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2:39 AM
@DoubleAA Why community-wikify them?
@HodofHod that happens automatically when a question gets more than 30 answers (or maybe when it reaches 30; not sure -- but either way...).
@MonicaCellio Right, right, right.... I forgot about that. Sorry @DoubleAA
@HodofHod it can probably be undone, but for meta, it doesn't seem to matter. (My biggest frustration in such cases is the pagination; I'd rather see all the locations on one page.)
@MonicaCellio Yep and yep
@MonicaCellio @HodofHod Reaches 30 I believe
@HodofHod It's a community project. :)
@MonicaCellio Would removing it affect the pagination?
2:47 AM
@DoubleAA CW? No, I don't think that's related. (I don't know that; feel free to try. But I suspect they're orthogonal.)
@MonicaCellio Let's find out:)
Phooey. It doesn't undo all the answers.
Do some of the answers have the author in a box, and some not?
@HodofHod @MonicaCellio
@DoubleAA yes. Isaac's (the OP). That might be a bug; before it was CW his icon/user info was in those boxes.
The coloring is normal for a self-answer; what might be a bug is that it remains in CW.
3:32 AM
@Fred I'm not sure what you meant. If she's a Niddah then that should be Matzilin Oto beNafsho, right?
@CharlesKoppelman Don't forget to fill in meta.judaism.stackexchange.com/q/1635/759 when you get a chance!
3:47 AM
@Isaac Moses, @Monica Cellio, is it ok to add locations that I think should be added, so long as I don't live there?
(or @double aa)
@SethJ Absolutely!
The locations we've added have been mostly educated guesses based on Jewish demographics.
@SethJ What did you have in mind?
4:10 AM
@double aa I've added a few based on similar pre-existing geographic/demographic biases.
@SethJ Thanks! We shouldn't go too overboard due to the pagination thing.
@Isaac Moses yeah, for sure. Not to worry, I'm done. I'm pretty biased.
4:25 AM
posted on May 10, 2013

Today is forty-five days, which is six weeks and three days of the Omer. Today's attribute: Tiferes ShebeMalchus

