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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@DucatiKiller - With large thanks to you and @Zaid ...
Guys, it's hard to write something about meself
Get over it.
Actually, I'm terrible about it as well.
I need some super glue ... anyone?
The trouble is I overcomplicate things
Too darn honest, I'm afeared.
Yesterday when I was writing mine out, I had to remind myself to try and stick to the gist of the question. I kept going off on tangents.
@Zaid perhaps asking yourself what you are trying to accomplish with each point can help to reduce the thought structure and distill it down for you.
They call me Unflappable Zaid,

Motorhead of the finest grade.

With youth on my side,

I'll take in my stride,

Mod duties (without getting paid).
Is that enough?
You definitely don't want to put your reader into tl;dr mode
Oh, grade/paid ... nice
@Zaid I like your bullet points
Simple and clean starting points.
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 And Zaid as well
Oh, I caught that as well.
I should be studying for my test I have tomorrow ... looks like I'll be cramming later.
Probably bomb this test, fail out of my course and never see you all again, lol.
Why do now what you can put off until tomorrow.
You can study on your way to the test if you really like the feeling of anxiety.
I can think of all kinds of ways to stress yourself out. :-)
Funny you should say that. I have about 3 hours between work and class I can study.
That should be about enough.
Pour a bunch of caffeine on that three hours too.
Just to get the heart really pumping.
@Zaid You're running?
Good for you!
@DucatiKiller - If I did that, I'd never get any studying done ... like a squirrel on speed ... argh.
shiny keys
Yeah, I never understood why students would drink Red Bull before exams
I need about 4x4k monitors ... I think that would do me for now.
@Zaid, easy, it sends the teacher out of the room.
The best memory recall techniques involve putting yourself into a similar state that you study in. One is to chew gum while you study and chew gum while you take the exam.
That's intriguing.
improbable, but intriguing, lol.
:o) at least in my case, lol.
As an example....I'm sure there are better ones but....@anonymous2 probably knows some good techniques.
@anonymous2 yes I am. I do a lot of flagging as a non-mod as it is
@DucatiKiller ...for sending the teacher out of the room?
@anonymous2 For memory recall
@DucatiKiller Oh, yep. Association is my thing. I write a sentence about something that is dear to me in which each word begins with the same letter as the keyword for the next concept.
Had never heard of the gum idea. Sounds interesting; I'll have to try it.
Something like Motors Rev When Nobody's Looking for a list of concepts that start with MRWNL.
I forget what the concepts were now, but I did use that acrostic. Oops, wasn't supposed to say that. ;-)
But I have sincere doubts that I'm anywhere near the best around here. I have trouble remembering my name, which is why my username is
...what was it, again?
School Lifehack #1 - pay attention in class
Lol, that's pretty good.
The activity thing is neural pattern identification. During recall the brain replays a pattern of neural activity that was originally generated in response to events. It's like an echo of perception of the real event.
Hmm, sounds possible. Come to think of it, I do actually use that technique.
I get myself in a similar posture. (Elbow on desk, pencil above ear, etc.)
Obviously it's not a true replay and you know the difference between memory and events unfolding in the now, if you didn't then you might need something a psychiatrist would prescribe.
Hmm. I haven't done any counselling on the student/teacher level: you've got me intrigued.
but you can incorporate new ideas into the recalled paradigm while you are engaging in the act of chewing gum and synthesize them better. according to people smarter than I. I'm merely the parrot squawking.
I had a bunch of NLP training in the early 90's. There's some real science to support it though. NLP being a wonky with certain things IMO. 'Twas training as a counselor at the time, substance abuse.
It seems logical; I see no reason why it couldn't be, and there is a definite connection between the various feelings that experienced simultaneously with the memory.
For example, the smell of spring flowers may bring back the memory of a loved one passed on, etc.
@DucatiKiller We used the elements of NLP that were good for gaining rapport with clients, and spotting their concerns etc
@RoryAlsop As did I with the infrastructure/BC consulting I did. Also used it a lot in social engineering.
@DucatiKiller guessing you enjoyed social engineering (everyone does!)
@RoryAlsop That's cool. :-)
@RoryAlsop I did. I felt confident doing it. It mapped to me.
@DucatiKiller I always felt nervous about being cornered - especially when trying to gain access to corporate HQ's with large security guards. The women on my team were much better at it!
I'm sure they were. I've been social engineered by women all my life. Especially face to face.
@RoryAlsop - When I sold cars and became a new car sales manager, the general manager told me: "Be nice to the women. They'll make the best sales." Managers got a percentage of all sales, so it only makes sense to know where your bread is buttered.
I had to completely change my paradigm about one woman who I detested as a salesperson, because I knew as a manager, she was one of our best salespersons ...
