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@anonymous2 Your soooo lucky!
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 I know! Right?
10 hours later…
Happy elections, everyone!!
@anonymous2 - LOL! Yes, happy elections.
It's now saying there are 8 hours left ... I guess that puts us at 3pm Eastern? Craziness.
8 hours later…
Election ends in 32 minutes
Uh, how do we see the results?
@Zaid - I don't think it's been posted yet.
@Zaid pretend I made some joke about how you'll see my ascension in cleansing fire. Or something funny. I'm tapped.
@BobCross - Long day?
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 let's just say that I keep saying up the chain "I seem to be surrounded by people with lots of time on their hands..."
This election ended 20 mins ago.

Download the election data and use OpenSTV for windows or mac to audit the results.

1,189 voters were eligible, 455 visited the site during the election, 327 visited the election page, and 200 voted
@BobCross - Because you have absolutely none. They are going to be pissed when you pull a Ducati on them and up/leave one day.
So voter turnout was roughly 20%. Not too shabby
But 127 people went to the page but didn't vote?
I would have hoped for more
They may not have had the rep?
I know, 300 points to vote, right?
Or was it 150 points?
Whatever ... not a large amount.
Ah, maybe...
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 can't do that. People are counting on me. People that I'm not walking away from. I'd just like to hear a little more of the clicks and clacks from keyboards and a little less about someone's softball team.
Make that "a lot more" and "a lot less"
@BobCross - I completely understand.
I've often had the same reaction serving my time in the Guberment
I'm not allowed as much of my previous coping mechanism: lots and lots of caffeine.
I downloaded the election results ... not sure if I could even start to interpret.
Presumably they will announce them properly soon?
Posted ... congrats to @DucatiKiller & @BobCross ... A special thanks to @MoveMoreCommentsLinkToTop - I appreciate all you've done for the site and keeping it alive. I appreciate knowing you personally as well. I like being able to put a name and a face together.
Congratulations @Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2, @DucatiKiller and @BobCross!
Wait, if the existing crew is getting replaced, am I replacing myself? It's like playing musical chairs by yourself! ;-)
@NickC thanks!
@BobCross yup. You have to return the hammer to the store, then draw it out again
@NickC @Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 TY
Congrats @Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2
@DucatiKiller - To you as well. You deserve to have gotten it.
@NickC Thanks!
@NickC you can have the hammer if you can take it from me. 🔨 ;-)
Deserve is a very subjective word
Wow these guys are fast.
@DucatiKiller oh, you got what you deserved all right. Just wait....
@BobCross This is all I'm saying.
Time to make the donuts, you guys want any?
Congratulations @BobCross @DucatiKiller @Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2
@Zaid - Thanks brother ... wish there could be a fourth.
Congrats to the 3 winners!
@tlhIngan TYVM
ty @Zaid
I got 4 votes! Probably 1 legit and 3 mis-clicks. :D
@tlhIngan - Probably ... :o)
What about me?
You only got two ... Or maybe a couple more ... :o)
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 those must be from my sock puppet account :)
@Zaid - Haha, more than likely! :o) ... Why did you enlist Larry, though ... < scratches head >
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 I thought he was already enlisted by Bob :)
@Zaid 14
@tlhIngan thanks... saves me from having to download the file
@Zaid Other way around ... Larry enlisted Bob.
@Zaid - It's a 3k flat file.
Well, fairly flat.
It's also available directly to view online --> opavote.com/results/5639636084850688/0?style=txt
Round 1 is the real vote count. Starting in Round 2 they are applying VooDoo.
I mean how the heck do you get fractions of a vote?
Holy crap on the 1st round ... dang.
Yes ... voodoo
And what the heck is a "surplus vote" ... sounds like our political process here in the States!
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 You got 99 votes, but the threshold for election was 51, so you had 48 surplus votes that will get redistributed.
@tlhIngan - VooDoo I tell yah.
I'll have to look at it in more detail later. The only thing I can tell atm is that I was last to be eliminated
That's what I saw as well.
1 hour later…
Very happy with the result! Congratulations guys.
Congratulations to our new evil overlords :)
@Zaid well done!

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