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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@Downgoat the 64 one?
wait nvm got it
@TuxCopter okay what is ur steam id?
or username
either one woork
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yeah I got yours
@Downgoat TheKsp25
Ksp = King Supreme Penguin?
So what's happening
Goat uber-unbork
OK. Get Source.Python too
@Downgoat Nope
@quartata ok. Now install the chatexchange?
Yes and TF2Goat
So I am going to:
- tf2goat & related
- giveweapon
- the speak thing
What speak thing?
We don't really need giveweapon
Just Admin Cheats and Resize
@Downgoat Use yours
You shouldn't use someone else's
@quartata I thought I had to get some modified version of a soucemod/sourcepython plugin for @whatever to work
@Downgoat Oh, yes. That's in one of @printf's gists
@quartata I've always used easterly's
oh I also need replays and fastDL
@printf your assistance is needed
@Downgoat Why?
ah crap and all the maps
@Downgoat Don't worry about them for now
@quartata cause i am F2P peasent
@Downgoat Don't worry about them for now. We'll get new maps anyways
@Downgoat cool thanks
@quartata he can't, he is f2p on steam
@Downgoat OK, well just so @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ knows that's tied to his Steam account meaning that if (somehow) Valve takes action against the server he's in hot water
@Downgoat don't add giveweapon
@quartata yeah, I'm aware
I'm just trusting the goat not to do anything stupid legally
> legally
@Downgoat don't fuck around with betting, impersonation, or anything like that
@Downgoat Really just get tf2goat. None of the other stuff matters right now
maybe its better if i don't know
@El'endiaStarman oh, forgot to tell you sorry >_< another mod nuked it for me
yeah ik getting soucre pythnp
@Downgoat yes it is
@Downgoat Perhaps
@Downgoat Also you posted the old server.cfg in here already
So just get that
@Downgoat did you remove sm?
I readded it but I need to restart
btw @ConorO'Brien can you give me your steamid?
@quartata so I just put chatexchange/ dir into Python3 folder
@Downgoat yes
@ConorO'Brien not that
ok cool
That's his
This is mine: STEAM_0:0:66468444
@Downgoat Did you put the server in a git repo this time?
@ConorO'Brien @quartata I will give root but promise to do no eivl
If not it's not too late to git init
@quartata when is it too late to do?
@Downgoat Once things have already broken
lemme do one sec
@Downgoat I've been keeping this server on life support for liek a month waiting for your triumphant return
It would be rather boring to trash it now
Okay restarting server
@Downgoat will not do evil.
I was winning ;_;
@TuxCopter o is that you ig?
12 mins ago, by Downgoat
Do you herby solemnly swear that you will faithfully execute the tasks of the PPCG TF2 server admin and to the best of your best of your ability, preserve, protect, and defend the server.cfg?
@TuxCopter you capped once and I was AFK
sorry, I meant to post this
@Downgoat I will! Holsters phlog
okay got it
I'm going to turn of the server. And get it tracked with git
Phlog is love, Phlog is life
@quartata can Github track such huge repos?
I will still abuse RO powers to pin stuff
1GB is the limit IIRC
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ಠ_ಠ
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yuo eivl cta
@ConorO'Brien btw nice hat 10/10 classy
@TuxCopter ok that's beyond goatspeak that's just illegible
you're not that drunk
wait nvm
@Downgoat thank you!
@Downgoat he was the first to get it iirc
it's secrit
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ fctyughijokpl
oh nice
@TuxCopter bleeeeeeeeeeet
wow this chatroom has turned into barnyard :P
Goat, cat, dragon, and penguin.
and pichu
oh yeah
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Was about to say this
@quartata halp I did git add -A and it's been adding for like 5 minutes
How much big is the repo
ping me when the server is back up
will do
and me
@TuxCopter @ConorO'Brien @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ okay back up
Yay it crashed
oh wait its my fault
haha oops
@quartata halp how stahp Server is hibernating
VAC secure mode is activated.
Received 3450909 bytes item schema version DA527F17 direct data; update is queued.