4:42 AM
@DoubleAA I don't think so. It's na'ara ham'orasa only, not other arayos (unless I'm mistaken).
Actually, I was just reviewing Sanhedrin 73 and it looks like you're right.
@DoubleAA That too.
@DoubleAA So I was mistaken!
@Fred :) It happens to everyone
Thank you for making me look it up
@DoubleAA No problem. :) Should I delete those comments, then?
(Thank you for correcting me!)
@Fred As you please. Frankly, I don't know what any of it has to do with my answer.
The question I thought you were asking me was what if she is a penuya tehora
Which is when I said:
@Fred So...unclear. How are you supposed to know if she's betrothed? — Double AA 3 hours ago
4:54 AM
@DoubleAA Right, in that case you wouldn't. But your response makes sense in that most are not.
@Fred But like I said there, I have no source for the ability to make that assumption.
@DoubleAA It doesn't have to do with your answer, it was in response to your comment to Bruce.
Perhaps even if Rov are penuyot tehorot, we say ein holchin achar rov benfashot
@Fred Right, but I don't know why he asked me that there.
@DoubleAA Is this considered a case of nefashos?
@Fred Well, we are killing the rodeif.
Not sure.
@SethJ Good call on Ohio. Don't know why I missed that
4:59 AM
@DoubleAA If we are thinking about the rodeif, maybe we would use ein holchin in the opposite direction, that we wouldn't kill a rodeif based on rov?
@Fred Hmmmm
@Fred We don't always kill him. It's only if you can't stop him by maiming him
@DoubleAA True, but the principle would seem to hold. For him its nefashos, but seemingly not for her.
@Fred This would mean you have to know the woman in question is erva to him before defending her.
I really don't want that to be our conclusion
We must be missing something
@DoubleAA It could be that in practice the minority who are not arayos is so small as to be inconsiderable.
But in a circumstance where there was a serious doubt, I would expect that it might be assur to take lethal action if it came down to it.
On the other hand, perhaps one could make an argument that modern day rapists are presumed to be murderers too, putting the guy in a standard rodeif category in all cases.
@Fred isn't that what rov is?
@Fred very reasonable. at least that they would murder if necessary which is like the ba bamachteret
5:15 AM
@DoubleAA In normal cases, the threshold for rov is not as high.
@DoubleAA This would exceed rov.
@Fred super-rov! maybe..
Think about it the other way though. A building with 1 Jew and 1000 non-Jews collapses on Shabbat. Do you dig it up?
@DoubleAA In other words, the rapist would be willing to kill if the woman fights, and the woman is expected to fight, so nidon al shem sofo?
@Fred if the woman fights, or if someone jumps in to try and save her. essentially, yes
@DoubleAA You dig anyway mishum eiva.
@Fred :) Ok, but in dina degemara land
5:17 AM
@DoubleAA What if there is one Jew and no non-Jews. You would still dig. :)
@DoubleAA In this case, the danger is established.
The point is that from this perspective, you want to say ein holchin achar harov means even against 1:1000 or even more
@Fred Ikva sakanta?
He is for sure in danger, the question is whether we can save him.
Re. ika sakana, I was thinking of the sugya in Pesachim (daf 8, sh'chiach hezeika). That term is used by some rishonim there.
@Fred 1000 of the inhabitants of the above building leave just before it collapses. Do we dig it up for the one guy left inside who we don't know if he is a Jew?
That's the example of the gemara yoma 84b (in their case though it's 10 non jews and one jew)
Right, 1000 might in fact be different.
It's a good question.
ha Rambam extends it to 1000
הייתה חצר שיש בה גויים וישראליים, אפילו ישראלי אחד ואלף גויים, ונפלה עליהם--מפקחין על הכול, מפני הישראלי. פירש אחד מהם לחצר אחרת, ונפלה עליו אותה חצר--מפקחים עליו: שמא זה שפירש הוא הישראלי, והנשארים גויים.
5:27 AM
@ShmuelBrin Don't forget to fill in meta.judaism.stackexchange.com/q/1635/759 when you get a chance!
@DoubleAA The Africa idea reminds me of the 2004 DNC speech by Teresa Heinz Kerry, where she recognized a bunch of different ethnicities (e.g. Italian, French, Portuguese) before grouping all "continental Africans" together.
If you just look at volume of Jews by continent, though, maybe there's some sense to it. :)
@Fred :) It's actually more of an inside joke. We had a user once who used to pretend to be from Nairobi whenever location was discussed.
@DoubleAA Ahh.
5:33 AM
@DoubleAA Got it.
@DoubleAA It's clear to me that most Jews live in St. Louis.
Congratulations to @MonicaCellio on her siyum of Strunk and White!
@DoubleAA I wouldn't be surprises if there's a distinction to be made between a small minority of people in danger and a small minority chance that someone is not liable to be killed.
Doesn't the gemara somewhere discuss killing someone on the presumption that he is the father of someone else (even though there is a minority of cases where this isn't true)? The exact case escapes me.
@Fred Are you referring to the discussion of how we kill a son for wounding his father?
5:48 AM
@DoubleAA Yes!
...boy am I tired. Laila tov.
@Fred Phooey I can't find it. I thought it was BK 8th perek, and I'm not seeing it anywhere obvious in Sanhedrin.
There's the discussion about identifying fathers in chullin regarding oto vet bno
But that's not exactly what we're looking for.
@Fred Laila choshech.
8 hours later…
2:02 PM
@DoubleAA thanks! I wasn't paying attention to that at all, so it came as a surprise.
2:23 PM
@MonicaCellio Congrats!
It seems like more than 15 people should have edited 80 posts, no?
@Daniel it doesnt count edits to your own posts
or tag edits
@IsaacMoses I'm going to advise everyone not to read the follow-up comments to that original post. In fact, if a mod wants to delete my posts with the link to it and the quotes of it, I won't object. Except for the vulgar slang, which I didn't catch the first time around, the post itself was cute, and the response, I thought, was hilarious. Shame that decency standards are so low on the internet.
@SethJ "Hey, everyone! Don't look at this!" :)
2:53 PM
@SethJ Seriously, though, thanks for the warning, and the mods are welcome to delete my contributions to that conversation, as well.
@SethJ @IsaacMoses I've seen "mods are welcome to delete" from both of you but no actual requests to delete from anybody. Do you want something to be deleted?
@MonicaCellio What, you don't like wishi-washiness? OK. Please delete all of my messages pertaining to the FB post linked here yesterday.
... between here
... and here
3:09 PM
@MonicaCellio I was being deliberately wishy washy. I'm a grown up, and I generally assume that most other grown ups can tolerate things within a certain measure of what I can stomach myself. If this were my personal blog, I'd probably maintain the link. I do not have a link to it on FB, but that's for other reasons...
@DoubleAA That makes more sense
