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12:58 AM
@sv., @Tezz, I think "sahastra" ought to be translated as 1000.
In case of RAma, you can see that "varsha" appearing before "sahastrAni". This can be also translated as "60 years among thousand"; just a guess.
In any case, people living long lives will have a very laid back activity levels. Imagine a turtle, which lives for several 100 years.
1:48 AM
@iammilind Yeah, Turtle = Brahmana or Yogi ... Hare = Kshatriya or Warrior :) all of them cannot live for 100+ years IMO. If you desire longevity you have to sacrifice active lifestyle.
@sv. Haha.. amazing calculation.. I'm not sure whether it works for all calculation or not...
@sv. Actually I'm planning to ask another question: "How to reconcile 100 years Human life Vedic Statement with 1000s of years of Puranic refrences?"

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