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8 hours later…
@msh210 I remember seeing a video about that, I thought it was a beautiful idea. Though my suspicions are that the main intent of those classes and why they were established were to teach the Halachos of Niddah, but they are marketed as a more holistic marriage course in order to be more palatable to those who would otherwise not attend classes on Hilchos Niddah.
9 hours later…
Is the references tag different from the sources-mekorot tag?
@Alex One user affixed the former to one question. Ask him. Or just edit
@IsaacMoses Good Idea.
@IsaacMoses I was thinking of that option too.
Being a moderator has its privileges.
@Alex being privileged helps one moderate
@IsaacMoses Eh, I would have still needed approval votes if I had suggested it.
@Alex granted

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