L 12/22/2016 - 23:28:43: server_cvar: "sm_nextmap" "pl_goldrush"
L 12/22/2016 - 23:28:56: "TheKsp25<2><[U:1:277387048]><>" connected, address ""
Client "TheKsp25" connected (
Server waking up from hibernation
L 12/22/2016 - 23:28:56: "TheKsp25<2><[U:1:277387048]><>" STEAM USERID validated
L 12/22/2016 - 23:29:04: "TheKsp25<2><[U:1:277387048]><>" disconnected (reason "TheKsp25 timed out")
tf_allow_server_hibernation 0
But it only happens when no one is on
then howcome it kick ksp?
Not a huge deal if you dont have tf2goat as a result
@TuxCopter your internet bork you not my fault
He timed out yeah
[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/manager.py", line 75, in __missing__
    instance = self.instance(plugin_name, self.base_import)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/instance.py", line 82, in __init__
    self._plugin = import_module(import_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/tf2goat/tf2goat.py", line 111
    "\*DEAD\* " if p.playerinfo.is_dead(),
@quartata see syntax bork ^
@Downgoat No TF2 crashed
I thought you mean server crash
;_; I have such low expectations for my server
@Downgoat Don't put this on Github
or anywhere that isn't your servers
put what?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Okay, good. :P
The repo.
You pinged me earlier
@Downgoat I have no privs
oh shit sorry
@TuxCopter @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ can u confirm your privs are working
my privs work
@Downgoat I don't believe this is my fault
This is the snippet:
msg = "\n".join("%s%s - **%s** (steamcommunity.com/profiles/%s): %s kills/%s deaths" % (
      "\*DEAD\* " if p.playerinfo.is_dead(),
      "RED" if p.team == 2 else "BLU" if p.team == 3 else "SPEC",
      p.name, SteamID.parse(p.steamid if p.steamid != "BOT" else "[U:1:22202]").to_uint64(),
      p.kills, p.deaths
    ) for p in PlayerIter())
@ConorO'Brien @quartata okay have you guys root
(with proper formatting)
Oh I see.
I'll be on in a bit, can't test rn
I fixed it.
okay I'll pull
[SP] Loading plugin 'tf2goat'...

[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/manager.py", line 75, in __missing__
    instance = self.instance(plugin_name, self.base_import)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/instance.py", line 82, in __init__
    self._plugin = import_module(import_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/tf2goat/tf2goat.py", line 1, in <module>
    from chatexchange.client import Client
I need to install beautifulsup?
And a bunch of other stuff.
wait how
Nov 17 at 2:41, by quartata
All right, now for the dependencies
I assumed you already did that
oh ok
[SP] Loading plugin 'tf2goat'...

[SP] Caught an Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/manager.py", line 75, in __missing__
    instance = self.instance(plugin_name, self.base_import)
  File "../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/plugins/instance.py", line 82, in __init__
    self._plugin = import_module(import_name)
  File "../addons/source-python/plugins/tf2goat/tf2goat.py", line 1, in <module>
    from chatexchange.client import Client
how to fix this bug?
By reading the transcript more carefully, wherein you had asked exactly this before
31 secs ago, by Downgoat
shit forgot password
@Downgoat Might want to configure censors this time around
Name: PPCG Server
Map: cp_badlands
Players: 2/20 (0 bots)
Tags: cp,norespawntime
[TF2] TheKsp25: yay
One second
[TF2] Sock: The crits are with me!
@Downgoat It's worth noting that I doubt you can support 20 players
[TF2] TheKsp25: i r8 this this fight 20/20
[TF2] Sock: r8?
btw can you guys swear so I can test if censor is working?
[TF2] Sock: dang
[TF2] TheKsp25: dang
[TF2] Sock: insert generic lenny here
[TF2] *DEAD* TheKsp25: dang
!rcon mp_friendlyfire 1; mp_fadetoblack 1; tf_grapplinghook_enable 1; sv_tags ppcg
@quartata You do not have permission to do that.
oh oops
[TF2] TheKsp25: nope
Also I thought you restored the server.cfg
@TF2Goat try now
@quartata no
will do later
btw imma have to leave in ~15 mins so is there anything I need to do that you guys can't with rcon?
