sourced?
No, I don't think so
It would be a massive disadvantage for Amazon to do that
The Alexa Voice Services are free to use though
So you can link your app to Alexa for free
Will Cloud Computing be on topic?
I'm not sure to be honest
Can I ask on the meta?
@Aurora0001 Ok
Yeah, and we can add it to the list of things to review at the Site Scope Event
I want to have the powers of the MODERATORS!
Well you have 1/5 of the power!
Your close votes give you the power
Hm, I successfully created a basic AWS Lambda Function, a basic Alexa Skill, I linked them and successfully created a totally non-descriptive error when trying to authenticate it on my Alexa App.
@Helmar Sounds like a perfect question!
Something which people want to Google: check
Useful to others: check
No other resource with that information: check
@Aurora0001 I will lose that privilege when the site reaches public beta.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 then keep asking questions ;)
You only need another 300 rep
Which isn't all that much
@Aurora0001 I need to make it to 500+
Time to go MEGA MODE!
Then after that, only 1500 more rep until you get the mysterious 'moderator tools'
Which are slightly overrated
And you get question deletion powers (also quite useless in most cases - Community deletes automatically)
The 10k tools used to be quite good apparently
Previously you could actually view some flags (spam, offensive, etc)
@Aurora0001 I have 2 out of 5
@HenryWHHackv2.0 I meant that your close vote is one of the 5 needed to close a question
Well I found it, but I can post it with immediate self-answer
@Helmar Still a good idea
Yeah, the problem was that I followed the Amazon blog to the letter and stopped thinking :D
They changed their interface a bit since then and made it provide two URLs instead of one, of course both had to be provided to the Security Profile.
Ah, still, you won't be the only one
But we do need some non-self-answered questions
Otherwise there's nothing for people to answer at all
Perhaps some less technical questions would be good - they seem to get more responses
Well, I don't know about less technical, but my question certainly describes a problem that cost me some time ;)
For the site it would be good if I couldn't solve my next problem :D
4 hours later…
Question number 30 is out!
2 hours later…
Great job. I am happy to be above 10. :D

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