@HodofHod Interesting. Maybe it's a 1.0 thing. Maybe it's a bug. When you go to judaism.stackexchange.com/review/… and look on the right, under Badge Progress, how many edits does it say you've done?
does not include edits to your own posts
does not include edits to tags
community-wiki posts are eligible
tag wiki posts are eligible
To count for S&W/Copy Editor, the edit must cover the title, the body or both.
When you view your tags on your user page, each tag has a number to the left - that's the total number of votes for all the answers you've given in that tag. To the right is another number - that's the total number of questions and answers you've submitted for that tag. Why the inconsistency?
I ...
@HodofHod Yeah, well, it's not like there's a usability and documentation team reviewing every change to the code before it gets pressed into the DVDs that will go to the stores.
@HodofHod Nah. Then it'd take a lot longer to get changes out, and there'd be many fewer of them, since so much of what would otherwise be dev resources would go to overhead.
... and our SE mod membership fees would probably go up
@IsaacMoses oh, right! I think we should do a little testing to see which of the two options (off-topic comments or dispute) is a more secure lock. It will require a regular user.
If necessary we can remove the post-notices on them, so they will simply say "locked"
From my preschooler:
What's an Achashvei?
I know that a rosh is a head. I want to know what kind of head Achashveirosh was.
Can you help me come up with a satisfying answer? I'd prefer not to have to rely on some sort of academic cop-out like saying the word is actually Ugaratic (whate...
I don't think there's too much of a threat of rampant editing of P"T posts. As long as we disallow new content, it'll keep it from being an open-ending thing.
[Just joining back in...] Why can't we just leave it as locked for historical reasons? It doesn't actually lose the tag. It just doesn't show up in the tag list/count. Proof is I still can click the Purim Torah questions I asked from my user page and I still see the tag there.
@IsaacMoses In that case, just lock it. I'm betting the tag won't actually disappear, but even if it did we could still find them all. And if need be we will adjust the meta post to point to that search result page.
Uhm... oops. Nice catch.
When a user wants to undelete their own post, but this post was deleted by the community (as was the case here), their undelete vote isn't binding anymore (unlike if they had deleted it themselves). In other words, three undelete votes are necessary to undelete the post....
@HodofHod To avoid messing with my rep, here is a post of mine that has no votes :( judaism.stackexchange.com/a/13931/759 I have now deleted it. Can you confirm that you see it as deleted?
I was looking for badges I didn't have yet, and I saw the Disciplined badge.
So I deleted an answer of mine with 3+ votes, and waited.
Five minutes later, sweet, a new badge!
Then I went to my answer again, and undeleted it.
No problem at all, and I keep the badge!
What will happen? Will my ba...
Feb 2012
2012-02-29: When a user is deleted, acceptance votes will be moved to Community user, so that reputation points awarded for having the accepted answer will no longer disappear
2012-02-27: The amount of example questions with 10+ votes required to reach the commitment phase has been r...
"Also note that losing your qualification for a already-earned badge will (usually?) no longer result in your next badge of the same type being withheld."
Regular badges A-L
Jump to M-Z
bronze; awarded once; same family as Benefactor, Investor, Promoter (all bronze)
Award a bounty on another user's question
Awarding means manually selecting a bounty winner; letting the system auto-award half the bounty does not count
Not awarded on p...
@HodofHod Thought you might want to be aware of it in terms of a) his un-reason and b) his seeming involvement/care about what still goes on here. Not sure where you (plural) are holding with him in terms of his suspension and whatnot.
@DoubleAA We're on top of it. We've contacted him (and thereby given him opportunity to contact us) through two different channels. Thanks for your concern.
@Community Vram requested that I post that Adam Mosheh [ and his comments here ] represent neither him nor his motives and that his comments are both incorrect and uncalled for.
@ShmuelBrill Thanks. I'm on top of it.
@ShmuelBrill Based on previous similar anonymous user edits tonight I have strong reason to believe the identity of this user is none other than Vram.
@IsaacMoses In his defense I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise.
I know we don't have a policy on this kind of thing because it isn't very common or conventional but maybe we should make it that suggested edits clearly directed at a user should be left un-decided until that user comes to see them by himself or after notification in chat.
@IsaacMoses <s>Perhaps leave themopen and unlocked unless and until people answer/comment year-'round, in which close/lock that particular question?</s>
@IsaacMoses I understand your concern, but realize that the vast majority of users who want to send messages can do so in chat. Vram wasn't sending a private message; he just had no other way of doing it publicly. It really is an unusual case we are arguing about.
@IsaacMoses He wasn't trying to contact the mods, unless you want him to privately email you to post to me that he apologizes for ignoring my chat post.
A FLAB is an abbreviation using four letters. It is an abbreviation of Four Letter ABbreviation. It extends the self-referential humour of the TLA (Three Letter Acronym). It is sometimes referred to as an ETLA or XTLA (Extended Three Letter Acronym)
In a world where every possible Three Letter Acronym has been registered as a .com, and almost every pronounceable one has many usages, there is a lot more scope for a unique name and greater readability with four letters. Using only upper-case English letters, there are 264 = 456,976 possible four-letter abbreviations. If numbe...
Real life is a term usually used to denote an actual event or life lived by real people, in contrast with fiction or fantasy characters.
Usage online and in fiction
On the Internet, "real life" refers to life in the real world. It generally references life or consensus reality, in contrast to an environment seen as fiction or fantasy, such as virtual reality, lifelike experience, dreams, novels, or movies. Online, the acronym "IRL" stands for "in real life", with the meaning "not on the Internet".
When used to distinguish from fictional worlds or universes against the consen...
@IsaacMoses Awww... I know it's a no, but I'm curious what kind of evidence he would bring! It's kinda like purim torah: funny connections lead to absurd conclusions.
@DoubleAA Sorry. Proceed, @AdamMosheh, for the benefit of @DoubleAA and anyone else who's interested. I, having carried out this, am getting out of here.
@AdamMosheh, I'm also curious as to what the evidence is that I'm Vram. Care to elaborate? (As noted, though, I'm not he. In fact, if you know Vram IRL, as you say you do, then you should be able to research me (start by Googling my username) sufficiently to convince yourself that I'm not he.)