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IoT.SE Meta: Where we still hate fun!
well i didnt even see the post at all
I can still see it since I have the 1k privilege
@anonymous2 I knew something about your post was off topic. ;)
Please note that with the anticipated slowdown in traffic during the end-of-year holidays, we will not be evaluating this site for public launch until after the new year. — Robert Cartaino ♦ Dec 20 at 18:50
Thank You Robert! :)
@Videonauth How are Things?
actually trying to wake up
I am running Ubuntu and Kali Linux in VMware.
8 hours later…
@anonymous2 Hi! :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Yes. To be honest, I posted it very quickly, and was actually planning on ending it, "How can we promote Iot.SE during the holidays?"
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Hi!
@anonymous2 I need some a vise (advise).
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Oh?
@anonymous2 I want to nominate myself as a moderator for this site but I don't want to look silly.
I wasn't the one you asked, but I say go for it!
@HenryWHHackv2.0 I would say go for it too.
If you aren't afraid of not making it, nominate.
Also, in terms of participation, you can always start asking questions now, which I think will look good for you (and help us all!)
@Aurora0001 I agree.
As well as that it's a good backup plan in case you need the rep to keep your privileges
@Aurora0001 ...and it helps the site!
@anonymous2 so everyone wins!
@Aurora0001 Especially you Helmar and Ghanima. ;)
You're only 1 point away from being tied with me :P
in the nominations
anyway, it's not a popularity contest
@Aurora0001 I don't think I made a good impression on Robert Cartaino with that meta post.
Well, everyone has a few Stack Exchange faux pas actions
What do you guys think about about my (In Completed)post is it good or bad?
Looks fine, though I think you typoed 'pro tem'
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Looks excellent.
What to but next?
You can talk about anything really
Review queue activity?
Is my activity on the other SE sites valid?
@HenryWHHackv2.0 You can put it in; it helps people know what your abilities are. Just don't devote too much of your nomination to that. At least, IMHO. :)
@anonymous2 I agree. In order of priority, you could talk about: activity/contributions to IoT.SE, activity on SE in general, qualities you think you have
Actions here speak the loudest I think
But I have no actions here. :( Yet
You can change that today if you like - even voting is great
Every vote you give, up or down, shapes the site
@Aurora0001 ...which is why we should definitely use votes... carefully.
I will close this disscussion with a mod's opinion.
@Ghanima what do you think about me running for MOD is it a good or bad thing?
When he or she comes to the room I will get the answer to moderation and everything.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 He.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Everything... that's a tall order. If that's what's expected of mods, maybe I should withdraw my nomination. ;)
It's a joke based on that 42 thing you know. ;)
the meaning of life the universe and everything or so.
I doubt Ghanima will be back today
Seems strange that comments and likes are disabled
Can I become a "cough" RO?
Notice the "cough" part.
I shall leave that decision to Ghanima, who is a chat mod
Ah I already asked:
Dec 6 at 22:18, by Henry WH Hack v2.0
Can you make me a room owner? Please.
What do other sites chats do in terms of room owners?
Other SE chats I mean
What do you mean by terms?
I just mean do they tend to have 1 or many owners?
I think we should probably just wait until the pro tems are chosen and give them room ownership
That seems fairest to me
all of the AUGCR ROs are mods: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/201/…
but fair.
That seems to be the general policy
@Aurora0001 I tend to agree
Here is our mod!^
we have two RO's right now who are fairly active and benevolent, what else could we ask for
@HenryWHHackv2.0 that is really not me to decide ;) now it's up to SE staff (pro tems) and later on it will be up to community (elected mods) I will be as impartial as possible
(Case Closed)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 if you haven't read this, you can get a list of what the SE team are looking for in a pro tem mod:
Robert Cartaino on July 27, 2010
There's a bit of a leadership vacuum inside the new Stack Exchange communities in public beta. We've put a lot of responsibility on each group to take ownership of their own site. The Stack Exchange team can act as guide, but we don't always have the domain knowledge to understand the needs of each group. As the Network expands, this stretches our ability to assure that each community's issues are properly addressed.
I read it a long time ago.
Also, here's an interesting fact: if all the users listed at Area 51 posted 1 question a week, we would have 5.4 questions per day
Which would be amazingly good for this early in the beta
Tip: Don't be scared to post on the site even if you are nervous.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 congratulations on your first question!
Q: What is the difference between the Internet of Things and and the Internet of Everything?

Henry WH Hack v2.0Just giving the site a try. As the title said: (What is the difference between the Internet of Things and and the Internet of Everything and should I care?) I came cross two concepts the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything. Can anyone help me understand: How does the two topics di...

That You! :)
Since it's a definition question, you might want to relate it more to what one specific group define it as, e.g. "Why do Cisco define IoE as _____"
Otherwise it could be opinion based
Let's say we do no need any reference about Internet of Things but could you add some reference about Internet of Everything please. Some examples about that concept. — Bence Kaulics 1 min ago
Oh No!
I think he's just asking for a bit of clarification about what you mean by "Internet of Everything"
I don't know, it's just some people (like me) have no idea what it is at all, so it might be helpful to talk about what you know so far
Just helps people to find what you're asking about more easily when googling
I'm nervous.
Don't worry, I was with my first question
And second
And third
It's a bit better now I've done 24 questions though ;)
As I said:
15 mins ago, by Henry WH Hack v2.0
Tip: Don't be scared to post on the site even if you are nervous.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 No worries. Just add a link, where did you come across with IoE. So people who has no idea (me actually) will have something to start with.
The question itself is promising if there are a concept then we should know difference for the sake of site topic.
@BenceKaulics Is that video good it's where I first heard of IOE?
Good for me. But are there any article, I am not sure if everyone will take the time to watch a 20 mins video.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 I've tried to answer based on what I could find - hope it's useful
Haven't looked at the video though
Someone else can answer based on that if they like
@HenryWHHackv2.0 looks like your question was well-liked after all!
Video is based on a Cisco Live conference, if the guy sums it up exactly. Then there are some detail which can be highlighted as difference.
Though some official paper could be good from Cisco to prove his words.
I used concept wrong in my post.
I think.
@Aurora0001 Seems you have taken the lead massively before Helmar.
@Aurora0001 Did I used the word concept wrong in my post?
Why do you think it is used wrong?
Q: Does the Google Home record conversations to target advertisements?

Aurora0001Google states that the Google Assistant (the personal assistant that runs on the Google Home, Pixel and the Allo app) uses 'conversation history' for targeted advertising: Does Google use my conversation history to personalize the ads I see? If you interact with the Google Assistant, we ...

that's a little scary
A little?
yea, a little
@Ghanima I knew I saw you somewhere before.
so you're the stalker?
good, closes the curtains
IOT and the NSA?
Will IOT create a backdoor into our security and private lives?
Is IOT the ultimate tool to destory Security and Privacy?
2 hours later…
Q: How can I check if my IoT devices are infected with the Mirai worm?

Aurora0001I've recently heard about the Mirai worm, which infects vulnerable routers, IoT devices and other internet-connected appliances with insecure passwords. Mirai is suspected of being the cause of some of the largest DDoS attacks in history: Dyn estimated that the attack had involved “100,000 ma...

I always wanted to know about the same thing! ^

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