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@PolluxKhafra - invitation here
@kaiser yessir?
Don't let yourself get down, just because everybody says "ideas for a lifetime - not worth trying".
My advice: Make one idea simple.
Drop everything out, that's not completely necessary. Something like a "this function only"-prototype.
@kaiser Oh yeah I don't. I'm just new to all this. I just came from playing internet poker for 6 years professionally and had to jump into something new when the US came cracked down on it. My ideas are just way beyond my scope of knowledge now and I don't know anyone really.
Can you tell me one idea in it's absolutely basic approach? Something like an elevator pitch...
Yeah I'm doing that with a site where I'm basically just leanring how to do stuff. You wanna see the beta Im working on?
Sure. But try to tell me first, what it's about. Best would be 1-3 sentences.
An idea lol or the site Im doing now?
The site you're doing right now.
@PolluxKhafra ...
Right now I'm working on a site that merges user generated music, music videos, and entertainment news in one place. The homepage is a pinterest style feel that merges all content to show whats trending along with user profiles where I'm trying to focus on giving artists a better portfolio to showcase their work. You can check out the beta although there is a one off live version up. Check it here..alot of things arent finished.
Check out the actual pages by clicking the text title of the boxes. Havent finshed the popups
so out of whack..hate showing someone that
Doesn't look too bad imo
So what's your problem with getting this off the ground?
I have it running at but that was like me not having a clue. It was just to get going in google really. There's nothin in my way really besides trying to figure out how to do everything. I'm the only working on it.
The other stuff I wanna do is way more complex and unique. Like I said this is just a playground for me.
"how to do everything" = what exactly?
Everything. Like I didn't know a thing about code a year ago. So trying to figure how to do things like allowing users to watch music continuously in playlists using ajax is beyond me. Things like that. I'm getting it.
How many users do you currently have on fameordie?
500+ only about 400 uniques a day though. I don't market it at all because I hate it and don't want anyone seeing it.
I like it
There're not too many things, that I'd change before really marketing it
1) explain what it is about - something like a sub headline on the index page
Well the beta version i showed you is way better than the live version.
2) Explain that it's about clicking the FAME/DIE buttons - didn't even realize, that those were buttons until I hovered by accident
Which site are you on?
3) Don't show +/- XY ... show +XY/-XY
beta or live?
what does that mean?
and beta afaik
If it's about "FAME or DIE", then show how many think it's "FAME" and how many think it's "DIE". It's a VERSUS site at least
yeah that's aweful. On the beta site I sent you I tried to make the ratings more clear by adding an arrow in between them. Like does this catch your attention?
@PolluxKhafra Yes it does. But I think you'll simply have to make it ... more simple. Big and bold: "FAME" vs. "DIE".
that was something I wanted to actually but the only good ratings plugin I could find was wp-postratings and all it gives me is the score
Another minor UI improvement on that screen would be to let the lower left 3 icon nav stay on bottom and animate the content on top of it. Hard to switch buttons, when they're a moving target
Thats a really good point.
what browser are you in?
So if you were me and you really needed some people to come and and help with developing features and other things for the site, how would you go about it? I have no budget to hire anyone.
sry phone - min
ok, back
I'd try to find plugins by known developers - GitHub & Repo. Then search for well supported commercial ones. These are real time savers. These days it's hard to not find a solution for something you need.
Your main goal should just be to get something running. Then make it fast with cache, minify, etc. Then market it like hell. When this is done and you got something around 2k visitors a day, it's time to search for investors.
In your case, where you actually got something running, I'd just try to make it more simple, instead of adding new features. Bring the things into the focus that actually make your system. Like the "FAME or DIE". And transport your message as clearly as possible. A user should know what it's about in under 5 seconds.
The fact, that you got ~400 hundred users a day means, that people are interested in what you're doing. So just run it.
And get some other font... :P
That was my plan. The whole investor part frightens me..who to approach. And I know those people just want to cash in. I was hoping to get something moving and find people I could make partners that do the technical work.
lol which font are you talking about?
Fun as things are: "HelveticaNeue","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;.
I was using those last week and was feeling out the impact.
↑ that's (yellow) what I see. No idea where this comes from.
yeah i see what you're saying.
A) unreadable - especially on smaller screens
B) Feels cheap - always go with more kerning for stuff that should feel more "deluxe"
I was using the @fontface version of impact that doesn't do that but it loads sooooo slow.
Don't go with Impact
Use a normal font, like those specified.
K I'm gonna do that.
And move your logo to "FAME or DIE", instead of "FAME OR DIE"
And try to align the logo with the voting. So that this one always looks consistent and everybody knows what it is about. Maybe with something like a "vote" badge on the side or some other note.
A subline like "you choose: FAME or DIE" wouldn't hurt
Or "It's all in your hands!"
Give the user the feeling of power.
You have no idea how much I've obsessed with how to do that and keep the look simplistic
I hate words. I try to use as few as possible in the design.
It is simplistic. That's something I like.
I understand what you mean. But there's currently no sign, that the user has it in his hands.
What do you think about this video page?
Specifically the videos on the side not having the titles showing until hovered.
Like it. Without the titles hovered. A common UI problem are "moving targets". Don't push things around. Hover display addt. info above them.
What's the right sidebar for?
It holds an ad. I stick it there for all the missed scrollbar clicks
Throw it out. Ads won't bring you the money. Not if you ain't got 100k users per day. Just keeps people from visiting.
yeah that's how I feel too. I really need to generate something out of it as it progresses which is a problem.
I guess what I should be doing is freelance work on the side instead of running ads
Hey I gotta go. I really appreciate you taking the time to give some advice. I really need every little piece I can get and it's extremely appreciated!
you're welcome.

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