[TF2] TheKsp25: 4hp lmao
[TF2] Sock: lol
[TF2] Sock: ded
[TF2] TheKsp25: I feel the hate grow in me
!rcon mp_friendlyfire 1; mp_fadetoblack 1; tf_grapplinghook_enable 1; sv_tags ppcg; tf_weapon_criticals 0; tf_weapon_criticals_melee 0; tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads 1
why no nocrits
Name: PPCG Server
Map: cp_badlands
Players: 2/20 (0 bots)
Tags: cp,fadetoblack,friendlyfire,nocrits,norespawntime,ppcg
BLU - **TheKsp25** (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198237652776): 3 kills/14 deaths
RED - **Sock** (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198274013937): 14 kills/3 deaths
@quartata btw did you do rate limiting work around :D
@TF2Goat you gotta do in sepearte messages for markdown to od
@Downgoat No
@Downgoat I'm aware.
I didn't do that.
> 3 kills/14 deaths
10/10 nice
!rcon sm_firebomb @all
Just a test >_>
[TF2] TheKsp25: WAT
[TF2] Sock: wtf
[TF2] TheKsp25: NO
[TF2] Sock: why
[TF2] TheKsp25: wait why
Hey, I was just seeing if it was installed. It won't kill you
[TF2] TheKsp25: WHY
@quartata wat
[TF2] TheKsp25: HALP
Just making sure Sourcemod is up before I do this:
[TF2] TheKsp25: I AM DYING
!rcon tfh_halloween 1; tfh_birthday 1
[TF2] TheKsp25: WELP
[TF2] Sock: dispenser is bae
[TF2] TheKsp25: nvm
@TF2Goat Sheesh, you make it sound like such a big deal. Just get a health kit.
wait is ths stuff relaying?
It's just afterburn
@Downgoat yes
i dont see in server console
I mean SE -> TF
!rcon tf_weapon_criticals_melee 0; tf_preround_push_from_damage_enable 1; tf_overtime_nag 1
[TF2] TheKsp25: dang
[TF2] Sock: wat
!rcon sv_pure 0; mp_autoteambalance 0; mp_chattime 10; mp_idledealmethod 2; mp_idlemaxtime 10; mp_forcecamera 1; mp_forcerespawn 1
!rcon sv_pausable 1; sv_pure 0; sv_region 1
Can you guys hear us?
[TF2] *DEAD* TheKsp25: totally
[TF2] Sock: yes
[TF2] Sock: wtf are you doing q :P
@Downgoat It doesn't show in the server console normally.
@TF2Goat Getting this back into "barely usable" mode
Should I upgrade to 10$ droplet? That'll give us 1GB ram
[TF2] *DEAD* TheKsp25: wai
@Downgoat Nah. The most people we've had is 5, 500MB is enough for that.
[TF2] *DEAD* TheKsp25: DAMN SOCK
[TF2] Sock: explanation to people in SE: I'm using a mini and he's failing misreably
BLU - **TheKsp25** (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198237652776): 3 kills/21 deaths
RED - **Sock** (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198274013937): 21 kills/3 deaths
still can't join yet, sorry
!rcon tf_bot_difficulty 3; tf_bot_quota_mode normal; tf_bot_add 1 heavy blue
[TF2] *DEAD* TheKsp25: AJ(H*GR7tfeiygur30o]-wpg4uyfuig3qjowragpyau3HPIJEWRDGTSREJOIPK
BLU - **TheKsp25** (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198237652776): 3 kills/22 deaths
RED - **Sock** (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198274013937): 22 kills/3 deaths
BLU - **heavy** (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960287930): 0 kills/0 deaths
[TF2] Sock: quartata please kick the bot
[TF2] TheKsp25: WTF
I'm helping!
!sm_rcon tf_bot_quota 0
@Eᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏ Iʀᴋ No such command.
@Downgoat ... can I have tf2goat privs?
!rcon sv_gravity 0
@Eᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏ Iʀᴋ No such command.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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