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Statistically, most people globally are using the internet at around 6-7 CST.
2 hours later…
awfully convenient how Mego, Doorknob, and I are all in CST
2 hours later…
@NickClifford Must be some kind of conspiracy
we're actually all the same person
we are the central time hivemind
6 hours later…
CST Illuminati
@Mego School starts on the 16th for me. Generally, I'm free most days after 5 PM MST
@Mego Topic proposal: How did you find PPCG? How has your experience with PPCG been? What are your favorite/least favorite experiences with PPCG so far? Etc.
Scratch that, school starts on the 17th
@mego I've got a bunch of questions to think about. 1) What service should we use? Discord seems perfect. Should we make a new server, or try to do it on an existing one? 2) What do should participants record locally on? 3) When can we do a practice run? (for technical testing) 4) Should we go by usernames, pseudonyms, or first names?
Discord might be best under a 4-way group DM instead of the PPCG-gaming server
I guess 4 is something each participant can choose themselves
Oh, and 5) Do we need to worry about participants that are under 18? I remember that came up last time we talked about doing this (cc. @Doorknob)
is that an issue?
I think releasing audio recordings of minors without parental consent is an issue. I'm not positive though
@NickClifford I think the best solution would be a new server. Then discussion can happen there, we can have chat too, and people could listen in (without talking permissions) if they want
@NickClifford How old are you? (If you don't mind me asking)
my profile picture is really old though
Hmm. You sound older than that
It means you come across as mature and well spoken ;)
anyway, I can ask my parents if that ends up being important
I'll need to do some research into it (or ask minxomat) but I think it probably will
this is how my friends reacted when I told them I'd be on a podcast
@DJMcMayhem I checked with my dad and he's ok with it. if need be, I might be able to get it in writing or something
@NickClifford Ok. Probably will, but like I said, it's something I don't know anything about, so we'll need to do some research first
sounds good
actually here's an idea
if any of you have ever listened to Hello Internet, they have a document where they put all the topics they want to talk about on a given episode of their podcast
it might be a good idea to make a Google Doc or something for us to use similarly
4 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem yeah, minxomat said something about that
@DJMcMayhem does the topic necessarily have to be about PPCG? from what I'd gathered the previous time around discussing it, it was just going to be a podcast that happened to be composed of PPCG members

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