I didn't like her methods, but her results spoke for themselves.
Say, I've got a general question for anyone who's standing.
So this includes you?
All ears
We all know that there are frequently a large number of users who join the site with no intent of answering any questions, whether or not they would have the capacity so to do.
@anonymous2 I'm sitting - and about to go pick up previous children from swimming
but I'll pay attention :-)
And there are a handful of users who join either with the intent of answering questions as well.
tracking thus far
Either that, or they soon discover they like the stackexchange mentality and start answering for the love of it.
Still tracking
How do you go particularly encouraging those who will become valuable parts of the site?
I mean, it's one thing just to say, vote for everything.
Since we don't know who is who in your line up ... we have to treat all the same, right?
I think that's right.
Or maybe I should say, I think that is right.
Be nice to them and make this place an emotionally safe low stress environment.
@DucatiKiller is our champion
Make it emotionally attractive, if it's intellectually attractive, hopefully they discover that.
To that end, we need to be nice to them through posting in the comments and such.
@Zaid - Yup
Makes sense, and that's kinda where I was too.
It's what I'd expect all of us to do.
It's just I've met a good number of people who felt that it is more important to support the future answerers than the people who are just here for one or two questions and then gone.
Not on mechanics.SE, BTW.
On other stacks.
It's the 'Be Nice' policy on steroids with examples by the community that reflect that, which the community pretty much does.
Right. Makes perfect sense. Kind of wanted to make sure that we're on the same page here. I've always personally called the mentality I outlined as a "Be Nice If" policy.
I look at it like fishing. Keep casting the net in a attractive fashion and you scoop up te ones that are looking for a better place. If they come here, I work under the assumption they have been other places like quora or wikipedia....
Or Yahoo Answers <shudder>
@Zaid, we ask you not to use offensive language. ;-)
egads....yahoo.....<salivating like a teenager that's stood at the keg too long> brrrp.
Sorry for starting out the question as devil's advocate.
No worries. Worthy question.
@anonymous2 I'm calling a spade a spade :)
@Zaid Interesting Southeastern US etymology behind that saying.
@DucatiKiller gambling?
@Zaid - Nope.
I think it came from a translation of some ancient scholar, didn't it?
When in doubt, Google it.
At least, that's what I seem to remember my mother telling me at some point.
The idea of calling something what it is, is more Plutarch but using the word 'spade' in particular is American thing tied to slavery.
I mean, the translation, not the Google.
@DucatiKiller Really?!
oh, didn't realize that. I always thought spades were something undesirable in poker or something like that
Yes, it transformed into a racist remark, in some peoples beliefs in the 1920's I think.
So it's origination wasn't tied to it, it got hijacked much later on.
Oh, dear. I guess that one's dropping out of my vocabulary. :)
Well, you learn something new every day
Thanks for pointing that out @DucatiKiller
Indeed. It's the nuance with this one.
@Zaid Indeed, so long as you are on stackexchange and not Y**o answers
@Zaid ... really wouldn't have expected you to know, so no worries.
NP @Zaid :-) weird American English idioms. What the hell? Right?
My NLP is strong today. Won't forget that one in a hurry :)
@anonymous2 - BWAT!
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 ?? what does that mean?
Nothing, just an exclamation.
Blue Water Area Transit or Bunny with a Toolbelt?
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 Oh, ok.
No, no, no ... Bunny With A Toothache.
@anonymous2 I always took that as he was a little gassy.
-----That chili last night, BWAP-----
@DucatiKiller - That would have been more like: BWAAAaaaaaaaaaaTTTTT
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 The nuances of English.
@DucatiKiller - Yup.
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 like a two-stroke engine :)
@Zaid - With a bad exhaust, yes.
@Zaid Hey, I like two-strokes!
Or what you'd hear on an episode of MCM
Those guys are overdoing the innuendos if you ask me
I don't think you'd call them "innuendos" at this point, would you?
@anonymous2 mmmmmmm....two strokes....
It's in conversations like these that you figure out what people are really like, eh?
@anonymous2 Only if your name isn't "anonymous"
@Zaid - that is kind of a self fulfilling prophecy, isn't it?
It's a hall of mirrors inside a hall of mirrors.
No smoke involved?
It's a paradox with a zen-like sheen to it
Perfect chaos
...with the sound of an air compressor and an air chisel in the background....
@DucatiKiller - Zen if I've every heard it.
To help you overcome your conscious framework you so childishly cling to.
@anonymous2 I'm well known for inserting inane hyperbole into boxes that are already filled. Sorry for that but it's in my DNA and neural networks.
I'm catching up.
Okay, gotcha.
Now I'm confused
As you should be?
Yes, is it a self-fulfilling prophecy or a paradox?
@Zaid @anonymous2 You need to scroll up. @Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 and I went on segue from Zen garden to zen garden with an air compressor sound in the background. The air compressor helps you better at zen and challenges the silence.
