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Figure out a Nomic.
no initial ruleset?
@ConorO'Brien there should be, we need to figure that out now
also, idea: a new nomic can be made by PR'ing a new .md, and PR's are prefixed with the nomic name
When should a rule change be accepeted? @ConorO'Brien
@ConorO'Brien perhaps.
> Under Suber's initial ruleset, rules are divided into two types: mutable and immutable. The main difference between these is that immutable rules must be changed into mutable rules (called transmuting) before they can be modified or removed. Immutable rules also take precedence over mutable ones. A rule change may be:

the addition of a new mutable rule
an amendment to a mutable rule
the repeal of a mutable rule
the transmutation of a rule from mutable to immutable
or the transmutation of a rule from immutable to mutable
okay, so we should lay some initial groundwork. there is an initial pool of people, and they take turns proposing rules. The rule stays up for a week, or until everyone has voted. Then, it passes if it has a majority of people in favor. People can be voted in or out of the game, and if you do not participate within two weeks, you will be kicked from the nomic
I'm working on some drafts
@ConorO'Brien review, please
@ConorO'Brien that seems pretty slow
yeah, but it can't be too fast.
not everyone will be active 24/7
@ConorO'Brien No kicking.
And a representative system, in case anyone goes on vaycay
@ConorO'Brien representatives on GitHub though...
how to implement representatives on GitHub?
@ConorO'Brien A team of ten representatives, impeachment/election by PR. (to Fast-track votes on proposals. Two days for a representative. If anyone objects within one week, the law will be repealed and a normal process will begin. PRs merged this way will receive the same prominence.
Basically Parliament does stuff, a unanimous referendum for each law
@ConorO'Brien hello?
sorry am afk a bit
so your opinion?
I still don't get what representatives do
@ConorO'Brien they vote on little things unlikely to be opposed. They speed up the mundane parts of legislature
If anyone objects, a full referendum will be held.
@PhiNotPi hi
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ it is a game about changing the game rules. We are working on the intital rulset.
The problem is if a program someone adds a rule that requires everything everyone else to solve the Halting Problem :p
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ ??
there are know programs
there are only humans
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ well see the rule on paradoxes
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC oic this is why you have metarules
I think they can be destroyed if everyone wants them to be
proposal: metarule on the editing of metarules
reminds me of the eyelash wishlog
@PhiNotPi Metarules can be changed. Well at least my proposal doesn't say that but...
okay modified
@PhiNotPi you get one metapoint for helping the ruleset
#2 Order of business: a boring initial winning condition
12 hours later…
@PhiNotPi @ConorO'Brien
1 hour later…
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Rule 1. This must be the only rule!
@EriktheGolfer See Article 57.6 œ #PurpleLivesMatter modulus 78: "Bannanas are green"
you are now banned
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC By which rule?
say (we are figuring out the initial ruleset) --flag serious
+6. The adoption of rule-changes must never become completely impermissible.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Well, I didn't enforce any rule yet, cool down!

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