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I can't do anything in the review because there is nothing in the review.
and I can't edit post because there is no post that needs editing.
Any ideas?
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Hmm... Write posts? ;)
Sticking my foot in my mouth, btw...
No - not write posts?
Practice makes Perfect!
@HenryWHHackv2.0 You wrote a good one.
Oh yeah
I did! :)
Score of 7 is one more than my first post on mech.SE.
And here is my profile now.
Not ridiculously wonderful, but it shows what a bit of perseverance can do.
Even for a nut-brain like me. :)
User number 5555 lol:
Henry WH Hack v2.0, Stack Exchange
101 1
5 triple 5
I'm double 2 - o double 2 on mech.SE.
I'm 36661 on salesforce.SE. :(
triple 6 == :O
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Uh oh, I think I know where I've seen that one before...
It was a beast, now wasn't it? I don't think it was a wolf, but who knows...
4 hours later…
:34383965 Sorry, missed it..
Oh, ok. Read you. :)
Um, let's see... A full sized electric impact wrench was the big article... And my brother got me a Torch SSD. Funny, my MB isn't fast enough to support my Disc Speed. Weird to think about.
[reposted 34383965]: @anonymous2 What did you got for christmas?
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Yes, I saw that. :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Yourself?
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Cool!
No system42.
Don't know them, I'm afraid.
There's a suggested edit in the queue.
At least, I think there is...
in Root Access, 4 mins ago, by Journeyman Geek
@HenryWHHackv2.0 ahahahahahahaha
That Geek!^
5 hours later…
Eric Brown looks at two IoT-oriented container technologies: Snappy Ubuntu Core and ResinOS 2.0:… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/814038187844730880
3 hours later…
@Aurora0001, when you see this, I'll upvote you're answer on my post once I have some UV's to spend... :) I'm out for today.
@anonymous2 you ran out?
There isn't that much to vote on, is there?
I think...
he want's to outrank our most benevolent, most magnificent, and most gracious voter of all times...
you, oh allmighty, will have to put a stop to that
I have a slight disadvantage though - I can't vote on all my questions
that's true
the air is getting thin up there
@Aurora0001 you're from the UK, right?
so, Oh Madnificent Aurora, what do you think. Will this bill about "adult content" lead to increased or reduced traffic on SE ;)
successfully made my first and second IoT devices
@Doc yeah, what is it
@Ghanima honestly, I couldn't say
sun tracker and a 'transport spider'
what's the spider doing?
This is interesting though (and on-topic):
relevant to one of your questions
@Ghanima aligning my measurement equipment
i invent my equipment for my scientific research
@Aurora0001 tbh, how would Alexa know whether you're trying to activate it or just going aaargh over being murdered
@Doc pretty cool
so what's your measurement about if you are able to tell
all sorts of things - atmospheric radiation measurements and separately, astronomy
@Ghanima best to get a Google Home in that case - it's harder to say 'arrrggh-kay google' ;)
not bad eh?
don't need to communicate to them from a plane either
smart meters for the win, @Aurora0001
doc, yepp. I have heard of plenty of real science going on with the raspberry pi
working on a third device to fetch my drinks when i am taking measurements
that's what undergrads are for
i am getting good at scientific IoT
if you have encountered interesting aspects, don't be shy to provide a self-answered question here
I am no longer a member, remember?
well, you've joined chat
just the first step ;)
not too keen to be a dv target (again)
well, as said last time, I am sure that this was an isolated incident and that all differences can be resolved
but nobody is pressuring you to do anything
but you can surely understand my wariness
@Aurora0001 was wondering a couple of days ago about mysterious downvotes on their questions, without any indications about the reasons of the downvote.
Few will go without downvotes.
Honestly, downvoting seems to have decreased a lot
At the start of the private beta, voting was a lot more volatile
We do not have much to vote on nowadays.
Anyway, the privilege level for voting down will increase soon, so drive-by downvoting is far less likely
And, with my ~25 questions, I've only had about 5 downvotes
Compared to about 160 upvotes
@Aurora0001 and we all now that you deserve more
Hopefully you're locked in now :P
I would guess so
We also now have a (non Internet-connected) smoke detector:
BTW I have got rid of and on my questions.
@BenceKaulics probably a good thing, they can always be re-added if needed
They still exist, let's see if some new user will use it.
They'll be deleted tonight
It's all automatic
Every night? Did not know that it happens that often.
Yeah, I think it does
A: I accidentally created a tag. How do I delete it?

Jon SeigelAs waiwai said, there is a script that runs daily to hide (soft-delete) tags that don't have any associated questions. All you need to do is remove the tag from your question, and the script will pick it up automatically. In the case of a less popular tag such as the one you created, it isn't a ...

