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Hello! Sorry to bother you yet again, but some formal facts are confusing me yet again. It seems to me that the pushout of the diagram $A\leftarrow k[x]\rightarrow k[x,x^{-1}]$ in the category of $k$-algebras is given by $A\otimes _{k[x]} k[x,x^{-1}]$. It's only the coproduct of $k$-algebras that is given by $\otimes _k$.
For instance this is what wikipedia says here
I think I was originally right. We are taking the coproduct of the diagram in the category of $k$-algebras. However, if we view this as a diagram in the category of $k[x]$-algebras, $k[x]$ is the initial object and we're merely computing the coproduct.

The different is between computing a pushout in $k$-algebras, or a coproduct in $k[x]$-algebras, but these are the same things.
4 hours later…
@user251222 you seem to be confusing tensor products of $R$-algebras with pushouts in the category of $R$-algebras: what you take the tensor product over depends on the corner of the diagram, not which category of algebras the diagram is in. You're also confusing colimits of algebras with colimits of schemes: colimits of algebras correspond to limits of schemes.

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