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@kenorb Well that was fast.
Is he really in the room?
or did he setup his computer to automatically turn on at a certain point in time?
@kenorb Are you really here?
3 hours later…
Who setup?
You sometimes come into the room early in the morning and ignore my pings
so I thought you're computer boots up automatically.
I don't always get notification, sometimes I'm busy.
My most downvoted (-11) and closed question is opened and upvoted now: What is the difference between FASTA, FASTQ, and SAM file formats?
It's always like that, people doesn't understand at start, then later on understanding the potential.
Oh that's nice.
Did some proposal promoting:
on my AskUbuntu account.^
Looks good, if you add extra &follow=1, people automatically will follow the proposal
@kenorb No I don't want that.
But I got kind of angry yesterday because:
11 - 14 - 17
and only 3 months.
I don't want to give anyone ideas so I deleted that.^
Why this proposal is so important for you?
@kenorb Because if it fails I will not have my own SE site and I will lose my reps
Good thinking:)
I know I will not really own the site but it's cool showing you was the founder of an SE site.
But it's good to start something that other will use around the world.
But from where you got this idea about weapons?
Well I looked at the proposal:

Q&A site for firearm experts and enthusiasts.

Closed after 185 days in beta.

and I wanted to restart it but I had an idea
Instead of keeping the questions limited to just guns I wanted it to be about weapons in general.
And the weapons proposal was born.
It was called Firearms and Weapons before.
@kenorb Are you getting all this?
Good to make it broader each time.
Yes we shall not be limited.
My first proposal was Ask Twitch
It happened 10 years ago.
Not really.
@kenorb Why the interest in ghost?
Because I know it's the true, so I want to help people to get out from the mind prison and world's biggest deception.
Otherwise our timeline will go towards destruction and mind prison.
And tyranny.
So I'm just trying to change this timeline.
Basically it's the next evolutionary step.
Do you believe in magic.
Will happen anyway whether people are ready or not. But it's better to be ready.
Do you believe in Chi energy?
What's that?
Everybody has it, it's the source of all magic.
Invisible power of mind in action.
E.g. this guy used this Chi energy to stop the clock with his mind on live TV, but people didn't get it.
Chi can be used as a weapon also.
This guy burned paper only with his hand using just Chi: youtu.be/wYVdhKVb9WE?t=260
Do you know Tai Chi martial arts?
Bruce Lee was using Chi energy as well, he could kill somebody with one finger, but in reality it was power of Chi.
Do you want the real power of Chi? See this: youtube.com/watch?v=5l_t70EG8E0
It'll blow your mind.
You can push somebody using Chi without even touching him.
This will blow your mind also: Most powerfull chi master's on this planet
You may call it magic if you like.
You seen above about Chi?
@kenorb What?
The YT links which I posted.
About chi master's
Please watch it and tell me what do you think.
@kenorb LOL
It's kind of funny.
But it seems I don't really know.
Not many people can do that in the world, other are prisoned by the technology, but in reality, mind can be more powerful than technology if you know how to train it.
Bruce Lee was using Chi, but when he wanted to tell the truth, they probably killed him.
You can basically throw the people around at the distance.
Too weird to be truth? You said you believe the magic, there you go.
2 hours later…
@kenorb Are you in?
I need to create a new schedule.
I am planning on getting 100,000 reps or Area51.SE
I wonder how long it will take for me to get there.
Maybe a vey long long long time.
14 messages moved to trash
Ok did a clean up.
I don't know, rep on area51 is not stable, you never know when your proposal go through or whether your questions/posts get deleted.
Maybe I can try.
I don't think it matters really.
You just need to be active.
Post good sample questions in every proposal which is going to be beta, you'll get good reps.
Here are some was to get reps on Area51.SE:
Example Question got upvoted
Proposal Got Followed
Proposal got committed
Proposal Referral
You won't get 100k, nobody has even 20k yet after 7 years.
It may take you 40 years maybe.
Or 20
I'm on the 1st page.
@kenorb That's why I want to.
SE world record!
First guy to get 100,000 reps on Area51.SE
You should find more interesting, ambitious record.
Nobody really cares about area51 rep
Try some guinness records, but they won't accept that one.
@kenorb Me page 19.
They don't do too high-tech records.
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
951k 558 6974 7781
How did he?
He works at Google, so probably they liked the guy.
Like everybody is upvoting mods questions.
He written books about C#, so he can explain things.
Secondly time is multiplying rep
Posts from '11, are now like 5-10k upvoted.
in Things, 33 secs ago, by Feeds
Useless FAQ

Proposed Q&A site for users who have questions without practical applications. For example: Why dogs are singing with music? Is there a religion with exactly two gods? Why vodka is always bottled in transparent glass?

Currently in definition.

Is there any use for this?^
I didn't know that Beer.SE is now called Alcohol.SE, great: alcohol.stackexchange.com
Expanded their drink area.
I'm sure Useless FAQ will get closed.
How do I know this?
Because it's command sense.
Did I just spelled common wrong?
I've commented on this useless faq
Yea I saw.
What is the use of that proposal?
3 hours later…
@kenorb I have returned!
@kenorb Are you in?
At random();
I don't know why this:
Is needed but
@kenorb Approve?
or Reject?
@Mithrandir24601 Welcome! :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Thanks! Hello!
@kenorb If you think my new proposal idea is good say approve if it's bad say reject.
Finally we have another user in this room.
You know what:
No I can't approve for my own proposal.
Maybe he is busy.
I just spotted this in the room list, so came over to have a look
I think if I ping him one more time he will answer.
I know it maybe annoying to ping him again but here goes.
Sorry kenorb
See I want a fast response not a half hour wait.
I really want to check and see the out come so I will propose.
29 mins ago, by kenorb
At random();
Oh that's why he didn't response he is here at random.
Collectors sounds good.
I can respond every hour, too many things going on.
Proposal Idea Approved: by kenorb

Proposed Q&A site for avid collectors and collecting enthusiast who likes to collect stuff such as jewelry,stamps,coins,art,antiques,comics and etc.

Currently in definition.

A new proposal is born.
Thank You kenorb! :)
4 amazing
Example questions done.
5 nice.
@kenorb It will take me up to a month or two to figure one out.
When I don't know, usually I'm googling to get some ideas.
That's what I'm planning to do.
I still googling, to check for my grammar.
The internet is power!
If you control the internet you control the world.
I think.
As I'm endless confused about articles a/an/the, when to put a/an or the, or when to not use it at all.
One question is almost duplicate of another, about the value, but one is about specific coin, the other in general.
I am saving my votes.
You can always change them.
When you've votes, it's psychologically encourage people that the question is good.
The same with the other questions, when I post something and got first down-vote, other people are following down votes, when it bounce back and I get the first up-vote, it seems everybody wants to up vote it. I've posted you the example today from bioinformatics. It's like following the pattern without thinking about it.
'the most collected items' is too broad term
Ok time to delete
For ideas, google: site:quora.com collectors
And add some extra words, such as coin, stamp
3 hours later…
@Mithrandir24601 Hi, how're you? Darknet will die in few days, have you used your votes maybe?

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