"Get to know Anonymous"
Only if I can do it without anyone knowing who I really am.
@DucatiKiller yeah, I was catching onto that very slowly.
My user ID is 22022. Check out the name of the guy right before me.
No, it's not a duplicate account.
Oh, no, on the main site.
arnonymous, Japan
My people! LOL....screwing up the Engrrish again.
@DucatiKiller No, it's called Englitch.
lol....it should be!
@anonymous2 And not the kind they speak in England.
So glad I didn't have to learn this language as a non-english speaker. I would have jumped out a window.
@DucatiKiller ahem, cough, cough
@DucatiKiller I do recommend that people jump out of Windows.
@Myself I hear you and respect the fact that you navigate through the hell of English quite well.
I always thought that I was fairly good in English, until my vacation in Australia and NZ
@Zaid 's English....next level. He can probably correct all of us.
.........and use math to do it..........
@DucatiKiller curious to know what makes you say that
@Zaid even I understand why @DucatiKiller says that ;)
Because your English is perfect and you know a plethora of strange English idioms.
I am a man of many languages, but English has to be the closest to what I can consider my mother tongue
Impeccable spelling and grammar.
@Zaid Trippy, I thought you may have had a different primary.
I went to a British school and an American university, so it's hardly surprising
Well, there you have it. Impeccable English.
@Zaid - Properly corrupted like the rest of us.
I rrarrlee hvae inpekabel speelng.
Yes, properly corrupted!
You guys are a riot
@anonymous2 Your Viking is very good.
@Zaid Your corruption of the English language is impeccable.
All of this chat will be great for the people that come after us and are trying to get to know which mod they are going to vote for. We're #helpingthecommunity and #winning.
@DucatiKiller Apparently yours isn't.
@anonymous2 I'm Viking challenged for sure.
@DucatiKiller - Don't feel lonely.
I'm never lonely when you are near.
@DucatiKiller me too, but I don't really care. In any case mechanics.SE is an Englihs-only site.
I'm sure that's a song title from the early 60's
Even with the last name of "Johnson" (derived from the Swedish, Johansen), my Viking is worse than rusty.
@anonymous2 What's your primary language, seems like it's Engrish.
Englitch & Franch.
Slightly more Engsquish.
I wanted to learn French once, there was this girl. OMG.....so wonderful. She obviously spoke French. When she moved out of the neighborhood, I lost interest in it.
Being American has it's privilege of ignorance. It's wonderful and my happiness level is relatively high as a result.
So your primarily language is Engl- er, American?
@anonymous2 LMAO...yes, it's American.
Actually I am interested in learning more languages, I would have the possibilities to learn them but not to practice them
I dont speak proper English. I'm convinced @Zaid does though.
Truth of the matter is that proper English is at least in part defined by whether you can effectively communicate.
@DucatiKiller Him and @Myself both.
In general, effectively communicating means communicating just one step above what your audience usually communicates at.
@anonymous2 - So, 4th grade level?
It gives a sense of care and precision, and yet is completely comprehensible.
More attention given to the speaker in that scenario?
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 Depends. Some groups it's more like kindergarten.
@DucatiKiller More specifically to the message that you are attempting to convey.
That's interesting. I'll have to google that.
For instance, in a science lecture, if the teacher only uses vocabulary as the students would already be able to use it, they won't learn anything.
On the other hand, if he employs the language with an overdose of complexity, they won't understand.
again, finding balance has it's rewards. Weird how that's a common life theme. Balance.
Definitely, especially if you ride a motorcycle.
LOL...very true
Or....in American..... Tru dat yo!
Hey guys, had to tend to family here
Imma back, yo!
@anonymous2 both are part of it, but yes, you need growth and then you can finesse further down the line.
@DucatiKiller weird - here it's all about the difference between a shovel and a spade
@RoryAlsop It's one of those weird American things founded in making others suffer.
@DucatiKiller oh, Britain did a lot of that too...
@RoryAlsop You gave us a good baseline to build on.
@DucatiKiller ahh - the Crusades...
errrr...you meaning....Brits
and the Empire
@DucatiKiller yeah, I figured
@RoryAlsop Oh those heady times!
@Zaid BAM!
@DucatiKiller hope you enjoyed it as much as I did :)
OMG.....LMAO....too good!
@Zaid Are you adding in here as well?
Q: 2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as the space for the candidates to provide their answers. With exactly 8 submissions we've compiled every ...

@DucatiKiller Till morrow, amigo, till morrow
@Zaid Catch you buddy.
@Zaid that's wonderful!
1 hour later…
@All ... I just got a text from @MoveMoreCommentsLinkToTop (Larry) ... he said he's dealing with his parents being out of power and a flooded basement. Hopefully he'll be able to take care of that and be back to nominate himself.
Sounds terrible.
Not good, that's for sure. He's in Fayetteville. They had a lot of flooding due to Matthew.
I have a very close friend in Florence, S Carolina dealing with a similarly craptacular situation.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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