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@MartinSleziak i agree your answer to How to search on this site? would be a good entry point for new users. Also, my search engine gets down sometimes..
@WeiZhong It seems that Xander Henderson edited that post a bit: math.meta.stackexchange.com/posts/33508/revisions
> In addition to the built-in searchbar (which has some more powerful options), you may also want to consider using the advice given in the question How to search on this site?. The math-aware search engine approach0 may also be useful.
Your last message seems rather pessimistic. :-(
great! your list should be definitely the first place for a general guidance.
i am more confident on the existence of MSE than betting on my side project :P sad but true.
Well, I still do hope that A0 will survive for some time. I consider it to be very useful.
I suppose that none of the fundraising attempts (if that's the correct world) really worked. IIRC the one which was mentioned mods recently was some kind of sponsorship via github?
thank you, i am doing a CS degree with it, so as long as i do not quit, it will exist for one or two years at least.
Jun 1 '20 at 5:39, by Wei Zhong
My Github sponsor account is just approved, here is my sponsor page: https://github.com/sponsors/t-k- Note that you may need to register a Gihub account to pay any amount. Also, Github sponsorship accepts paypal and credit cards, however, be aware that it is monthly subscription.
it is ok @MartinSleziak, fundraising is not my focus right now.
my research is paid, and i am improving the software, it is fun. I will appreciate the time i spend on it.
later if i am working on something else. I am sure i am going to open source everything and people can host it their own version. It is not going to be wasted i promise.
recently there are more research groups showing up in math-aware retrieval, and a new retrieval competition ARQMath is hosted by my prev advisor (i am also participating this year), i think more tools will come out, the system is going to be better and better.
right, fun fact, i suggested to use MSE as a dataset for research. ARQMath means Answer Retrieval for Questions on Math.
this year questions actually sample posts from MSE during 2020 year.
you can view the complete HTML questions here: drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/…
I will have to go. Have a nice day!
2 hours later…
@MartinSleziak you too Martin.

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