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@Avigrail: Bounty started without the passcode given ?
@ArbitraryKangaroo How old are you?
@Avigrail: One third to the answer to the ultimate question of life. Well, I'm 14.
But why ?
Do you know what a bounty is for?
@Avigrail No. To seek attention ? (Random guess)
That is one of the reasons, yes.
So why would I give the passcode away with the bounty?
The passcode/password IS the solution to the puzzle
@Avigrail: Hehe. I didn't meant that. I just mean why you've started the bounty when the password is still not found - if it's not found within 7 days, you will lose another 300 when it's finally found.
I didn't mean, you should give the bounty and the passcode :)
Ahh, ok. Now I understand
You know, people on the internet are a little slow sometimes :D
@Avigrail: Well, how much time you're expecting for it to be solved ?
Yes, I thought about that issue. I may give away more hints to make sure it will be solved within 1 week.
Once you get the idea you can solve it fairly easy. So I can provide hints very easily
I am only getting these things: (The arrangement of floor is extremely trivial) The first lettter should be "M", it has some connection with "WC", no connection with Tnergu ZpPnhtuna'f pbzzrag ba Qrhfbiv'f nafjre gung BAYL CBEA VA URER :), and not much URL manipulative tricks this time. Right ?
No link fiddling, right
That would be boring
I used the other puzzle so people get used to it
The first lettter should be "M": Why?
@Avigrail: i. So well changing to wireframe is not necessary ? ii. (A different qeustion) What was the connection with "eldritch horrors" with your previous puzzle iii. As someone has spotted "The first letter (part of word ?) is the first letter (ancient email)", and M is on the backside of the letters, I suppose it may be, although I may be extremely terribly wrong.
Update: Igonre iii. It's excessively stupid.
i: you can use it if it helps you ofc. But I wouldn't say it's necessary
ii: I picked up the phrase from one of the comments
iii: M is on the backside of a frame
@Avigrail: Regarding i, is it absolutely necessary (as it was in the previous puzzle), or it just gives a hint that makes life (and escaping from boss) easier ?
Who would I be to use the same technique twice :P
I'd say it can be helpful, but one can find all clues without it
@Avigrail: So one can completely solve it with 3d printed model ?
I guess so. Are you planning to print it?
I doubt it's printable
@Avigrail: I don't have neither printer nor money to print it. I was just checking if I read your last message carefully, because I read letters randomly. Okay, so if this is not solved, when you will put up the next hint ?
Also, do you work in a company that manufactures the "eldritch horrors" ? There seems to be a truckloads of that scattered everwhere.
Yes, I'm working in a company that creates riddles
And we have a huge 3D printer for that
6 hours later…
@Avigrail: I have an idea (inspired by Phlarx's comment) rotate and place the floors on top of each other, with the orientation and the items specified near (I'm sure it's your) desk, in the cube which is not the previous puzzle. It matches with hint 1, hint 4, but there must be more, because hint 2 is not taken into account here.
The floors should be rotated before overlapping, and one way to do it (Beside brute forcing the 64 possiblities) is to match the orientation of the items (Vase, sofa, desk and bookshelf) with the cube of the previous puzzle.
But, I can't check the feasibility of the idea in my laptop, because it's a herculiean task to work with Paint.net with extremely faulty touchpad.
@ArbitraryKangaroo Here you go.
@WesleySitu: I am just doing that in Paint.net, and now I'm thinking my last comment was complete nonsense.
@ArbitraryKangaroo Looking at the overlap, the bookshelves form an 'S' or a '5'
@WesleySitu: Too late
Couches form 'L', Desks form 'E'
Maybe try to view it from another angle as well.
@Sleafar: 4x4 possibilites.
Who would check that ?
I tried to find a decent STL viewer, but failed.
The vertically placed couch looks suspicious.
Why just from above ? There are sideviews too. I missed htat.
because building levels are stacked from top to bottom and not side to side :P
[@Sleafar Well different thing, but aren't you adding any more hints in the letter from the past puzzle]
@ArbitraryKangaroo The sideviews are what I meant by another angle.
I don't know. I have to sleep now, and I'm pretty sure it would be solved by morning.
Couches might be 'E', if you look at the entire building from the side
which is why some are stacked on each other and one is vertical
from the direction of the front of the plants (which are all facing the same direction)
@Avigrail does the STL viewer have an orthographic view mode?
@WesleySitu Hard to see using this tool I have, but it's there.
I highlighted the couches with GIMP.
@Sleafar Nice
I just see the top green bar should extend a little further to the right, there is another couch there as well.
With a little imagination, the plants could form an "O" looking from another side.
that might be it
3 vowels seem a bit iffy, if the desks actually do just form 'E'
using the ones with (Keyboard + Computer + Monitor + Chair)
So the "S", "E", "O" (and maybe the other "E") would apply to hint 2 (For some parts of the solution it may not be irrelevant to figure out how the floors stack.).
But there is also hint 3 (For some parts of the solution it may not be relevant to figure out how the floors stack.).
So probably there are more letters hidden on each floor.
@Sleafar Nice work there
@WesleySitu RE the orthographic view mode: Not that I know. It would also be nice to have a shortcut doing a 90° rotation, I agree.
But that's why I left the walls there. This way you should be able to rotate it freely into an almost orthographic position
The cups might mean something:
Deusovi did that in his answer already ;)
"In the main office, the coffee cups spell out "nice try" in binary. I assume this is not a clue to anything, and is just Avigrail laughing at me."
Yeah, just found it.
There was a binary encrypted clue in my last puzzle and Deusovi solved it within seconds. So I knew he would find the cups ;)
Need some sleep now.
@Sleafar please define "sleep". this is an unknown word to me
@Sleafar hint 3 is "it may not be IRrelevant"
@WesleySitu Avigrail changes the hints often
@Saiid I didn't change relevant to irrelevant though. That would be mean
But I do like to change hints often, true :P
@Avigrail oh. you did add another clue saying that though :P
Guilty as charged

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