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A: It is possible to find an infinite set of points in the plane...

luluYou can even find infinitely many such points on the unit circle: Let $\mathscr S$ be the set of all points on the unit circle such that $\tan \left(\frac {\theta}4\right)\in \mathbb Q$. If $(\cos(\alpha),\sin(\alpha))$ and $(\cos(\beta),\sin(\beta))$ are two points on the circle then a little ...

Can you please explain this in more details, especially the tan part.
Which part in particular? Can you get the distance formula?
No, I tried to use Pythagoras, but couldn't get the same formula.
Suppose two points on the circle have angle $\phi$ between them. Bisect the chord connecting them to get two right triangles, each with central angle $\frac {\phi}2$. The length of the side opposite that central angle is $\sin \frac {\phi}2$. I then use the addition formula for $\sin$ applied to the angle $\frac {\alpha - \beta}2$.
It makes sense now.. Will try to make it again by myself.. Thanks
No problem. Write again if something is still unclear.
What's not clear?
Just another question.. What did you exactly meant by thet part about tan 4 theta?
From the distance formula, I see that I need sine and cosine of both half-angles to be rational. But the z=tan x/2 substitution tells us that that we're good if the quarter angles have rational tangent, so I assume that from the start.
Specifically: if tan(x/4 ) is rational then sin(x/2) and cos(x/2) are rational (from the substitution rules I wrote out.). Thus if tan(x/2) and tan(y/2) are both rational then the distance between the points (cos(x),sin(x)) and (cos(y),sin(y)) is rational (from the formula I gave).
I see, so in other words, The two points on the unit circle should have a specific angle between each others.. And by moving them we get an infinite set..
No...My set S consists of all the points P(x)=(cos(x),sin(x)) such that tan(x/4) is rational. All I need to prove if that, for P(x),P(y) in S, the distance between them is rational. But the distance between then is given by that expression I gave, which depends on sine and cosine of the half angles. Each of those terms, in turn, is rational because of the identities I wrote out.
To me, this all comes down to the famous tan(x/2) substitution. This comes up all the time in looking for rational properties of points on the unit circle.
Well, if I want to choose any two points on the unit circle to test if they have a rational distance between each others.. Just give me three or more points to test them..
Like, point one has 30 degrees.. point two has 44 degrees..
Points that have a rational distance between each others..
Sure...only they won't have nice forms like 30 or 44. But let the first angle be, say 4*arctan(1/5) and the second be 4*arctan(1/6).
So the method to get such two or more points is to take the arctan of a rational number multiplying by four..
Exactly. It is generally true that, with a few clear exceptions, you can't ask for an angle to be reasonable (e.g. rational) and for its trig functions to also be reasonable. Here I want the trig functions to be nice and friendly, so I have to put up with ugly angles.
It's all clear now.. Sorry for my slow understanding as I'm studying these just by my own.. And thanks for your patience.
Not a problem. It's a sign of how difficult this is that, unless there's something new out there, nobody knows if you can do this with a dense set on the plane. Personally I'd vote no on that....but who knows? It's very hard to get a good handle on it.
The other answer on my question shows that it's possible on aplane.. He used the fact that there are an infinte numbers of Pythagorean triples.. Take a look on that answer and the comment.. It's so simple
No, of course you can do it with a discrete set. the open problem is if you can do it with a dense set. That is, I want a set such that every little open set on the plane contains infinitely many members of the set. My example is dense on the circle, for example.
What you meant by a dense set is that like a set between, for example, 1 - 100 on the x axis.. Not like the example on that answer whose points on the x axis are smaller than one?
as "a" is smaller than "b".. in the triple
the integers are not dense on the line...the open interval (.5,.75) contains no integers. The rationals are dense on the line, every open interval contains a rational. My set S is dense on the circle...that's pretty good! My set also has what I think is the nice property that no three points on it lie in a single line.
So the solutions that used Pythagorean triples isn't dense on the plane..
Certainly not! There's only one point off the axis, for example.
OK.. Thanks for your time and your clarification..

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