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Q: At age 25, is it still okay to wear dental braces to work?

TaylorI had braces as a young teen but I bent my retainers when we went on vacation one year. I had the old fashioned retainers that were pink and plastic with a metal bar connected to it. I am now 25, and I would like to get some of these 'invisible' plastic (see-through) braces to fix my crooked bot...

Just something you might want to talk about with the dentist. Night braces. Might work for you if you feel somewhat insecure wearing braces to work. .
My somewhat 45 y/o manager wears braces, and nobody has remarks. So yeah, in my opinion it's totally fine.
What problems do you expect exactly from wearing braces to work? Do you expect people to mock you for that, or to realize you have crooked teeth?
Let's be clear, if a manager took issue with you as a worker strictly because you are wearing braces, then that would certainly be considered discriminatory. An odd case of it but discriminatory nonetheless. The only potential case that an employer might have against such an individual would be if the responsibilities of the job required that your mouth not have such hardware in it. Such a job probably doesn't exist. Well... maybe a food taste tester but that's about it.
The fact that you feel the need to ask this question leads me to believe that the people you are working with are immature enough to cause you to be worried about something which is inconsequential to your job function. I've worked with multiple people that had full metal braces as adults and never batted an eye.
@RLH I wonder if it could cause an electrician or someone who could work around live wires any issues.
@Pants Good question. My guess is that as long as you don't try biting the romex then you should be fine overall; although I think this applies to braceless people as well. One concern could be working in situations which has the possibility of causing and arc flash/blast. Electricity rushing to your face is certainly a scary thought O.o
@MonkeyZeus In my quick research, it seems that it should not be a concern for anyone working around electricity, but it seems that it could be an issue if someone is running a pirate radio station using some very outdated hardware. You may be able to hear the radio through your dental work.
@MonkeyZeus I can understand OP's concern. There are a number of jobs which put great stock in "professional" appearance (see all the questions asking about prohibitions on tattoos). Braces in popular culture are stereotypically associated with the young, particularly the geeky and inept. As such, it's a reasonable concern that braces might detract from conveying an appearance of a "mature, competent professional". -- The medical necessity of braces (vs. tattoos) puts paid to the bulk of that, though. So long as you don't act like a young, geeky, inept person, the braces shouldn't be an issue.
@RLH Professional musician playing trumpet/trombone/tuba maybe?
@RLH MRI scanner tester ;) But then I'm not sure if they even make the braces out of ferromagnetic metals, or some inert alloys.
Nobody is going to care.
And if your office does care, it's time to find a new place to work :)
@MonkeyZeus why are you having such strong bias against OP workplace? Why are you willing to mark 10 or 100 of people as immature by just reading few sentences from OP? Have you ever considered that there is another also very easy explanation: op lack confidence and needs approval from mighty internet to say: 'yes it is ok, do not worry'? I am not saying this is the case, but this another likely explanation. Look closely at this site - it is full of 'how should I reply to 'how are you doing' from my coworker'
@SalvadorDali Well, that's how the interwebs work; I post one theory and you post another. OP came here to get some food for thought so here we are offering them "food" and they can decide which one tastes the best. I make no attempt to invalidate you or your thoughts and happily move along just as a person with more than 51K rep should have figured out by now...
@Myles, interesting that you would use that as an example. My wife, when she was entering 6th grade, decided to join band and chose to play the trombone. For a kid her age, she did quite well. Interesting thing is she had braces starting the year before. She continued to play braces for many years until she had to take them off. Removing the braces affected her play so much that... she gave up and hasn't touched the trombone since. In fact, she donated her old trombone to Goodwill a few years ago after our last move.
It is okay to show off your perfect teeth.
If you eat (and take them out), just please don't put them on my desk. That's the only objection I would have.
I had my orothodontic work done (for the first time) at about 30 and nobody thought anything of it. If you do a lot of oral presentations, keep in mind that it might affect your speech a bit.
I had dental braces when I was 30. And I had zero problems with going to an office. No one EVER mentioned it, not even behind my back. If by any chance you happen to hear laughs, either complain to your boss, or just leave this company and change to some better one.

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