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A: Office Web Apps certificate issue

MikeIf the office web apps url was https, make sure you have a correct certificate (that's not expired) to it. Use: Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -CertificateName "Certificate Friendly Name"

Hi Mike,Certificate is not expired.
Should I run this command anyway? Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -CertificateName "Certificate Friendly Name"
Google Chrome gives "The webpage at <URL> might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address."
Also Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm command shows CertificateName is what it supposed to be.
is the certificate expired?
Mike, no it's still valid
If you go to your event viewer on your office web apps server, it may contain more information on it. Should be a category called "Office Web Apps", also, check your Office Web Apps logs here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\Logs\ULS
I checked the logs and didn't find any errors.
May it be because of the SSLOffloaded set to true and there is no load balancer in front of it, as far as I know? Also, in the article I provided a link for it's said that I may want to rebuild the bindings. Does it seem like an issue that can be fixed rebuilding the bindings?
SSLOffloaded means the SSL cert is given from the firewall or netscaler that you have inbetween as the middle man to the client user upon navigating. If you have the SSL cert on the office web apps server in IIS -> Server Certificates, you probably aren't using SSL Offloading. Use Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -SSLOffloading:$false on the farm. If the binding didn't work, you wouldn't be able to get to office web apps at all.
Hi Mike, FYI, setting SSLOffloaded to false helped, but it still gives the same message for the external network access.
Do you have the externalurl set? type in get-officewebappsfarm and if there isn't an externalurl set, use this to set it: set-officewebappsfarm -ExternalUrl "https://<yourOWAUrl>"
There is an external URL set, although it's the same as internal
Is the WOPIzone using external-https? Run on the SP server in powershell get-spwopizone, also can you paste in the farm settings in your question from get-officewebappsfarm from your OWA server?
WOPIzone is set to external-https?
get-officewebappsfarm output: FarmOU : InternalURL : ExternalURL : AllowHTTP : True SSLOffloaded : False CertificateName : OWA EditingEnabled : True LogLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\Logs\ULS LogRetentionInDays : 7 LogVerbosity : Proxy :
CacheLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\d MaxMemoryCacheSizeInMB : 75 DocumentInfoCacheSize : 5000 CacheSizeInGB : 15 ClipartEnabled : False TranslationEnabled : False MaxTranslationCharacterCount : 125000 TranslationServiceAppId : TranslationServiceAddress : RenderingLocalCacheLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\waccache RecycleActiveProcessCount : 5 AllowCEIP : False
ExcelRequestDurationMax : 300 ExcelSessionTimeout : 450 ExcelWorkbookSizeMax : 10 ExcelPrivateBytesMax : -1 ExcelConnectionLifetime : 1800 ExcelExternalDataCacheLifetime : 300 ExcelAllowExternalData : True ExcelWarnOnDataRefresh : True OpenFromUrlEnabled : False OpenFromUncEnabled : True OpenFromUrlThrottlingEnabled : True PicturePasteDisabled : True RemovePersonalInformationFromLogs : False AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections : False
IgnoreDeserializationFilter : False Machines : {OFFICEWA}
if you are using SSL, you should set allowhttp to false. Also, can you put all that as an edit in your question, and delete these comments?
Can't delete my comments, don't have such option.
BTW, setiing AllowHTTP to false didn't help. Any other suggestions?
11 hours later…
@Mike Hi Mike, Do you have any other suggestions re what may be the issue with opening documents from external network?
1 hour later…
are you using https:// in your internal url and external url? It shows just the subdomain and no https://, can you change that, if that's the case?
@Mike , yes we're using https in both internal and external. Should I still change something?
in your internal url and exernalurl in the office web apps farm when you execute the command 'get-officewebappsfarm' it says not https://officewebapps.contoso.comis that right?
, no, it says "".
You can see that if you hover over a link I provided about in my comment.
Oh dear, I apologize. I see it. can you list your wopizone? if you go to your sharepoint server, open up sp management shell and type this in: get-spwopizone, what does it say?
@Mike , NP, thanks alot for helping me here. get-spwopizone gives "external-https"
3 hours later…
:33057784, BTW, just to clarify by "access from external network" I mean accessing our LAN via Client VPN connection which on my computer has ip address from a network that is different that our LAN.

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