By the way, I've noticed that index of Approach0 does not seem to be updating automatically, (for example I can't find posts from earlier of this year). I guess that is something that we do not want to rely on manual update if possible?
Also I have created issue on github that serves as a feature request for adding filter by source (AoPS/MSE/...) github.com/approach0/search-engine/issues/29 . Not saying there will be anyone to implement this, but still I think this is an important feature not to be forgotten.
@Sil Hi Sil, if you have noticed it, recently I have pushed a few Docker files to Approach0 private repo, I am actually working on the idea to use Docker swarm to automate the indexing and improve its service avaiability and throughput. It is a dreadful process though, I need to write many new scripts to make this happen. But I hope it will worth the efforts, since as you have all noticed, it has been far more than one month that A0 index has not been manually updated.
Sure. Given my limited time, I really need some serious but managable system to do all the automations without me intervention maunally.
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Transcript for
Sep '2022
In the search of a question
When you are looking for a specific question (using Approach0 ...