@MonicaCellio Having said that, however, if the mods feel that certain things are better left un-posted in the chat room for the sake of the community as a whole, I won't object in the name of freedom of speech or "but it's Jewish!" I'd be fine with it, but your call.
@SethJ Your position is coherent and sensible.
@IsaacMoses I thought so. But I'm not a mod, so I don't have to think about things like being too heavy handed or not enough.
@MonicaCellio Actually, on second thought, go ahead and take it out. I'm disappointed that that page is taking a really humorous concept and throwing it into the gutter.
I am "unlike"ing the page on FB, too...
@SethJ Not just humorous, but Jewmorous
... by which I mean, they're using a language known primarily by Torah scholars
3:15 PM
@SethJ ok, thanks for simplifying things for me. I was generally inclined to just let it disappear into the transcript if no one complained, but since you and @IsaacMoses have both asked that it be removed, I'll do that.
@Fred or Washington DC, it appears. :-)
@Fred Well, a plurality, not most
4:13 PM
The lists below gives Jewish population by metropolitan area world wide, Jewish population outside Israel per cities in percentages, and Jewish population including Israel by number. Jewish population by metropolitan area Metropolitan area values without percentages from the World Jewish Population Study (2002): {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! style="background:#efefef;"|Rank ! style="background:#efefef;"|Metro Area ! style="background:#efefef;"|Country ! style="background:#efefef;"|Number ! style="background:#efefef;"|% of World Total |- |1||Tel Aviv||Israel||2,560,000||19.3 |- |2||...
Per ^^ that we should probably add some Israeli cities, Buenos Aires, and south Florida.
@msh210 World Jewish population != MY active population
... particularly with respect to distribution
@IsaacMoses I know that, but we have no stats on the latter.
@IsaacMoses No, particularly with respect to absolute numbers. :-)
@msh210 wait, my neighborhood is #5 (outside Israel) for "percent of population that's Jewish"? Wow.
@MonicaCellio Yowza
(Followed closely by: my neighborhood has a wikipedia page?)
4:21 PM
@MonicaCellio I've actually heard of Squirrel Hill (don't ask me how)
@IsaacMoses Success in the majors can indeed depend on presence of Jews. Here's a story the Lubavitch shaliach to St. Louis, Rabbi Yosef Landa, told me, as well as I can remember it: There's a popular-in-Lubavitch-circles speaker from the Twin Cities, who, in 1987, was in the employ of the Chabad there. [cont'd]
At that time, the St. Louis Cardinals were playing the Minnesota Twins in the World Series. The shalichim of the two cities happened to meet in Crown Heights and the Twin Cities shaliach at the time, whose name I forget, told Rabbi Landa that he needed the Twins to win the Series. (Rabbi Landa understood that most likely some potential donor had said he'd give a large sum if the Twins won.) The shaliach explained [cont'd]
that the Lubavitcher Rebbe often said that Torah is the baal habayis, master, of the city it is in. So, he asked, could Rabbi Landa give him the Series. At that time, the Cardinals were up 3 games to 2 in a best-of-7 series. Rabbi Landa said, okay, on condition that [speaker] comes to St. Louis free. The Twin Cities shaliach agreed, and the deal was struck. [cont'd]
And the Twins won the last two games.
Why are so many Canadian communities so high on the list?
@msh210 South FL has been added.
@msh210 I'd add one northern Israeli city and one southern. The rest can probably get to Tel Aviv or Jlm.
@Daniel I've got a squirrel hill in my backyard.
(Jk, but I do have a groundhog hole under my shed. We adopted him and named him Phil. Then he got married. Then they had kids. We became grandparents in a span of about 7 months after moving into our house!)
@SethJ We have Haifa already
@SethJ I'm unfamiliar enough with Israeli geography, traffic/transportation, and demographics that I don't know what it makes sense to add. If you do know, please add (unless you live there of course).
@SethJ Thanks.
4:27 PM
@IsaacMoses Alright, so add Beer Sheva' and we should be good.
@SethJ Were you the m'sader kidushin?
@msh210 If we want a northern city as well, perhaps T'veria?
42 secs ago, by msh210
@SethJ I'm unfamiliar enough with Israeli geography, traffic/transportation, and demographics that I don't know what it makes sense to add. If you do know, please add (unless you live there of course).
@msh210 I don't understand how this worked without the permission of R' Rivkin ZT"L
@IsaacMoses I can only tell the story as I heard it. I don't know.
@IsaacMoses I'm not sure it worked at all, of course.
4:31 PM
I think that more coverage of the MY population is more important than more coverage of global Jewish geography. Of course, the former is harder
@IsaacMoses I agree with both points.
@SethJ mazel tov on your family growth!
4:48 PM
isn't our first mocdeg, is it?
@DoubleAA How'd you find that?
@IsaacMoses Magic
@IsaacMoses I found it by Googling 'mocdeg' restricted to the site: first result.
@DoubleAA Why do the have identical gravatars but not the same user id?
4:51 PM
@IsaacMoses Either they chose identical gravatars or they have e-mail addresses that the gravatar generator gives identical gravatars to by default. (Or one chose a gravatar that the other got by default.) User ID is reassigned with every login unless someone registers on the site. Nothing to do with e-mail addresses or gravatars.
@msh210 I thought user ID stays constant for unregistereds if they're on the same computer. I thought that auto-generated gravatars were based on IP address for unregistereds
@IsaacMoses I'm pretty sure user ID changes when the cookie is cleared, nothing to do with IP. And I think default gravatar is based on e-mail address if given, though I'm less sure about that.
@msh210 So, I could be right about everything about the cookie nuance, and it could be the same user on the same computer, but having cleared cookies
@IsaacMoses It's possible.
@msh210 OK. Thanks. Anyway, if it's the same user (as I strongly suspect it is), @DoubleAA's comment will hopefully prompt them to merge, and mine (forthcoming) will encourage them to register.
mocdeg, welcome to Judaism.SE, and thanks very much for this very relevant source! Please consider registering your account, which will give you access to more of the site's features. — Isaac Moses Feb 17 '12 at 18:00
This is not the first time merge was indicated for this account.
google.com/search?q="mocdeg+welcome+to"; yields three distinct results.
5:27 PM
@MonicaCellio :-D
@msh210 They eloped.
@Daniel ....
1 hour ago, by Isaac Moses
@SethJ We have Haifa already
Anyone know who the pseudonymous blogger "Mississippi Fred MacDowell" is?
@SethJ Isn't that the On the Main Line guy?
Oh, oops.
@SethJ What is this in reference to?
Q: Is unmasking an anonymous author addressed by Halacha?

