Not many people can do that in the world, other are prisoned by the technology, but in reality, mind can be more powerful than technology if you know how to train it.
Bruce Lee was using Chi, but when he wanted to tell the truth, they probably killed him.
You can basically throw the people around at the distance.
Too weird to be truth? You said you believe the magic, there you go.
Proposed Q&A site for users who have questions without practical applications. For example: Why dogs are singing with music? Is there a religion with exactly two gods? Why vodka is always bottled in transparent glass?
The same with the other questions, when I post something and got first down-vote, other people are following down votes, when it bounce back and I get the first up-vote, it seems everybody wants to up vote it. I've posted you the example today from bioinformatics. It's like following the pattern without thinking about it.