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1000000000 and I were working on a solution to your problem and I had some more extensive questions I would like to ask if thats okay
I could ask them in comments but I have between 2-5 questions depending on the answers to eahc sucessive questions and I thought it might clog up the comments on the question if I asked them all at once
If you would prefer me to ask there first I will
2 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem I forgot to ping you on the first message so you probably haven't seen this. (If you already saw this I apologize for pinging you unnecessarily)
1 hour later…
@WheatWizard Yeah sure, ask ahead! I'm about to go bed now, and I'll be pretty busy tomorrow, but I'll try to answer any questions you have
10 hours later…
Ah well I went to sleep about 2 minutes before you responded
but here it goes anyway
1) If a language only has binary I/O can we output the year in binary?
e.g. Brainbool
2) If a language only has graphical I/O can we output the year as a image file?
e.g. Paintfuck
2 hours later…
@WheatWizard You shouldve pinged me, otherwise I probably won't see it. :D
@DJMcMayhem Sorry I keep forgetting
If that's really the only way to do output, I don't see any reason why not. Of course, you should probably mention something about it in your answer
@DJMcMayhem ok thanks
@DJMcMayhem My next question is a little more specific
the braincopter interpreter takes visual input in the form of a .png image while Piet takes input in a .ppm image. Is it ok to make my polyglot a .ppm that would run in braincopter if converted to a .png.
Are the bytes the same?
@DJMcMayhem no they get changed in the conversion
Probably not then
braincopter is not specific to .png but the interpreter is
ok then
If I made my own interpreter that followed the spec of the language would that be ok?
You know, that's seems perfectly reasonable to me, but I think it would technically make the answer non-competing. :/
Now I'm really curious to see what you do
ok I am writing it up now it should be up today I think.
Cool. :)

last day (15 days later) »