Isaac MosesIf an individual writes a document for public consumption anonymously or pseudonymously and either explicitly or presumably desires to remain anonymous, is there a Halachic issue with publicly unmasking the author, or with publicly assembling information about the author toward the goal of unmask...

@SethJ Oh Northern Israel?
@Daniel Yeah, Northern Israel.
5:44 PM
@SethJ Are you requesting that I take some action, or were you just notifying me that you have changed my answer?
@msh210 Not sure if it's relevant. It might be. I have no way of knowing how seriously this person wants to keep his or her identity secret. I'm just curious if anyone here is familiar with the blog(s/ger) and whether the information is something mainstream. I saw one post that intrigued me. But I don't know if it's reliable info or someone with an axe to grind one way or another.
@SethJ Gotta evaluate based on the content itself, like here
@Daniel I just know that people living in the Galil are known to commute to Haifa for work, so if Haifa is on the list that can work, or if Haifa residents want to go to Teveria or Tzefath for a Shabbaton, I'm sure that can be worked out between them. Either way, Haifa being on the list can suffice for "northern Israel". Or you can add (if you want) a Galilean city.
@SethJ I'm satisfied with Haifa. I should have realized that before I added. Thanks
@Daniel Maybe add "northern Israel" to that answer if it's not there already, for searchability.
Same for whatever city we have for the south.
6:27 PM
@msh210 Done
@Daniel Y'yasher kochacha.
6:47 PM
A: Why does Islam seem so much more like Judaism than like Christianity?

AnsariAllow me to re-align the question a little bit before answering. None of the religions is really an "update" as such. There is nothing lacking or imperfect in either Judaism or Christianity, or the message or scripture or Law of any of the Prophets (upon them all be peace and blessings). The only...

7:10 PM
(never mind)
@MonicaCellio I can't answer for him, but, to be fair, (a) the asker is a regular in this room and (b) the subject matter of the Q is related to the subject matter of this room.
@msh210 true. He and @Daniel had a conversation in Islam's chat room and Ali posted the same link in C.SE's chat room at about the same time, FYI.
(So this doesn't seem like the logical place for it. But I should have just ignored him, in retrospect.)
7:35 PM
@MonicaCellio We did have a conversation in that chatroom, but this question doesn't really have anything to do with that discussion
I don't know why he posted it here
@Daniel oh, ok. (I didn't read all that carefully over there.) Thanks. Probably just random, then.
8:35 PM
@DoubleAA What ever happened with that Robbin Hood guy? (In that thread you referenced with the Nairobi comment.)
8:45 PM
All, I don't want to post a full question (b/c I may have my facts wrong). So here's a question for here: If קֶרֶץ means an annoying fly (gadfly, per JPS), why do we assume Jer. 46:20 is predicting destruction and doom?
@SethJ He hasn't been active in a while.

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