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We are making good progress on "Days of Awe - Mi Yodeya?". We've made first-pass edits on 22 questions with their answers so far. We could use some more help. As Isaac said:
in Days of Awe - Mi Yodeya, 16 mins ago, by Isaac Moses
I think we'll have a better chance of getting production done on-schedule if we can pick up a couple more volunteers to help with first- and second-party edits. There's probably some room to absorb slippage in later steps, but not tons. The current stage and the next one are ideal for parallel processing, so if we could add some more processors, it'd be great.
Take a look at the questions that have been proposed here. Those marked with *s are priorities among the ones not yet done. Would you pick out one or two and edit them according to the instructions on that question? It won't take long, and many hands make light work.
The two community events could be collapsed to one: Parshiyot Matot-Masei
@IsaacMoses good idea, and I'll try to remember that technique the next time I do a double. Fixed.
14 hours later…
-1 I'm sorry but I do not believe your questions are serious. You've recently asked about bringing deactivated bazookas, bullet-proof vests and gold bars on planes. It seems vanishingly unlikely that any single person would be interested in bringing such items on planes in such rapid succession. — David Richerby 52 mins ago
@TRiG Wrong-headed, IMO. Evaluate each question's seriousness and fitness on its own terms. If a single user posts many questions that are deemed, on their own terms, non-fitting (including, e.g., if they're all marked as dupes of each other), it could be worth intervening with that user. It doesn't look like that's the case here, as the cited questions have not been closed, have been significantly up-voted and have received significantly upvoted answers.
@IsaacMoses Methinks I agree.
Q: Would you mind me browsing your site?

John O'ShaughnessyI am not Jewish, but am interested to know more about it and have read some scriptures and writings. I have no intention of disrespect, so I politely ask your permission to browse and ask questions on things I might not understand fully. Kind regards, John.

7 hours later…
@IsaacMoses he's a troll who managed to troll a lot of people. He is aggressive and disruptive; he doesn't have a problem to solve: he just posts random stuff hoping they will generate chaos, like the insane post about his right to praying in the middle of the aisle. Trolls should never be allowed to freely roam, doesn't matter if, in other circumstances, their questions might be valid. The sole fact that they are a troll implies they aren't valid.
You just want to find the chance to insult my religion that's all
@Lohoris I have found that the SE model of dealing with behavior is good at limiting the effect of trolls. If the content is problematic, we have ways of dealing with it
... If there's a pattern of otherwise-objectionable behavior, then it may be time to address that at the user level, but if we're talking about SE questions, if they're not closed, then the community doesn't consider them objectionable. Three innocuous posts don't add up to a problem.
"He is a troll is generally a counterproductive statement. If he is, then by talking about him rather than dealing dispassionately with his behavior, you're playing his game. If he isn't, then you've created an unnecessary conflict about personality.
Suppose someone believes that every time he gets avJew to think about pink elephants, he brings Rapture closer, so he posts questions about pink elephants
here. I don't care; either the questions are worthy on their own merits or they aren't. Conversely, suppose he believes truly and sincerely that baseball is a core practice of Judaism, so he posts questions about strike zones here; I don't care about his sincerity; they're still off-topic.
BTW, as a devout Elephantarian, I say HAHAHAHA! I win!

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