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5:54 AM
Howdy y'all
6:16 AM
@Yez ברוך אתה בצאתך. ברוך אתה בבואך
7 hours later…
12:54 PM
@mevaqesh @it decreases the perceived severity of suicide. the severity of suicide is a problem of halacha. I do not agree that this unwanted question This is a very important question. If the Gemara and the Sifre Poskim are not censured concerning this topic, there is no reason to censure the questions in the website. Suicide is prohibited as many other averot. to avoid the topic is not a good prevention. Aderaba to learn Gemarot and poskim about the issue is good. Establish taboos is bad
2 hours later…
3:15 PM
@Yez welcome back!
6 hours later…
9:13 PM
@Yez Howdy! I see you've shown up just in time to get a new hat...
How a minhag ta'ut develops: Last week there was a bar mitzvah in shul. The boy leined (whole parshah and got maftir), and when it was his father's aliyah, he said baruch shep'tarani and then bentched gomel.
The week before there was also a bar mitzvah, and the father sounded quite satisfied when saying baruch shep'tarani, but gomel is a little much.
The Toldot boy was my student by the way. He was great.

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