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@msh210 Not exactly. I can point out that ~200 years ago Sephardim said kaddish in groups while Ashkenazim did not (as one source, Chatam Sofer mentions this in passing in YD 2 345), and additionally Sephardim have fewer kaddishes in the end of davening than Ashkenazim (see Tur/DM/Perisha to OC 132).
Learn Daf Yomi with R' Simon Wolf ... each shiur is typically about 45 minutes long, and he covers a lot of rishonim and pronunciation is very clear.
posted on August 14, 2012 by joshwaxman

by aliyah rishon (Devarim 11:26) sheni (12:11) shelishi (12:29) revii (14:1) chamishi (14:22) shishi (15:1) shevii (15:19) maftir (16:13) haftara (Yeshaya 54) by perek perek 12 ; perek 13 ; perek 14 ; perek 15 ; perek 16 meforshim Geonim (589-1038) R' Saadia Gaon(882-942) -- see Wikipedia entry: Arabic translation of Torah,   here  at Temanim.org. This is a beautiful PDF,

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Q: The olam-haba tag

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