@Aurora0001 as it is written in the Scriptures
Also @Doc, just done some calculations with the 1k tools: only 4% of posts have a score lower than 0
And no post has ever had a negative score after December 8th
@Aurora0001 including mine - quite heavily too
I think it was just bad luck that it was posted when everyone was eager to vote a lot (either up or down)
and make iot noobs feel like idiots?
@Doc I agree - it was a bit unfair. Anyway, hopefully it won't happen again.
i am sure the 11 questions I had would have been a bit left of centre... all scientific
I think that'd be a good thing to be honest
I like questions that are a bit different than the usual "what does <insert network protocol here> do?"
@Aurora0001 So you do not like my questions?
@BenceKaulics no, I do, I just like lots of variation too
It's like food - potatoes are great, but it's nice to have some salad and some meat too
So if networking questions are our potatoes, the more unusual questions can be our salad
And honestly it would be bad if we didn't have questions about networks - otherwise it's not exactly Internet of Things is it?
well, i solved 6 of them myself (built 2), and 2 colleagues helped solve the remaining 5
Well, do feel free to share (you can always post it in chat first if you want someone to check that it's okay)
@Doc that's fine. You can give us the salad with the dressing
@Ghanima caesar salad?
Also, congratulations @Ghanima on your 7th hat!
or up to 11 different kinds of salad ;)
which hat?
Black Hole
There always be badly received questions. I had mine on Stack Overflow mainly.
overshot that one
You only need Politician and Know-It-All now
there's but only one Know-it-all around here ;)
Don't be mean to Helmar @Ghanima!
@BenceKaulics I literally did not know the answer to my question and felt shamed for asking it
well, it went down to -5, now at -2, more air travelling IoT-mentally-deficients like me? creepy!
@Aurora0001 Yep.
Is there much left that you could possibly vote on?
okay okay - I got the point! Sorry I asked. — user254 Dec 8 at 9:44
felt quite low at that point - was looking forward to this site - some encouraging words from SE staff convinced me to stay as part of the network
Honestly, I can sympathise - it is horrible when you get a lot of downvotes
i did not even understand what Sean was saying - 'regular backhaul'? never heard of it
before i could ask though
An Internet of Things device without intenet connectivity is ... a thing — Mawg Dec 8 at 9:40
while not offensive per se, highlighted the stupidity of my question and well, of me for asking it
Honestly, I think that was just an attempt at a joke (it probably would get deleted if there were proper mods around, but we don't have any pro tem moderators yet)
@Doc, Yes that comment was not constructive.
found other resources elsewhere and was able to solve the remaining queries i was going to ask
Well, I have flagged it as 'not constructive' anyway - there's no value in it.
And how did you solve this question if I may ask?
the 'pile on' - dv's and upvote of the comment cemented my decision that I was too dumb to be a member here
@BenceKaulics we solved it by not bothering with it - found a couple of workarounds
3 of my colleagues saw the response and opted not to join - one was in the process of signing up apparantly
but having said that, John's answer, and part of Sean's comment we took note of for possible follow up
There always be rude people on the internet. Over EE.SE we have a high repped user, with valuable knowledge but got suspended for a month because of rudeness.
Well, all I can say about the issue is this: I'm sorry that it happened, and I can only hope you give the site another chance, because I'm certain the reaction will be different. A lot of those downvoters aren't active here any more (they just turned up when the beta opened), so I do hope the community can be more positive now
@BenceKaulics yeesh!
@Aurora0001 So say we all!
@Aurora0001 i'll have to think about it - some may not believe me when i say that i actually want the site to succeed
Soon we will have moderators, and IMO that will help a lot.
@BenceKaulics indeed, the SE team simply don't have the time that the new moderators will have to guide the site
@BenceKaulics potentially
any hypothetical question from me would be a blend of consumer-level questions, re-engineering, a touch of code with a sprinkling of scientific-usefulness and invention
All of those seem on-topic
At least in my opinion
i don't get funding for my research, so can't buy or even borrow the standard equipment, so I make my own
I would welcome some engineering inovation on the site.
Also scientific usage of IoT seems quite interesting. After those smart-home questions.
Yeah, it would be good to broaden the scope beyond smart home questions
Also, anyone who wants to should create some more tag wikis - there are loads that need writing here: iot.stackexchange.com/tags?tab=new
It's a good way to contribute behind the scenes
I am one of those scientists - have 5 jobs, not sure what this 'sleep' thing is, more caffeine than other bodily fluids.... up at 1 am, with 7 projects on the go with 3 laptops running
listening to Metallica
I have to find some scentific IoT system now. Interested what can be out there about it.
But unfortunately I have to study now.
@BenceKaulics you might find my published work
@BenceKaulics study is good!
@Aurora0001 I'll think about it - would probably need to see some science based questions from others first
@Doc I'll try to think of something (although it's not really something I have much experience in compared to my usual question topics)
you should see my kitchen bench.... parts everywhere
@Aurora0001 we'll see
4 questions today - not bad
from you?
No, overall
I got this while posting on RPi.SE
Even the magnificent Aurora cannot write 4 questions in one day
how could I not take this personally?
@Ghanima moderators are robots though
worse than robots
Robots that take flags and food and convert them into deleted posts plus resentment from users
exactly that
1 hour later…
Also, in other news, the message for anonymous users visiting the site is now "Warning: this site is currently in private beta for at least a few more days."
There was a proper counter
But now it's just 'a few'
Anyone think this question might be good for this site:
Q: UWP Mediabox - a few questions

Michael KalinskiI have a question to you and I really hope you can provide me some information. I wish to build a media center because I have not found any possibilities to cast my stuff straight to the big screen from my Windows mobile phone. Off course there is the wireless display adapter from Microsoft but ...

Also, does anyone think it would be worth having a weekly chat event to try and boost chat visitors?
@Ghanima, minor bug report for RPi.SE: if you try to flag something, there's a capitalisation bug
"This question is completely unclear, incomplete, overly-broad, primarily opinion-based or is not about raspberry pi as described in the help center, and it is unlikely to be fixed via editing."
Bolded the issue for you
Hi @BenceKaulics
Hi @Aurora0001
The question seems to be good but a bit broad. It is kinda 3-4 question actually.
But currently is not much probramming related but can become one later.
Is it evil to flag it as off-topic? :D
2 hours later…
@BenceKaulics It's more evil to actually close it (I could VTC :P)

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